Spiritual developmentMystic

8 unexpected signs that luck will soon come to your door

You like to call yourself a reasonable person, nevertheless you rely on luck. In the depths of your soul, you know that knocking on the tree and spitting on the left shoulder is not serious, but still continue to observe these simple rituals. And it's true, it never hurts! The same philosophy you bring to other aspects of life. Luck can not bypass you, because you signal your presence in every possible way. In the end, you're bound to be lucky and you'll rip Jack sweat. There are 8 unexpected signs that luck will come knocking on your door very soon.

Bats in the Attic

Usually, when people report that bats are in their attic in the attic, they see it as not very pleasant and they soon dream of getting rid of uninvited guests. They do not suspect that these animals bring good luck. In fact, if bats decide to settle inside your home - this is a good sign. They chose this place because of good, positive energy. And this means that neither happiness nor health will dare to bypass your house.

When the itches the ear

A popular fairy tale about old wives with itchy ears ridicules gossips. It is believed that if the ear burns or itches, then someone at that moment says unpleasant things about you. Which side do you feel the itch? If you scratch your left ear, then you are lucky. Other people really talk about you, but only on the good side. This means that soon you are expected to have a happy romantic relationship or the beginning of a strong friendship.

An unfamiliar animal takes you

All animals are picky and subtly feel the character of a person. Especially successful in studying the human nature of the mustachioed-striped. So if you find that a stray cat is following you and asks for food, do not drive it away, but treat something. Otherwise, you risk running away your luck. And yet everyone knows a sign when a cat is first allowed into a new dwelling.

Magic Numbers 8

In many world cultures, the eight is considered a symbol of luck. Especially Chinese believe in this, and they have good reasons for this. Hieroglyph, meaning "wealth" is consonant with the pronunciation of this figure. From the point of view of numerology and esoterics, the eight is usually identified with an inverted symbol of infinity. Have not you chosen your favorite number yet? We suggest you follow the figure-eight when choosing phone and car numbers, and even addresses. On this figure, luck will find your location.

Clothes inside out or backwards

When in the morning in a hurry you pulled the sweater backwards, this can put you in an awkward situation in communicating with colleagues at work. Well, if you notice the catch before the rest. You might think that this sign will bring misfortunes, or rather beatings, as was believed in olden times in Russia. In fact, clothing worn inside out or backwards is a good sign. This may mean that you are open to signals coming from the universe. Immediately make a reservation that the sign works if the error occurred accidentally, and not intentionally.

Tingling sensation in the left arm

Sometimes tingling sensations in the extremities signal serious illnesses. But now we are not talking about frostbite or neurological diseases. We are talking about the occasional tingling and numbness of the left arm. It is believed that this way the palm feels the cash flow that will pour on you in the foreseeable future.

Bird droppings

There is no greater trouble than when a flying bird marks you with its excrement. Yes, you will have to go through the procedure of cleaning clothes or (even worse) hair. However, with this shame, you pay a good price for attracting luck to your side. This also applies to your car, bike and even home. Any items marked with a bird "indicate" the luck of your location.

Your home is growing ivy

If your house is wrapped around a layer of thick green ivy, you are definitely lucky! From an aesthetic point of view it is very beautiful. In addition, ivy has a fairy charm and is always regarded as a good omen for your future. Do not try to remove the plant, otherwise the band of luck will stop.

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