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What is Mantoux (inoculation) for? Sizes as per norm

Perhaps, it is impossible to find a single person who at least once in his entire life did not try Mantoux. As a rule, in all school institutions this The procedure is mandatory. Mantoux is an inoculation, the dimensions of which show how much the human body contains immune cells that determine the presence of a tubercle bacillus. And from the fact how much they are, the vaccination reaction will be greater.

Features of vaccination

Usually, after a subcutaneous injection with a special vaccine was made, on the second and less often on the third day a specific seal appears in that place. This reddening of the round form and the reddish shade, in an insignificant degree allocated on a surface of a skin. Mantoux - vaccination, the size of which is analyzed after seventy-two hours, and this is considered the most reliable information. Therefore, she is examined by a specialist during this period.

What do the vaccine sizes mean

The reaction to the Mantoux test is the result that shows a person is healthy or he needs an additional, more complete examination. The diameter of the compaction is the size of the Mantoux vaccine , the norm is determined by its boundaries, while the reddening around the so-called "buttonhole" is not taken into account. If the papule is absent, pigmentation can be recorded as a result. The Mantoux reaction should be measured using a transparent ruler. Distinguish the following results:

  • Negative reaction. It is determined when the seal has a size of 0-1 mm. Usually this is the trace from the injection.
  • The reaction is doubtful in the case of seal sizes from 2 to 4 mm, and if it is together, like redness, is absent.
  • With a positive reaction, the boundaries of the compaction are clearly expressed, and the dimensions reach a diameter of 5 mm or more. The Mantoux vaccine sizes in children are as follows: with a slightly positive reaction - from 5 to 9 mm, medium intensive - from 10 to 14 mm, expressed - from 15 to 16 mm.
  • With a strong reaction, the seal size is from 17 mm.

When the result was positive

When Mantoux is vaccinated, the size to which it should correspond with a negative result is known, it remains to wait for the conclusion of a specialist. A person always hopes for the best and in this case is quite sure that his child is completely healthy. What should I do when the answer is positive?

Do not panic and prepare for the worst. After all, even if there was a positive reaction, this is not a confirmation of the presence of such a disease as tuberculosis. In the child's body there is this rod, but the child is not contagious, since the bacterium is not transmitted by blood. Spread the disease airborne way people who have a disease of tuberculosis.

This means that the child is infected, but is not sick and is not able to infect others, because his immunity is able to suppress microbacteria. If the child was given Mantoux (vaccination), the size of which, when tested, showed a positive result, they should be registered with the phthisiatrician and under his supervision. At the same time, they are not forbidden to attend school and preschool institutions.

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