HealthDiseases and Conditions

A couple of tips on how to knock down the temperature in an adult

Most often, the temperature is a symptom of colds. All, of course, know that at first it is not recommended to shoot down it, but if it has already passed beyond the level of 38, the body needs to be helped from the outside. What can be done? What sbitt the temperature of an adult?


The easiest way to get rid of temperature is to use medicines. What for this can be necessary? Tablets, such as "Aspirin" (can be combined with "Analgin"), "ColdFly", "Paracetamol." Powders help you very well, you just need to make a hot drink - Coldrex, Teraflu, etc. You can take other medications, but they should already be prescribed by a doctor, because the temperature is just a symptom of a certain disease. You should also try to cool the patient's body by applying cool compresses to it. As for rubbing, doctors still argue, you can do them or not. But one thing is for sure: you can not rub the patient's body with pure alcohol. It is best to dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio. The same should be done with vinegar. You can both soak the patient's body with this solution, and apply wraps - moisten the sheet in the mixture and wrap the patient. The temperature will subside in half an hour. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure in a half to two hours.


Answer the question: "What is the temperature of the adult knocked down?" Can help and traditional medicine. Moreover, she has enough money. So, in struggle against this problem the fake color is excellent. You need to brew a teaspoon of lime flowers for a glass of boiling water, insist all half an hour and drink, you can with honey. The temperature will drop after 20 minutes. More than knocked down the temperature of an adult? You can eat lemon or grapefruit. Citrus fruits will help to lower the temperature a little and at the same time will perfectly support immunity. At a temperature, grassy harvest from such plants as chamomile, cucumber, motherwort and hawthorn will help. All herbs should be mixed in equal proportions, take one teaspoon of the collection and pour a glass of boiling water. After several hours of infusion, the liquid is taken in. This infusion perfectly helps to cope with the temperature.

And how to knock down the temperature 39 adults? You can make an infusion of linden, willow bark, anise fruit and leaves of mother-and-stepmother. All herbs need to take a tablespoon, grind to a powdered state and pour boiling water, placing in a thermos bottle. Half an hour later, all this is filtered and taken a glass a couple of times a day.

In addition, there are other folk methods that help in the fight against temperature. What sbitt the temperature of an adult, if at hand did not find medicines and herbs? Many are accustomed to be treated with alcohol. In hot tea, you need to add a tablespoon of vodka or cognac, drink and go to bed. It is believed that this will work, and the temperature will drop. How to knock down the temperature of an adult person in another way? Some recommend drinking a glass of vodka, abundantly flavored with red hot pepper, and just go to bed, taking good shelter to sweat. The next morning, the temperature did not happen. However, it should be understood that this method belongs to the category of risky, and it is better to refrain from using it.

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