Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Armrestling: training of hands. Recommendations

In order to seriously engage in this sport, first of all, it is necessary to increase the level of general physical fitness by performing basic exercises (bench press, squat, stanovaya). This will greatly help to take the body the right shape and condition. Only after completing the above task can you go to special exercises, which is rich in arm-wrestling. The program of the training process is mainly based on wrist, forearm and biceps, because in this sport they perform the basic explosive function.

The study of biceps

Many people who visit the gym know a few exercises for the biceps, but not everyone manages to make the program in such a way as to effectively pump this muscle group. This is due primarily to the specificity of the biceps, which is very quickly restored after physical exertion. Therefore, it is very important to perform all exercises as intensively as possible, with minimal time for rest. The training program for arm-wrestling should include the following exercises:

  1. Lifting the bar to the biceps while standing. One of the most important exercises, to the maximum load the muscles of the hands. The number of approaches should not be less than four (4-5).
  2. Lifting dumbbells to the biceps while sitting. Here it is important to observe the correct technique of implementation - the slower and slower the exercise, the better and faster the injection. In another way, this approach is called concentrated.
  3. Lifting the bar to the biceps sitting in the Scott bench. This exercise is good because it makes it impossible to help yourself lift the weight with your feet or back. All hope remains in your hands. This, by the way, is one of the principles on which the entire arm-wrestling is built. Training biceps should include 3-4 exercises for 4-5 approaches.

Exercises on the forearm and wrist

By the way, arm wrestling invented a lot of new exercises, with the help of which it became possible to effectively work out this group of muscles. So here is where to choose and build your own program. Rises and jerks to the forearms - the main exercises that represent arm-wrestling. Training for this group of muscles should look something like this:

  1. Raising the bar on the forearm while sitting. The most important thing in this exercise, and in all arm-wrestling, is the technique of execution. The forearms should lie completely on their feet, and the wrists slightly hang from the knees. The palms are looking up, the bar starts to move from top to bottom, until it does not hold in the compressed hand, but at the fingertips. Then you need to return it to its original position, which will also take a lot of effort and diligence.
  2. Lifting the bar to the forearm with a back grip or behind your back. Similar to the first exercise, only here the palms are already looking at the floor.

Wrist can also be worked with dumbbells, equipped with small weights. The whole essence of the exercise is to slowly and smoothly perform twisting in the brush. But here you also need to be careful and not overdo it. Forearms and wrists are one of the most important muscle groups that are armwrestling. Training should be designed in such a way as to effectively work out all parts of the hands, eliminating weak areas by pumping them. Thus, training is more focused on the hands, but this does not mean that other muscle groups are excluded from the program. Armrestling - training at home - is it possible? Naturally! Having at least one dumbbell (you can have a weight) and one elastic bandage, you can come up with a bunch of exercises for the development of forearms and wrists.

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