EducationSecondary education and schools

A conformist is who?

The society consists entirely of social groups. What it is? If to speak rather conditionally, then the social group is an association of people who share common values and goals. Social groups are small, medium and large in terms of the number of people who are in them. Each of them puts forward his own norms, called social norms. These are certain rules of behavior, characteristic of almost all representatives of this group.

In relation to these norms, people can be conditionally divided into conformists and nonconformists.

Conformist - who is this?

It is important to understand that every person is to some extent a conformist. And this is sometimes even good. The problem is that some people make it their lifestyle. But what is conformism? A conformist is a person who obeys the requirements of a social group or society as a whole. Based on this, we can conclude that each of us is relevant to this concept, since we to some extent still adhere to group and social norms. A conformist is not a disenfranchised member of a society. Moreover, he himself chose this pattern of behavior. And can change it. Thus, we can draw another conclusion: a conformist is a lifestyle, a habitual way of thinking that is subject to change.

An example of group norms can be family, school charters and so on. In the case of social norms, it is for the most part a rule of etiquette: "do not swear," "give way to public places." In the event that a person does not want to obey the norms, he is called a nonconformist.

Degrees of nonconformism

We have this characteristic also. Freud also said that our psyche is constantly torn between its natural urges and social demands. These positions were supported by such social psychologist as McDougall, and many others. Nonconformism is characteristic of everyone, but each person manifests it in his own way. There are several degrees of nonconformism.

Socially approved behavior

A pure conformist is a certain category of individuals. People of this type try to correspond to the maximum in group and social norms. If this does not work, then the person feels an inferiority complex. In this case quite often some norms are contradictory. What is permissible in one social group, in another - is punished.

And the confusion that appears in such people leads to a series of destructive processes for self-esteem. Therefore, conformists for the most part are insecure people. This greatly complicates the process of communication with others. A conformist person is one that complies with the requirements of society. And sometimes it is necessary. Without this it would be impossible to simply survive.

Deviant behavior

Deviation is actually a deviation from the norm. Deviants can be those people who loudly materyatsya, not inferior in public transport place or show non-conformism in other areas. For this behavior deviations from social or group norms are characteristic, and it is not approved by society. However, for such people there are no special sanctions, except for comments from others. Another thing is when the degree of nonconformism reaches such a scale that behavior begins to be called a delinquent one.

What is a delinquent behavior?

The delinquent behavior is such a small degree of conformism that a person goes to break the laws. However, here too everything is relative. After all, the same conformism can become the cause of delinquent behavior. Based on this, we can conclude that this same behavior can be both a manifestation of conformism, and the result of nonconformism. It all depends on which social group is taken as the starting point. It would be logical to talk about the phenomenon of social conformist. What is the expression of non-conformism in this case? How can you call such people?

Social conformism

We have already figured out that there are several types of norms: group and social. In fact, the latter are a larger phenomenon, and group - it's just a small fraction of social norms. But the phenomenon of conformism remains the same in any case. What is social conformism? Let's understand. A social conformist is a person who is tempted to swim in the generally accepted current, fully meet the requirements that the society puts forward, or try to do it. For social conformism, a phenomenon such as fashion is characteristic.

People who are chasing her, try to put on what is now in the trend to get social approval. Yes, for self-esteem, this is really good. But at the same time everything should be in moderation. Do not put yourself in dependence on approval or, on the contrary, disapproval of people. This is a losing tactic that will lead to nowhere. In no case should you lose your "I" for the abstract "We". One must learn to balance between social norms and personal desires. In all things need a measure, then you can live normally.


Marginals are people who maximally manifest social nonconformism. They seem to be tearing themselves away from society because their system of values of life does not correspond to the generally accepted one. As an example of marginalized, you can bring criminals or people of the lowest social strata. And in a large number of cases, they themselves chose this pattern of behavior. This factor should be taken into account.


As for the results of this article, they are the following: it is necessary to include conformism with the right people, relying on one's own system of values of life. They should be the determining factor that will indicate whether one should listen to the demands of others or not. If, for some reason, your life values do not comply with the norms, you should look for the social group in which it is approved. After all, there is another such parameter, which is called group values. And it is from them that the norms emanate. Only then can your self-esteem be optimal. You need to think with your head, and not stick to the herd instinct.

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