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13 Sector "What? Where? When?" - a real opportunity to ask your question to experts

"What where When?" - The game, broadcast on TV since the beginning of the autumn of 1975. The show was a quiz, a kind of competition of six intellectuals with the audience. Ordinary people sent letters with "smart" questions to the television program, a top (children's yule) with an arrow pointed to a letter with a cherished task, which you had to solve to the players in the studio after a moment's reflection. The game went on and goes up to 6 points.

Voroshilov - the legend of the TV show

Since then, television has undergone considerable reforms: advertising has appeared, some programs have been replaced by others, more rating ones, the hosts of various TV programs have come and gone. However, in "What? Where? When?" Everything remained unchanged for a long time.

Vladimir Voroshilov, who invented the famous TV game, was her permanent lead for the rest of her life. He was the voiceover of the intellectual quiz show and, leaving, left a favorite by millions of people, where the team of six smart educated people confronts the viewers. Anyone can compete with experts by asking a question. Yes, and get for this monetary promotion in case the team of the smartest is mistaken and will answer incorrectly.

This innovation occurred in 1991: the game of intellectuals turned into a casino, where any participant could win money due to his mental abilities. Now leading "What? Where? When?" Boris Kriuk is the stepson of Voroshilov.

13 Sector "What? Where? When?" - to ask your question to connoisseurs is easy

In the winter of 2001, the game was slightly modernized: the sponsors of the show had the right to raise the cash winnings of the questions they liked, and the 13th sector, "What? Where? When?" Was introduced. The essence of cell 13 is that absolutely anyone can ask their question to elite club connoisseurs by sending them through the Internet and playing with them. Of all the questions sent, sometimes 70-80 thousand, the computer chooses only one. He is being played. On television show there were cases when assignments falling in cell 13 were related to the personal life of the questioner and concerned his intentions, but not science: history, art or psychology. But the direction of the television show is precisely the tasks of the intellectual level. It's no wonder that experts do not really like it when the top stops, pointing its arrow at sector 13.

Be closer to the viewer

Terms of participation in the intellectual TV show "What? Where? When?" (13 sector): send the question to the official website of the game and wait for the toss. The leadership of the elite club did not accidentally come up with such an innovation:

  1. To improve the rating and attract new admirers. The Internet has long been an integral part of every person's life. It became much easier for people to write letters on the World Wide Web, rather than in the old-fashioned way. Ask the experts now is simple, the main thing - good luck and chance.
  2. To engage the society in science and self-development. To ask a question in Sector 13, "What, Where? When?", You need to work a little. Only an interesting question will receive a lot of audience votes, and this is the main criterion in the award of monetary incentives.

Thanks to the fact that there was a sector 13, "What? Where? When" has become even more popular than before.

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