
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Quotes and aphorisms

Suvorov, whose quotes have not lost their relevance in the modern world, is the hero of Russia. A brilliant theorist of military affairs, he served as Generalissimo of both land and sea troops.

The son of his father

Alexander's father, Vasily Ivanovich, was the godchild of Tsar Peter. Grandfather, Ivan Grigoryevich, served as a clerk, but the great emperor awarded Vasily the rank of general for his services to his homeland. It was in such a family where military order was honored by the father, as well as loyalty to the sovereign, and the talented commander Suvorov grew up. Citations belonging to Alexander, accurately determine some of his character traits.

  • "Discipline is the first sign of victory."
  • "Politics is a rotten affair."
  • "The more comfortable for you, the more cowardice in you grows."
  • "I'm Russian! What happiness!".
  • "A mortal man may even be an executioner."
  • "Great adventures begin, as usual."
  • "Always people cast out the true virtue."

Courage is born in childhood

As a child, Alexander was often sick, was a weak boy. Upset son, the father began to look for a civil case by the age of 12. And then he first stumbled upon the solid character of the future general. The younger Suvorov, whose quotes of bravery can be found in any historical chronicles, showed a strong desire to study military art.

  • "The brave lives longer, and the bold head aims."
  • "Frightened - that's half the victory!".
  • "If you do not fear death - laugh at the enemy".
  • "Silly courage will not give victory, and you mix it with military cunning, then it can be called a martial art."
  • "Russian feats are louder than words."
  • "It's not so scary to go to meet the danger, how to wait for it in one place."

Alexander Suvorov. Quotes about the service and negligent commanders

In 1742 he was admitted to the Semenov regiment as a simple musketeer. For 6 years of service in practice, Suvorov learned military science and at the same time attended classes in the Land Corps, where he studied foreign languages. General Petrushevsky (a military historian), talking about Alexander Vasilievich, often appealed one case.

Standing in Peterhof on a watch, the cadet was seen walking near the Empress Elizabeth. She approached, asked how he was called, who the father was, said that she knew Vasily Ivanovich, then she handed the young man a silver ruble. To which Alexander clearly replied: "Charter, my mother, does not allow you to take money sentry!". The Empress praised and left a coin in the grass. Suvorov, whose quotes betray his intolerance of the intervention of monarchs in military actions, kept this ruble as a talisman all his life.

  • "Two housewives in one kitchen - no dinner".
  • "You extinguish the fire with someone else's hands, and then you'll burn your own."
  • "Who can be a good first, becoming the second - talent loses."
  • "The commander does not have to lead a war on paper, but to look at the soldiers with his own eyes."
  • "Money can do a lot, but a person is even more. And the most precious is time."
  • "The whole world is not worth one drop of the soldier's blood, which is shed in vain."
  • "Happiness is happiness, but the skill will not hurt."

Swift Commander

The tactics of lightning movement Suvorov began to develop in 1761, when under the leadership of General Berg headed hussar, Cossack and dragoon detachments. Constant attacks on the Prussian troops, unexpected and rapid raids showed the true talent of the commander. Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich, quotes about the speed of the offensive and the adoption of decisions which sound like useful lessons, at that moment forced General Platen to retreat.

  • "Do not carry too much, do not carry carts." Lightly overtake the enemy and take his own bread from him. "
  • "I do not ask fast or quiet marches, I say: go ahead! And my eagles fly!".
  • "Speed benefits bring, and haste benefits surpasses."
  • "Go ahead, look for the road that you will return."
  • "Standing still, you can not take a city".
  • "There, where the mouse has passed - the Russian soldier will pass, and where the elk has nowhere to go, the Russian boot will not get wet."

Alexander Suvorov. Quotes, aphorisms about the war

In 1789, Suvorov received the earl's dignity for his services. The enemy was afraid of his mind and luck. Random people spread rumors about the eccentricities and savagery of the Russian general after only meeting him. But colleagues and colleagues liked for unbridled courage and the ability to strategically think. For his soldiers, he was a "father of his own," who would praise and scold, and most importantly "will not ruin for nothing". Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich, whose quotes are taken from his book Science to Win, will forever be remembered as the greatest generalissimo of Russia of the 18th century.

  • "The trick is not only in the ability to deceive the enemy, but also in spreading rumors about his cunning." Let him think more and less acts. "
  • "God is our true general, pray, and He will give you victory."
  • "The less you feel sorry for yourself and the enemy, the faster you will win."
  • "The closer the goal, the easier it is to reach it."
  • "Do not let hate into your mind." It's hard to get out of this fog. "
  • "A lot of soldiers are good, but skillful ones are better."
  • "Defend a comrade in war, even with your own chest."
  • "The best medicine is a hunger strike."
  • "Although a hundred times in the mind of the problem to solve, but practice does not interfere."

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