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Adolescent suicide: causes and methods of prevention

Statistics of adolescent suicide in Russia is disappointing. Our country is the fourth in the world in this indicator. The first three divide between India, China and America. For example, in 2013, according to statistics, 20 people out of 100 thousand voluntarily left their lives. Children-teen suicides have an uneven prevalence. In the Chukotka Autonomous District, for example, the statistics of teenage suicides is 255 people per 100 thousand of the population, while in Chechnya this figure is 2.3 for a similar number.

For two months in Moscow, an average of about 180-240 attempts of adolescent suicide are registered. On the day, medical workers take 3-4 calls related to juvenile suicide.

The causes of suicide in adolescents

Unresolved conflicts at home, financial problems, loss of a loved one, and alcohol and drug abuse - this number of reasons is usually characteristic of adults who have decided to commit suicide. Adolescence has a few other characteristics. Often this is an unrequited love or a misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. 75% of teenage suicides have incomplete families, often this number includes orphans.

However, alcoholism and drug addiction can also be the cause of teenage suicide . In a state of withdrawal, or abstinence, when severe physical pain and depression are felt, the previously planned plan for passing out of life is usually embodied. Psychotherapists argue that the idea of suicide very rarely arises spontaneously. Most often it happens that a person for a long time considering ways to commit suicide.

Suicide in the teenage environment has its own factors. Problems with studying, communicating with peers, detachment of parents - all this day after day worsens the mental state of children. Stress is summarized. Teenagers begin to feel that if the present and the past do not bring any joy, then their future will similarly develop.

Indirect causes

Such factors as the political situation and the economic crisis in the country, strangely enough, also have an impact on the state of adolescents. Due to the increased level of anxiety of parents, children also begin to experience psychoemotional difficulties, to some extent deprived of the support of adults who are powerless before the circumstances. Thus, the mental state of adults also has an effect on adolescent suicide. Statistics show that the propensity to suicide depends on the sex. Among the girls this figure is 8 people per 100 thousand population, among the boys - 33 people.

What teenagers are prone to suicide

It is necessary to pay attention to the following risk factors, especially if a teenager is threatened by several of them:

  1. Suicide in family history. If one of the relatives of an adolescent ends his life of his own free will, this increases the overall suicidal risk among the other members of the family.
  2. Dependence on alcohol. Alcoholism is another factor that provokes teenage suicide. Russia ranks fifth in the world in terms of consumption of alcohol, however, these data are considered underreported at the expense of the shadow turnover. This dependence provokes chemical changes in the central nervous system. Due to these disorders, adolescents, as well as adults, develop a depressive state, the level of anxiety significantly increases.
  3. Addiction. Drugs, especially their use with alcohol, are a deadly factor. Man loses control over himself, ceases to be aware of his motives and needs. Increased depression can go into a psychotic state.
  4. Unfinished attempt to escape from life in the past. About a third of adolescents who tried to commit suicide in the past, then bring suicide to the end.
  5. The presence of mental illness, as well as neurotic tendencies.
  6. Hints of suicide.

Loss and suicide

A serious loss can lead to depression and suicide. Teenage character is characterized by maximalism: for example, love can seem to the "little adult" last in his life. This must be understood, and also take the teenager's personality seriously. Other losses can be associated with the loss of physical health, a loved one. In all cases, a teenager is seized not only by depression, but also by rage and anger.

Set of conditions

It should be noted that very rarely, only one of these factors pushes an unsettled individual to suicide. Adolescence is a transitional one, and one must remember that in it everyone is perceived especially acutely. Despite the fact that belonging to a risk group does not always mean a mandatory committing suicide, relatives, teachers and friends need to be very careful about their availability. Adolescent suicide is a situation that requires intervention from the outside. Children need a person who is able to change the situation and help them when they hear the cry of the soul.

Symptoms by which you can identify possible suicide

  1. Eating disorders: complete lack of appetite or, conversely, uncontrolled overeating.
  2. Disdainful attitude towards one's own appearance: for example, untidiness in clothes for several days.
  3. Complaints about physical condition: migraine or abdominal pain.
  4. Lack of pleasure from the activities that used to bring joy. A sense of boredom or apathy.
  5. The incessant sense of guilt, total loneliness.
  6. Deterioration of concentration of attention.
  7. Spitfire, frequent angry reactions for minor reasons.

Diagnosis of adolescent suicide

The vast majority of adolescents somehow give the environment know about their plans. The very act of suicide is the final stage, when the cup of patience is already full. This is preceded by a certain period of time, when a teenager under the pressure of circumstances thinks about suicide, directly or indirectly letting parents and others know about it.

Preventive measures

Adolescents who, on one or more grounds, tend to suicide, need long-term psychotherapeutic care. Special importance in preventing the withdrawal from the life of minors at will has a timely diagnosis from others. Disregard for alarm signals can be fatal for a teenager.

It is also very important to analyze those factors that will help to keep a person from a terrible step. The first condition is the absence of mental disorders. Other factors are as follows:

  1. An atmosphere of mutual help and understanding in the family.
  2. Cultural values of adolescents, for which committing a suicide is unacceptable.
  3. Strengthening the strengths of the character. Such an Achilles heel can serve, for example, excessive sensitivity and vulnerability. If a teenager has a vulnerability in any area, targeted psychotherapy of this trait is necessary.

Depression and suicide

The problem of teenage suicide is closely related to depression. Suicidality has many of the signs inherent in the classical depressive state. The latter does not necessarily mean that a person is on the verge of suicide. But the pre-suicidal condition is characterized by depression. Those classes that previously brought the teenager pleasure, stop to please him. Life loses its colors and becomes tasteless. In other words, the "pleasure button" breaks down. Other signals that characterize depression are motor retardation, sleep disturbances, a feeling of being useless, a constant sense of guilt, even sin.

A person can either remain silent for a long time, or, conversely, suddenly become talkative. His speech consists of complaints, requests for help.

Prevention of adolescent suicide

Suicide is a person's reaction to those circumstances in which life became impossible for him. The reasons for suicide are always different, and more often than not an individual has several. But such an act is always a consequence of the fact that the conditions in which a person lived became more and more subjective to him unbearable. Teenagers always let know about this: more than 70% of them somehow bring their intentions to the attention of other people. It can be both seemingly completely absurd hints, and quite obvious statements.

Suicide in adolescence is largely prevented by a strategy similar to adult psychotherapy. Correction of behavior involves the application of different approaches. First, it is work to increase self-esteem, help in developing an adequate attitude to yourself. It is necessary to teach the teenager to cope with stress, to find new motivation for life, achievements, and also to replace the so-called significant others. In other words, it is necessary, if possible, to fill those voids that push a person to suicide. A teenage psychologist - sometimes this is a specialist, which also really is a necessity. Therefore, among other things, do not neglect the possibility of providing professional support.

Communication with a teenager

Sometimes relatives of a potential suicidal person can demonstrate this behavior, which only aggravates the state of the adolescent. And they can do it with the best intentions. For example, the unwillingness to discuss this problem or resort to the dogmas and prohibitions on this account in religion. This only increases the feeling of guilt and misunderstanding.

It should be borne in mind that those who think about suicide, whether teenagers or adults, are in very difficult emotional condition. Wine, sadness, anger, aggression, fear - all this vicious emotional coil needs, at least, to be noticed. But often the family and the environment focus their attention on these depressive manifestations, they are indignant at how they behave and what the teenager says. Therefore, he does not receive support even from those who seemingly must come to the rescue first.

Adolescent suicide: steps to prevent

  1. It is necessary to accept the very fact that a teenager can make such a decision. Sometimes people are afraid to exaggerate the risk of suicide. But even if they make such a mistake, it will be nothing compared to the lost life of a teenager. Therefore, you need to accept it as a person, to allow the very possibility that this maturing person is in principle capable of doing such an act. Do not assume that if anyone decided to commit suicide, no one can stop him. The temptation to think so very much. But every day hundreds of people around the world are leaving their lives voluntarily, although they could be stopped.
  2. It is necessary to establish a warm and confidential relationship with the child. Solving all the problems that pushed a person to suicide is impossible. But by accepting it as it is, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a terrible deed. Do not try to teach the life of a "small adult" and moralize. Much more he needs love, care and attention, expressed both verbally, and in the form of embraces, touches, smiles. Caring is what will help the anxious and desperate individual to feel comfortable again.
  3. The teenager needs to be listened to. Often he wants to express his feelings, all the emotional pain that has accumulated in him. By his behavior, he demonstrates what he would like to say out loud: "I no longer have anything of value - the one for which you can still live." Communication with a potential suicide, especially a teenager, can be difficult. But it must be remembered that it is difficult because of this inclination, because a teenager can no longer concentrate on anything other than his own spiritual pain.
  4. Search for the root causes of possible suicide. It is necessary not only to support the teenager and take care of him, but also to notice signs of suicidal behavior. If the speech involves threats to take scores with life, if he is alone and isolated from society, constantly feels unhappy, all this can be serious signs of a desire to leave this world.

Prevention of suicide in a teenage environment requires primarily the participation of adults, their ability to listen to a teenager and help him. The help should consist not in the teachings, but in the adolescent's acceptance, support, training in the search for alternatives. Attention to those signals that are characteristic of his behavior, will help to preserve human life.

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