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Why does a person adorn modesty? Composition-reasoning on "Modesty decorates a person"

The person is adorned with modesty - everyone knows this famous saying. But why? It is unlikely that all people have been thinking about it. But it would be worth it, because only so you can know the true essence of the statement. And it is on the basis of these considerations that some schools now ask compositions on this subject.


Every literary work has its own structure. And if you write the essay "Modesty decorates a person", then it is worth considering.

Since this topic is given to high school students (as a rule), then the structure should be respected extended, rather than standard. What does it mean?

The standard structure is the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. Extended, in addition to these items, includes a few more.

So, how to write an essay on the topic of judgment, thoughts?

The first is an epigraph (a quote that is appropriate in meaning and inserted at the beginning of the narrative). It adorns the text, and also sets the reader on the topic. Next comes the introduction. It conventionally contains two parts: the definition of the topic and its explanation. A little later will be discussed in more detail about this.

Then the main part and the conclusion are written. Here it should be, besides the traditional ending phrases, also the author's opinion.

Well, now everything in order.


The introduction can begin with a definition. For example, this is the case: "In today's world, few people remember about modesty and all the more thinking about what it is. It seems to all of us that we know the definition of this word. But is it? Modesty is in fact a special moral quality that characterizes a person as not high-minded and devoid of boastfulness. Such individuals usually behave with others on an equal footing, even if they have many achievements and occasions for pride. "

So, that's how the introduction can be. The first three sentences define the topic, and the following explain it. This paragraph fully corresponds to the previously mentioned structure, and it is laconic and well. This is exactly what should be the introduction of the work entitled "Why does modesty adorn a person?"

Main theme

After the introduction is made, it is important to determine for yourself what to write about in the continuation, that is, in the main part of the essay "The Man is adorned with modesty".

You can start talking about different things. For example, about the demonstrative modesty. It might look like this: "Humility is good quality. Many people understand this, and especially cunning people are afraid to use it. They just pretend to be modest, to appear good people in the eyes of others. Often you can ask for praise, compliments, or even that it is set as an example by the rest. But this is false modesty, nothing more. But the true is really a good character trait. True, it often turns into a complex, since the owner of this quality becomes insecure, overly shy, and this can affect his performance, activity. Sometimes, because of all of the above, he can not even express a good idea about any project. And in communication with other people such a person becomes boring and taciturn. And this is called excessive modesty. "

This may be the beginning of the main topic. In principle, you can talk about anything. The main thing is that thoughts belong to a given topic.

Rules to be observed

It should be listed a few more important points about the topic of how to write an essay-reasoning on "Modesty decorates a person."

First, it is important to make statements and subsequently prove them, giving arguments. For example, this way: "Unambiguously, modesty makes any person better. Why? It's simple. It's always pleasant to communicate with a person who does not try to show how much better than others, or to boast of his achievements (often invented or insignificant), demonstrating that he is therefore above all others. Modest people are simple in communication, and they do not believe that material values or personal successes are more important than his attitude toward others. "

In general, the most important thing is to make a statement, to be able to prove it. This is the essence of such work as the essay on "Modesty decorates a person."

Another view on the topic

Many decide and in the other direction to turn the argument that modesty adorns a person. Who said that you can not, for example, think about how this quality affects the guy? Or the girl? Very popular in our time theme. You can, for example, write about it this way: "If we talk about girls, then their modesty is just decorating. A well-bred, calm, polite young lady always evokes sympathy. Nobody says that you need to be this always and at all. But in public, in society - it is necessary. And in the circle of close friends or loved ones you can already be more open.

What about the man's modesty? They should also be modest, but in moderation. This should not interfere with their career growth, active work, elimination of competitors, communication with friends. They also need to know when and under what circumstances it should stop being modest. "

In general, you can argue in different ways. The most important thing is that the text traces the thought. The writing should be logical and contain the thought that the author is trying to convey to the readers.

Which quote should I choose?

Aphorisms can be used not only in the epigraph, but also in the end. But both in the first and in the second case it is very important to choose a sentence in meaning. In the beginning, you can insert, for example, the phrase of Dean Kunz: "Modesty is a charming character trait, but excessive modesty does not adorn." It's a phrase from his book "The Keys to Midnight." It suits well as an epigraph, because later in the composition it will be possible to return to it more than once and explain its essence.

But quite the opposite in the sense of the citation: "The modest man has nothing to do in this world." It belongs to the American writer and philologist Daniel Kizu. This phrase can serve as an impetus to the choice of what the author will talk about in the future. And in fact, it is really not necessary to agree with the fact that a person is adorned with modesty! It is possible to refute this. Arguments to prove this statement is also sufficient. However, it all depends on the author.


And, finally, a few words about what it is necessary to write in the very last part of the composition. Previously, it was said that necessarily in the conclusion should be the author's opinion, the manifestation of the personal relationship of the writer to the topic. And in general, you can write about the following: "Well, every person has his own opinion about whether it's good to be modest or not. But I believe that this quality is one of the best that can only be inherent in a person. It makes us easier, but with ordinary people it's always nice to deal with. It is not for nothing that they say that it is to such people that others are drawn. "

In general, the essay on "The Man Decorates with Modesty" is quite interesting for reflection. The most important thing in its writing is to observe the structure, the order of presentation of thoughts and style.

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