
After the DPT vaccination in the child, the cone on the leg

DTP vaccination is a standard procedure that is conducted in each clinic. The task of such vaccination is to protect the child's organism from exposure to a specific list of viruses, including diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Most often, the vaccination does not cause any special complications. But there are exceptions. In some cases, after a DPT vaccination in a child, a cone and redness appear. In this case, the baby can feel itching, pain and discomfort. Why is this happening? What to do if there is a lump after the DPT vaccination in a child?

What complications can there be?

According to experts, the densification that appears after vaccination is not dangerous. The cone arising after the DPT vaccination in a child must pass independently. However, in some cases, the compaction has a pronounced character and can cause a feeling of discomfort. In addition, the child may be concerned about the pain in the place where the injection was made. Often in this scenario, the baby raises the temperature. All signs begin to indicate the development of a very serious disease - poliomyelitis.

If symptoms such as inflammation, fever, lumpiness, and redness occur, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Similar signs indicate the development of complications.


A cone after a DPT in a child is the result of infiltration. A similar phenomenon often occurs after an injection. It takes a little time for the medicine to resolve. Naturally, after the injection, there will be a condensation.

If the drug has got into adipose tissue, then a tubercle can form under the skin. As a rule, DPT is only given to the muscle. However, it is not uncommon for the vaccine to enter the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, the resorption of the drug is significantly slowed down. In this case, pain can occur, as well as redness that disturbs the baby. These are not the worst consequences. After the DPT vaccination, development of more serious complications is not ruled out.

Combination of several vaccinations

Very often the DTP vaccine is done simultaneously with the vaccination against poliomyelitis. They coincide in time. For this reason, it can not only appear on the child's leg after the DPT vaccination. Komarovsky argues that a polio vaccine can also have a negative impact on the baby's condition. If the doctor combines two inoculations into one injection, the child may have inflammation and densification. In this case, the crumb can be:

  1. Elevated body temperature.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. General malaise, weakness.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Decreased or loss of appetite.

Seal with pus

What to do if a cone with pus was formed after a DPT vaccination in a child? A similar phenomenon occurs when several vaccines are combined. In such cases, the patient develops an abscess. Most often this is due to non-compliance with sanitation standards. Inflammation begins because of an infection that could get into the wound at the injection site. In this case, under the skin of the baby there is a cone, inside of which pus accumulates. This seal does not resolve itself. In this case, treatment is required. Parents should show their child to the doctor.

When an abscess occurs, antibiotics are usually prescribed. What if the cone does not disappear after the DPT vaccination? Komarovsky recommends that the child in any case show the doctor. If the seal is large, and antibiotics do not help, then therapy in this situation is carried out by opening the cone. This is done to remove pus. Most often, after a similar procedure, the child is quickly restored. This cone does not hurt and gradually disappears.

A cone after a DPT in a child: treatment

The seal that has arisen on the site of the injection can last up to two weeks. Reduce the size of the bump, as well as relieve the pain can be a simple means. For this iodine is suitable. It is enough to make a mesh in the place where the compaction was formed.

Also, when a cone appears on the leg, dry heat can be applied. To do this, you can use hot salt or a conventional heating pad. But the best way to prevent negative consequences is prevention. The child should be prepared for the procedure. Parents should ensure that all sanitary standards are observed when the drug is administered. Otherwise serious complications can arise. After the introduction of the vaccine, you should closely monitor the baby's condition. In particular, for the temperature of his body. Remember, wetting the place of injection is not recommended.

In some cases, after the vaccination, there are other complications, including an allergic reaction. It can manifest as a rash, swelling of the tissues and redness, and also cause anaphylactic shock. The first signs of an allergy become noticeable after an hour or two after the administration of the drug. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child after DPT vaccination.

Ointments from cones

If the child has a lump and redness, then you can eliminate discomfort with special ointments. If necessary, the drug "Troxevasin" can be applied to the site of the injection. Ointment promotes resorption of the cone, which arose after inoculation, and allows you to quickly remove redness and pain.

If the vaccine is not in the muscles, but in the fatty layer, then the place of administration of the drug should be smeared with the "Escuzan" ointment. This drug allows you to increase blood circulation, which, in turn, promotes an early resorption of the cone.

If the above drugs in the pharmacy was not found, then you can use "Fenistil". This drug also removes redness, removes pain and promotes resorption of the seal. In addition, the ointment has a wound-healing property.

Other medicines

If ointments do not help, then the cone on the child's leg after the DPT vaccine, the photo of which is presented above, was formed because of the bacteria that got under the skin when the vaccine was administered. In this case, you should show the baby to the doctor. Most often, experts prescribe drugs that have antiseptic properties. Such funds are aimed at fighting inflammation, redness and other complications.

If, as a result of vaccination, the child has an allergic reaction, the doctor should prescribe an antihistamine. Most often used drug "Tavegil", "Zodak" and others.

Is it worth using folk remedies

If there is a lump on the leg in a child after the DTP vaccination, then it is possible to conduct several procedures with the use of nontraditional medicine. However, it should be taken into account that self-medication can significantly aggravate the condition of the crumbs. Therefore, experts do not recommend doing compresses and lotions without first consulting. This can lead to the onset of the inflammatory process and the accumulation of pus in the wound.

Recipes of Alternative Medicine

Cope with the bump, formed after vaccination, can help funds prepared by grandmother's prescription. Apply them only after consulting a doctor. Most experts recommend that they apply a leaf of cabbage to the seal. Thanks to this, the bump can resolve.

Also as a lotion you can use a yolk of chicken eggs, mixed with honey, flour and butter. Of these, you need to make a dough. For cooking, you need only a tablespoon of butter. The resulting mass must be applied to the cone. After some time, the compaction will begin to gradually resolve.

If there are any complications after the vaccination, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the doctor. Self-medication in some cases can only aggravate the condition of the baby.

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