EducationInternational research

10 most valuable working skills, which will be in demand in 2020

2020 is a beautiful and magical figure, is not it? However, this date is not far off. Scientists of the Institute of the Future undertook to predict what working skills will become the most in demand in the near future. This information will be useful for graduates of schools and their parents. It remains 5 years to make the right choice in favor of this or that institution.

We will make a reservation in advance that speech in our topic will not go about rapidly developing IT communications or management, it will be about basic skills. The studies were conducted on the basis of an analysis of current trends in the labor market.

Characteristic trends

For starters, let's look in the near future for the forecasted retirement age. It's no secret that most of the modern workers working in the intellectual sphere are not eager to finish their careers after reaching the official retirement age. Work is what many are going to do for as long as they can.

What does this trend indicate? Together with the increase in the total length of service, specialists will need constant training, additional training and mastering new skills. In this regard, the prospect of career growth in the usual sense for us is becoming questionable.

Automation of workplaces and the flourishing of intelligent systems

The dependence of a person on information technology is increasingly being traced. Many standard tasks that were previously performed by people manually, now perform computing mechanisms in a matter of seconds. This simplifies the workflow, but leads to a reduction in the number of staff. Desolate technologies drive people out of the workplace, and this trend will continue to grow rapidly.


Recently, mechanical work has been carried over to the least developed countries everywhere. The term "globalization" for several decades. However, to date, this trend has already reached its peak, and after a while there will be a drop in its pace. Soon people will increasingly look for contractors and business partners in other countries. And if now such cooperation is hindered by the existence of a language barrier and state restrictions, in the near future the role of these obstacles will be significantly reduced.

So what skills will be decisive when hiring after 5 years?

Understanding the semantic symbols

Machines are capable of processing information without understanding the subscript and deep meaning. People have a huge advantage in this regard. In the near future, a person will benefit from the skill of extraordinary thinking, which will have the opportunity to create exclusive unique ideas. That is why the creation of artificial intelligence is seen beyond reality.

Adaptive thinking

Another skill that is not subject to machines, will also be in demand. If a person is able to direct the flow of his thinking beyond the limits of given trajectories, he will not have a price like an employee. A person who knows how to think in critical non-standard situations will always find a place.

Social skills

This position is understood as interpersonal communication with the benefit for your company. It is important for a good employee to benefit from communication, to feel the mood of the interlocutors, and if possible to direct their desires in the right direction. People with social intelligence skills are good at negotiating. For them it is not difficult to react in time to emotions, and in case of need to adapt to the interlocutor. It is very important to have a knowledge of the body language, read the gestures of opponents, and apply these skills to force people to make the right decision.

Ability to filter information

It is important for an ideal employee to be able to absorb the necessary information into his consciousness, searching for it among the general flow. The modern information block is too clogged with unnecessary nuances, and finding a needle in a haystack is a task that only trained mind can cope with.

Also, modern people should focus on obtaining such skills as:

  • Ability to communicate with business partners regardless of their cultural background. It means studying the mentality of the inhabitants of other countries.
  • The ability to compress large amounts of information, highlighting the main thing.
  • Development of information content for managing consumer desires.
  • Do not limit yourself to the skills of narrow specialization, being a multidisciplinary specialist.
  • Mastering project thinking.
  • Ability to work remotely, successfully cooperating with a virtual team.

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