
Althaea officinalis

Althaea (Latin Althaea Offcinalis) is a medicinal plant of the genus of perennial herbaceous plants. In the people, the marshmallow medicinal is also called by other names, the most common of which are the mallow, slime-grass, bales, dog's face and others. This plant is widespread in Europe, America, Asia, namely in their forest-steppe and steppe zones. As a rule, the plant is found on the shores of lakes and rivers and in meadows.

In medicine, the root, leaves and flowers of the althaea are used. Thus, the pharmacy name depends on the part of the plant used: Althaeae radix - root of the althaea, Althaeae folium - leaves of the althaea and Althaeae flos - flowers of the althaea.

Botanical description, collection and procurement of medicinal marshmallow

Althaea officinalis is a perennial plant, reaching a height of one and a half meters. As a rule, two-year roots of the plant are harvested. If we talk about the leaves of the althea, it should be mentioned that they have petioles and characteristic white pubescence. In their sinuses bunches of pink or white large flowers sit. The plant blooms in the summer.

For medicinal purposes, as mentioned above, roots, leaves and flowers are used. The roots are collected in spring or autumn. Before use, make sure that the root is not stiffened, and that the side roots are cleaned of the cork layer. The root of the althaea has a specific smell and sweet taste. Leaves and flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering. Recently, the seeds of althea have also been actively used to produce oil.

Althaea medicinal: application and medicinal properties

As a medicinal plant altey is popular since ancient times. A feature of its use in medicine is that its use has not changed, despite the passage of time and innovation in healing. In inflammatory processes, mucus relieves irritation in the intestines and stomach, on the skin and mucous membranes of the throat and mouth. Drugs contained in mucus, excellent help against coughing, making it easier to move away from sputum and removing irritation.

Tea from the root of this plant is excellent for pain in the stomach and with diarrhea. Such a drink with honey will help cough, soften coughing attacks with asthma, emphysema and pneumoconiosis, improve the condition of inflamed gums, mucous throat and mouth.

Althaea officinalis produces mucus, which lays a protective layer on sensitive or irritated areas and ensures their rapid healing. Hot lotions with carbuncles and boils also contribute to their faster maturation. By the way, mallow during pregnancy is also used actively, since it is not able to influence its course.

Recipes of tea and syrup from the root and leaves of the althea

Tea from the root of the althea should be prepared so that the starch contained in it does not become a paste.

- To make tea from the root, you should fill with cold water two teaspoons of finely chopped root and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then shake it and drain it with gauze. Tea is heated and drunk immediately with small sips.

- Tea made from the leaves of the althea is prepared somewhat differently. The leaves are poured hot water and infused for ten minutes. When you cough, you can sweeten the drink with honey. In the case of a violation of the work of the stomach or intestine, drinking is better not sweet. Tea from leaves is often used for lotions and rinses.

- The althaea syrup was once actively used against coughing. To him, you can add a little anise oil, while getting a good children's medicine from bronchitis. Unfortunately, the syrup is not stored for long. To prepare this medicine on your own, you will need 2 g of crushed root. It is placed on the filter and filled with a mixture of wine alcohol and water. The flowing liquid must be collected and filled with marshmallows. So it is necessary to do until about 40 ml of liquid is formed. Then sugar is added to it. The substance is heated until the sugar dissolves.

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