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A unique phenomenon of fata morgana. What it is?

In October of this year, over the Chinese province, hundreds of local residents watched in the clouds outlines of the gigantic size of a ghost town. Thirty minutes of incredible spectacle made an indelible impression on all witnesses, later all the world's television channels showed a video in which the silhouette of modern skyscrapers was distinctly observed. The phenomenon of a floating heavenly metropolis is called a mirage. More precisely, this is a rare, but studied, its form, which will be discussed below.

Awesome phenomenon

Perhaps someone has already come across this phenomenon, bearing the beautiful name of fata morgana. What is it - we will consider now. There is a very complex form of optical phenomenon, in which the most distant objects become visible, but distorted, like a changing picture. Fata Morgana is not just a mirage, it's its kind, not standing still, but moving and changing the angle of its refraction. This phenomenon can be called an air lens, inside which there is a spectator and the illusion itself. And the observer will never approach the projected object, as the mirage moves along with the progress.

Legend of the ghost ship

There is one famous legend, reflecting the natural phenomenon and narrating about the frightening seamen's ghost. The most famous vessel named "Flying Dutchman" has long been frightening to everyone who sees alongside a passing sailboat, which, according to legend, brings death. Allegedly, the captain of the ill-fated ghost was condemned to perpetual voyage in the stormy sea, and his ship always terrifies the oncoming ships, not responding to signals and instantly disappearing from sight. The sailors see the mirage of the fata morgan, unaware of this, and take the projection for a ghost sailer. If we talk about the vision from a scientific point of view, then thousands of miles from the illusion passes a ship optically approximated by a giant lens. By the way, there has never been a single identical description of the ghostly "Dutchman".

The phenomenon of fata morgana. What is it and how does it come about (according to ancient legends)?

A beautiful natural phenomenon, known since ancient times, gave rise to many legends. Traveling merchants told terrible stories about an evil sorceress luring into their networks with the beautiful name of Fata Morgan. Translating it word for word will sound like "fairy Morgan". And she received such a nickname in honor of the epic hero of the same name, a sister to King Arthur and experiencing the love drama of a rejected woman.

Legends say that in hot countries under the scorching sun the evil witch created with the help of magic amazing visions, pleasant to the eyes of tired merchants. On the horizon, exhausted travelers expected lush greenery and cool ponds. These fabulous in beauty aerial visions beckoned to their caravans, which, folding, perished in the hot desert. It was believed that this way the fairy avenges his grievances.

Explanations of scientists

The phenomenon of fata morgan is an unpredictable miracle of nature. Scientists-researchers know everything about mirages and explain to curious how they appear and disappear. To see them is a rare success, because not always and not everywhere are conditions created for their education. Optical illusion appears in the case of light reflection between different in density air layers, which are unevenly heated. Less often such effect is formed at an unusual distribution of air masses on a vertical.

Scientists believe that as a result of the play of light and air, the enlarged illusions of various objects in the air lens become visible, and an amazing picture of actually existing objects is observed on the horizon or above it. Phantom phenomena are documented on film and video to finally prove that this is not a game of imagination.

Now, after getting acquainted with the versions of scientists about the emergence of a mirage, it is possible to name the unusual phenomenon precisely the phrase fata morgana. We have already disassembled what it is, and it is clear that no fairy has anything to do with it, but the whole thing is in a moving atmospheric phenomenon, which most often arises in a hot climate, where the air layers differ in temperature. Warm air must necessarily be above the cold, and only such an atmospheric "pie" creates a giant lens, and sharp changes distort the light beam.

The Dangers of the Mirage

Fata Morgana is not only a complex optical phenomenon, but also a dangerous one. It is able to distort the size of projected objects, and each of the visible objects is refracted in its own way. There are cases when people and camel caravans were killed in the desert as a result of the fact that an experienced, seemingly guide, was deceived by the illusion of a nearby pond. As a result, the travelers lost their way and left in the opposite direction from the well. To avoid such cases, scientists have compiled a unique map of mirages, where they designated places for the appearance of ghost oases and even mountain ranges, so that no visions mislead travelers.

These are the main points that allow shedding light on a unique natural miracle called "fata morgana". What it is, we now know, and can distinguish it from the usual mirage. It seems that everyone who happens to encounter a unique phenomenon will have an unforgettable experience for life. The main thing is that this meeting is not dangerous for the viewer.

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