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Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "In Memory of Dobrolyubov". What did Nikolai Alekseevich write about?

ON. Nekrasov "In memory of Dobrolubov" wrote in 1864. This poem refers to the martyrology, which was created by Nikolai Alekseevich, dedicated to the memory of close acquaintances. In addition to the above-mentioned work, "In memory of a friend" (written in 1853 and dedicated to Belinsky), "Do not weep so madly over him" (inspired by the unexpected death of Pisarev, who, under strange circumstances, drowned, 1868), "To Shevchenko's death" (Year of establishment - 1861). In this article, we will analyze the poem Nekrasov "In memory of Dobrolubov."

Death of heroes of the martyrology

Prematurely died heroes of all the works listed above: at 37 years - Belinsky, 47 - Shevchenko, 25 - Dobrolyubov, 28 - Pisarev. The death of each of them is therefore interpreted by Nikolai Alekseevich not as a consequence of tragic accident or illness. This is a real death, committed for our country, for our people, for our love for our neighbors. An analysis of Nekrasov's poem "In Memory of Dobrolyubov" proves this.

Dobrolyubov in the life of Nekrasov

Dobrolyubov Nikolai Alexandrovich - one of the Nekrasov "martyrs." The years of his life are 1836-1861. This man is a famous literary critic. He created very perceptive and vivid articles about the works of Goncharov, Turgenev, Ostrovsky. Nekrasov and Dobrolyubov associated friendly relations. Nikolai Alexandrovich in the last years of his life was the leading publicist of Nekrasov's "Contemporary."

He lived in a neighboring apartment, he came almost daily to dinner with the writer, even worked in his rooms over his articles.

What did Nekrasov want to express first of all in this poem?

In 1861 Dobrolyubov died. The poem dedicated to him was written three years after his death. Therefore, therefore, not only did the living grief of the deceased lead. After three years, she must inevitably become dull. There was another artistic purpose. About this poem the author himself says that he did not primarily concern himself with the truth of the fact, but wanted to express the ideal of a public figure, cherished at one time by Dobrolyubov. It is very important for us that this recognition of Nikolai Alekseevich. Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "In Memory of Dobrolyubov" should be based on this thought. The poet admits openly that he did not create a portrait, but wrote an icon. In the poem, through the real features of Nicholas Alexandrovich, the radiance of his ideal shines through.

New "holy" type

In Russian culture, a moral ideal, quite definite, of course, existed for a long time. It was developed by the centuries of the Christian (Orthodox - in Russia) church and incarnated in the congregation of saints. However, for the intelligentsia of the 1860s, atheistically minded, long lost its Christian sanctity its guiding meaning, its appeal. Before Nikolai Alekseevich, the task was to describe a new "holy" type, a life pattern that could become a reference point for people belonging to the new formation. This sample - the main theme of the poem "The Memory of Dobrolubov."

Nekrasov, when forming his new poetic system, used many elements inherent in the old. He turned, expressing in the work "the ideal of a public figure", to images in Russian culture already existing. The poet spoke in a language familiar to readers.

Sorrow of Nekrasov

A deeply intimate, personal feeling of a citizen-fighter fills this work. Our analysis of Nekrasov's poem "The Memory of Dobrolubov" confirms this. The poet in the first lines seems to restrain his own feelings: courageous, severe grief sounds only in subtext. It is expressed in that, referring to Dobrolyubov, as a living, telling his friend "you", Nekrasov uses at the same time the past time (in the line "you were harsh ..."). However, the brighter the image of the deceased, the more tragic the feeling of irrecoverable loss.

Enumeration of virtues

Nikolai Alekseevich lists the main Christian virtues in the work "Dobrolubov's Memory". This verse describes them in idiomatic language. It is a struggle against worldly pleasures, with passions, voluntary asceticism, the conversion of hearts, preaching, service to the homeland, and at the end of life - martyrdom. However, the Christian traits of Nikolai Alekseevich are filled with a different meaning, since it's not God, but his motherland is in the center of the poetic world, which describes Nekrasov ("Dobroliubov's Memory"). The poem thus acquires artistic novelty.

Public figure - prophet

The poet hints at Nikolai Alexandrovich's prophetic gift - "prophetic pen" from him. Mythologeme "prophet - the ideal of a public figure" will later be detailed in the non-Marx poem "NG Chernyshevsky (Prophet)", written in 1874.

Well known at that time was the image of the prophet of Russian poetry, however, the poet was assigned his functions. Times have now changed. Nekrasov wrote at the end of his poem famous lines about the fact that a poet can not be, but must be a citizen.

Nikolay Alekseevich, continuing the life tradition, also concerns the posthumous fate, the memory of Dobrolyubov. The verse dedicated to him praises the ideal described by the author. Nekrasov writes that Dobrolyubov "went very high" through the years when "passions have subsided." The author leads the inertia of Christian images to the belief in the immortality of this man - a paradoxical result.

The last two lines of this work became winged. They were often repeated by VI. Lenin. This leader made them an epigraph to the article, which is dedicated to the memory of F. Engels. And in our day they can be heard when the grief of the death of a great man is expressed. With the peculiar to this poet laconism, Nekrasov managed to express his pride in the patriot who gave his homeland life and a sense of pain.

This is a brief description of the work that Nekrasov created ("Dobroliubov's Memory"). This verse is now included in the school program on literature.

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