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What is deworming and how does it work?

Treatment and prophylactic measures aimed at ridding the environment of invasive material and improving the health of humans and animals from helminths are called deworming. It belongs to the section of parasitology of devastation.

Prophylactic deworming of a person

Given the variety of forms of helminths and the damage they cause, a systematic, scientific approach is required to deal with them. The more reliably the program will be built, the better will be the effect obtained, the less likely the damage will be to the body. It is important to know that even in cases of death of helminths, their urgent elimination is required, since serious decomposition is possible with the disintegration of their corpses.

All who are interested in what is dehelminthization, should know that the program of extermination of parasites should take into account all the features of vital activity of the helminth. If the species of helminths is accurately established , the treatment is not very difficult. But much more often it happens that the patient does not suspect that he has worms. The discovery of them becomes for him a complete surprise, besides traumatizing the psyche.

There is a combined infection with several types of parasites at the same time. This complicates the fight against them.

What is deworming?

This procedure is the sum of actions that are aimed at destroying and subsequent evacuation of parasites with the restoration of the functions of systems and organs, with the complete cleaning of cavities and tissues, the elimination of larval forms and the prevention of repeated infections.

Types of deworming

This procedure for humans and animals is carried out with the help of special preparations (anthelmintics) with mandatory neutralization of parasites, their fragments, eggs and larvae. There is a curative form, which is performed when a disease is detected. In addition, there is a preventive de-worming of a person. It is performed to prevent re-infection.

Preventive dehelmentation of animals is carried out within the timeframe established in accordance with the epidemiology, the biology of helminths that cause the disease. For example, for prophylaxis of cenophorosis in sheep, the procedure is carried out at the shepherd dogs every three months.

Treatment of cats

As is known, animal diseases caused by living organisms (worms, insects or arachnids) are called parasitic. Their prevalence is pushing manufacturers of veterinary drugs to create new, more sophisticated medicines.

Many readers are interested in how to conduct deworming. First of all, if you suspect a disease, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis. In addition, it is important to establish the species of helminths.


If small kittens have to be shown to a veterinarian for testing for the presence of helminths, then in an adult, their presence can be determined by characteristic symptoms. Veterinarians advise to carry out de-worming of adult animals only when they have the appropriate signs. The greatest risk is exposed to street residents. It is necessary to know that in some cats in the presence of helminths there are no symptoms of the disease. But still, more often the attentive owner can notice one or more of the following signs:

  • diarrhea;
  • Bloody stools;
  • Swollen, enlarged abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

If you notice at least one of these symptoms, do not waste time, you need urgent dehelminthization of cats. What is it, you already know, but how to do it right, we'll figure it out a little later.

Adult cats and especially kittens should not be given anthelmintic drugs that are sold without a prescription. Do not be too lazy to consult a veterinarian. Do not choose your own medicine. Observe the prescribed dosage and frequency of application. The course of treatment should be carried out completely.

The veterinarian will give you a date for the next visit. Do not ignore it. The second time the veterinarian either confirms that your pet is healthy, or will prescribe further treatment.

Observe the dosage

Understanding what deworming is, you must remember that all antiparasitic drugs are poisons. Of course, they are more dangerous for worms than for your pet. Nevertheless, the animal must receive it in strict accordance with the appointment of a veterinarian. Such drugs have side effects, which include vomiting and diarrhea. Find out from the expert what you can expect from taking the medicine to know what should be the normal reaction of your pet.

Prevention of disease

Just want to make a reservation that it is impossible to fully protect your cat from repeating the disease in the future, but you can and should take all possible measures to reduce the probability of renewal. Closely monitor the condition of the animal, conduct preventive examinations in the veterinary clinic. In addition, follow some simple rules.

  1. Do not let the cat out of the house to minimize contact with infected cats, rodents.
  2. Clean the toilet tray of the animal at least once a day.
  3. Handle it regularly with boiling water and a solution of bleach.

We treat a puppy

Dehelmintization of dogs: what is it? This is often asked by novice owners of four-legged friends.

Worms can be found in dogs, regardless of the conditions in which they live. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that helminths can not only be transferred from one dog to another, while causing severe damage to the animal's organism, but also can pass to a person. In a special area of risk are small children who pull into the mouth toys with which dogs can play.

Modern antihelminthic drugs can be divided into those that purify the body of parasites, and those that protect the dog from re-infection. Prophylactic deworming is carried out by experienced breeders two weeks before knitting. In this case, the bitch receives both the bitch and the male. The fact that the state of health of the mother depends on how the fetus will develop. Worms can be passed on to puppies with mother's milk.

Preparing the puppy for vaccination

All dog breeders know that vaccination is very important for the health of babies. Deworming before vaccination is necessary, even if the puppies do not have obvious signs of the disease. Often in infants, the disease passes asymptomatically.

Dogs get infected very often. This is facilitated by contact with other animals, raw food, water, etc. That's why regular preventive deworming of puppies is necessary. On this depends largely on the health of your pet.

Scheme of dehelminthization of puppies

For the first time this procedure is carried out when the babies are three weeks old. It usually holds a breeder. Anti-wrinkle drug should get their mother. Repeat the procedure if necessary, you can after ten days. Then, up to 3.5 months, the event is repeated twice a month. After that, deworming of puppies takes place every three months. An adult dog should be given antihelminthic drugs at least three times a year.

How to choose a drug

For prevention and treatment, puppies should not be given strong toxic preparations that have a wide effect. It is enough to use for a certain type of helminths. But this is only if you are sure that one kind of parasite develops in the baby's body. Usually the same drugs used for the treatment of adult animals are used for puppies, the difference is only in the dose.

An adult dog needs a broad-acting anthelmintic because it is at a higher risk of infection. Puppies should not be given medicines that are used to treat people.

To all drugs purchased in a veterinary pharmacy, an instruction must be attached. Study it carefully. On this depends on how competently de-worming will be performed. Preparations of this group have characteristic features of application, especially when it comes to puppies and pregnant females.

If the recommendations of your veterinarian do not coincide with the instructions, then before giving the drug to the animal, you need to clarify what is the reason for such a decision.

You can replace medicinal preparations (which are very toxic) with natural products. For example, this composition is very effective: 70 grams of pumpkin seed seeds, pour 70 g of water, add 5 g of honey to the mixture. Stir the mixture well. The resulting composition is given to the puppy for the night, and in the morning it is necessary to make a cleansing enema. After three hours, the baby is given a medical mixture again and in half an hour the enema. Such a formulation is prepared no later than one hour before application.


We hope that after reading our article, you already imagine what de-worming is. Finally, we would like to present you the most effective and tested drugs for this procedure.

The drug "Alben"

Created to destroy flat and round worms. One tablet is designed for 35 kg of animal weight.

The medicine "Valbazen"

It is an analogue of the first agent, but in the form of an emulsion. It is very convenient for puppies: the medicine is typed in a syringe (without needles) and poured into the puppy's mouth. In this case, slightly lift his face.

The tool "Panacourt"

Destroys all known to date helminth species. The drug is given from the calculation of one tablet per 10 kg of dog weight. Contraindications - puppies under 3 months.

Milbemax tablets

If necessary, the combined preparation can be given in the last third of pregnancy, and also 2 weeks after birth. It is convenient to give along with the food. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after two weeks.

Preparations "Kanikvantel plus" and "Kanikvantel XL"

Designed for large breeds of dogs. Produced in the form of gel and tablets. The gel is indisputably convenient because it is easy to mix with food, but one dispensing syringe is enough for 12 kg of the animal's weight, so it is more profitable for large animals to buy tablets.

Suspension and tablets "Drontal"

It is convenient to give puppies, as well as adult dogs and cats. The remedy can be used from the age of 2 weeks. Tablets, according to the instructions, can also be turned into Suspension.

"Endogard" tablets

They have the shape of bones for dogs. It can be given during meals (with food) or immediately after meals.

The medicine "Prazitsid"

Form release - tablets and suspension. The drug has a convenient dosage, which is suitable for large and small dogs, for cats. It can be given to nursing females and pregnant women in the last third of pregnancy.

Means of "Prazitel"

Tablets and suspension. Recommended for puppies that are already 2 weeks old, kittens from 3 weeks. Can be given with food or after eating. The procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.

The drug "Dirofen"

This drug is available in various forms: suspension, tablets, pasta with pumpkin oil. It has a rather mild effect on kittens and puppies. The drug is given in the morning, with food. Next time it can be given in 10 days. According to many owners, the most convenient form is paste.

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