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Watery discharge during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?

Such an important period for every woman (pregnancy) can not do without feelings. The body undergoes serious restructuring - how not to worry, because often the future mother does not know what changes in her health state are the norm and which ones are a deviation. Often, anxiety is completely unreasonable, and symptoms are far-fetched. To ensure that unpleasant emotions do not overshadow this period, it is better to get acquainted with information about the natural changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In this article, we will touch upon a question that often worries expectant mothers. Namely, we will talk about the norms and deviations of cervical secretions: why there are watery discharge during pregnancy, when they do not cause concern to doctors, and in which cases it is urgent to seek medical help.

What is cervical mucus

First you need to understand what is cervical mucus in general. This concept means nothing more than a vaginal discharge. Mucus is produced through the work of sex hormones. It protects the reproductive organs of a woman, being a natural barrier to the growth and development of various kinds of bacteria and fungi. In addition, cervical mucus performs the function of lubrication during intercourse.

Consistency of mucus is modified depending on the day of the woman's menstrual cycle. Such changes are explained by the work of hormones, the function of which, in turn, is to create the most comfortable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. Watery discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, not accompanied by additional symptoms, are considered a variant of the norm.

What are the secretions in the norm?

In the first days after menstruation and until the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, the secretions are normally clear and relatively liquid, mucous. In such an environment, the sperm can freely access the egg. Immediately before ovulation, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the secretions increase in volume and become similar to the crude egg protein.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the amount of secretions decreases, and their consistency and color changes. During this period, cervical mucus may be whitish and pale yellow in a creamy appearance. But if there was a conception, then under the influence of hormones a woman can note the uncharacteristic for this period transparent watery discharge. In pregnancy, this condition does not need treatment.

Pregnancy rate during pregnancy

If there is a conception, then the hormone "pregnancy" progesterone begins to be actively developed in the woman's body. Its action is aimed at implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus. Against this background, throughout the first half of pregnancy there is viscous mucus of transparent color.

Starting with the second trimester, the vaginal secretion becomes liquid under the action of the hormone estragon. There are watery discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester. In some women they can be mild, transparent or whitish, while in others the amount of secretion is copious, giving a sense of constant moisture.

If a woman has abundant watery discharge during pregnancy, then often the expectant mother starts using daily sanitary napkins. But doctors do not recommend the use of such hygiene products, especially in the period of gestation. Since a moist warm environment is the best conditions for the propagation of pathogenic flora. Pregnant women often require frequent changes of linen and hygienic cleaning procedures.

It is worth noting that there is no clear framework for the norms of this secret - often there is an individual characteristic, for example, a tendency to secretions of yellow or transparent, but watery. But what kind of cervical mucus should not under any circumstances be described in detail in the relevant section of the article.

Can there be watery discharge in the first half of pregnancy?

Watery discharge during pregnancy in the early stages - is it a norm or a deviation? And is there any cause for concern? In established medical criteria, it is considered that in the first trimester of excretion should not be watery. But if there are no other complaints of the patient and the symptoms, then most likely, this condition is an individual feature of the woman's body. Nevertheless, it is better, as they say, to be reinsured and undergo an unscheduled examination with the delivery of the necessary tests.

Deviations from the norm

What watery discharge is considered abnormal? It requires additional diagnosis and treatment of a copious cervical secret, which is accompanied by:

  • Pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Change of color;
  • Itching;
  • Edema;
  • Reddening of the external genitalia;
  • The appearance of pigmentation or rash;
  • Unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Painful sensations when urinating.

Normally, watery discharge during pregnancy is transparent, sometimes whitish or yellowish (due to rejected epithelial cells) shade. If you notice that the cervical mucus has acquired the features described below that are not characteristic for the normal course of pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a doctor:

  1. Slime is expressed in yellow with flakes or foamy discharge.
  2. White with lumps.
  3. Brown.
  4. Bloody.

This color of discharge from the vagina can indicate the presence of infection, inflammation and the threat of abortion.

Possible causes of deviations

The reasons for abnormal watery discharge during pregnancy are very different, but they all come down to the main thing - a decrease in immunity, as a result of which a woman is exposed to negative external factors, including infection with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, stress, non-compliance with hygiene rules, hormonal disorders, excessive physical activity and lifting weights can lead to a change in the secretion.

Leakage of water near the sea

Watery discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of premature flow of amniotic fluid. Normally, this condition occurs after 38 weeks. If at that time a transparent liquid with a specific smell of about a half liter volume - it's time to gather in the hospital, the fights are about to begin.

But if the outflow occurred at earlier times (the earlier - the more dangerous), then this is a pathology. In addition, it should be borne in mind that with the premature leakage of water, they can be secreted almost unnoticeably - a few drops per day. To notice and define pathology without additional analyzes is often difficult even for the doctor. This situation is extremely dangerous for both the child and the mother. High probability of septic complications. Urgent need to call an ambulance and get ready for hospital.

Diagnosis of pathological discharge

To confirm or deny the preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will ask the patient to give a standard smear, according to the testimony to undergo a test for the definition of diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Watery discharge during pregnancy in the early stages can cause a doctor to suspect the leakage of amniotic fluid. Even before calling a doctor (in the absence of symptoms that require an emergency call to the ambulance), you can conduct a home test using the express system. It is not difficult to get it in a pharmacy. It should be noted that most of these diagnostic tests also determine the absence or presence of infectious diseases.

How to use the express system to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid?

The use of an express test at home is not difficult. The system looks like a sanitary napkin. After a thorough sanitation of the genitals and hands, it is necessary to unpack the packaging and attach the liner to the laundry. It is necessary to wait until the test system is clearly blotted out or check it after 12 hours. Analyze the result immediately. If the gasket did not change the color, no pathology was found. But if there are spots of blue and green, regardless of their intensity and order, then the test is positive, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment and medical prognosis

The sooner the woman turned to the doctor, and the diagnosis was confirmed, treatment was prescribed, the more favorable the pregnancy forecast. It is not so much the quantity and consistency of secret that is important, as its unreasonable change. So, for example, white watery discharge during pregnancy can indicate inflammatory processes in the ovaries or candidiasis, yellow, brown and green - about detachment or damage to the placenta, with blood veins - a threat of miscarriage.

To date, procedures have been developed, there are various medications that have minimal adverse effects on the fetus, being an effective method of fighting infectious agents.

Unfortunately, untimely detection of the cause of pathological discharge can lead to serious impairment of fetal development or spontaneous abortion.

Preventive measures

Watery discharge during pregnancy is difficult to foresee and prevent. But you can and should pay special attention to hygiene of the genitals, avoid stress and physical overstrain, reduce the time spent in crowded places in order to prevent infection with viral respiratory infections, monitor food and plan your vacation.

During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of the baby's future. Therefore, in case of any changes in the cervical discharge, be sure to consult a doctor for additional examination. Health to you and your children!

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