
A thin intestine ... And where it is thin - there also it is torn?

In fact, despite its name, this organ of the digestive system has sufficient strength. So, under the word "breaks", it can be meant, rather, damage to another plan - not physical, but functional. But to them the small intestine is subject to no less than other organs, and how otherwise, if we constantly load it with work, and often to a considerable extent we are hampered by it.

By the way, the small intestine is not so thin - from 3.75 to 5 cm in diameter, it was simply called "in contrast" with the large intestine. It represents a tube about 7.5 meters long, which is "folded" in numerous abdominal cavities. But the structure of the small intestine is not limited to a single tube - it is divided into three parts: the duodenum, small intestine and ileum. Each has its own purpose.

So, after processing in the stomach, the food gruel reflexively enters the small intestine. And this is done gradually, dosed. A powerful peristaltic wave opens a strong locking muscle - a kind of shutter at the exit from the stomach. This ensures a uniform flow of the process. Thus, a portion of the gruel is "thrown out" into the initial section of the small intestine-the duodenum. Although it is the shortest part - only 25-30 cm - but it is here that the most important digestive processes are concentrated. Food that has been processed in the stomach is abundantly mixed with gastric juice, the acid of which diligently neutralizes the enzymes produced by the wall of the duodenum, as well as those that are fed here from the pancreas. The gall bladder also contributes its contribution, which has its own entrance - through it comes the product of the liver - bile, which contributes to the digestion of fats. A mixture of intestinal and pancreatic juices with bile splits pieces of food into such minute particles that they will then be absorbed without problems by the body through the walls of the small intestine.

In the jejunum, whose length is about 3.5 meters, the process of enzyme action continues. The walls of this department, like the ileum, are equipped with millions of small villi, through which the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream takes place. The ileum is less important for them: from this department, calcium is supplied to the body, some minerals and vitamins, bile components and water. And already on the way out, after passing through the ileocecal canal, undigested remains of food are transferred to the large intestine.

In the small intestine, there are two types of movements: pendulum and peristaltic movements - they move food, on average, at a speed of 2 cm per minute. This work causes specific noises, which we call "rumbling of the stomach". Motor failure, along with various dyspepsia (impairments of normal activity) are just the most frequent ailments to which the small intestine is susceptible. Often, along with the stomach or large intestine, it is affected by gastoenteritis, enterocolitis and gastroenterocolitis. The inflammatory processes in this part of the digestive tract are caused by disorders of the secretory and motor functions of the "higher" departments, metabolic and circulatory disorders, allergic reactions and even unusual climatic influences.

Symptoms of the small intestine are mainly what we call abdominal pain (mostly dull pain in the navel), a feeling of heaviness, bloating or rumbling. Characteristic are also headaches and general weakness, decreased appetite and weight loss, sometimes there may come a nervous breakdown.

It should be remembered that the toxic effects of chemicals, drugs and low-quality products, as well as eating disorders, are most often caused by bowel diseases. Therefore, the best prevention is a reasonable approach to eating, giving up tobacco and alcohol and supplementing with supplements and vitamins.

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