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Types of arrhythmia: the main symptoms

Arrhythmia - these are the most diverse in origin, significance and nature of the deviation in the pace and rhythm of contractions of the heart. In a normal state, the person does not feel the beating of this organ, does not perceive it. Therefore, he learns in practice about what an arrhythmia is in practice when his heartbeat is broken. It manifests itself as a chaotic, sharp rhythm with intermittent fading and interruptions.

Many types of arrhythmias for normal life and human activities do not represent a serious threat. They do not affect too much the normal functioning of the heart. However, with the first symptoms you need to consult a doctor, as only his examination and tests using special equipment will allow for a full diagnosis and make a verdict in each case.

Existing types of arrhythmias differ in both manifestations and mechanisms of occurrence. So, an important role in their appearance is played by the state in which a person has a nervous system. It is known that the transferred stress (both emotional and mental) causes corresponding changes both in the rate of contractions of the heart, and in its rhythm. This applies even to healthy people. It has been proved that in certain situations, as well as with problems with other internal organs, in those patients who previously did not suffer from cardiac disorders, some types of arrhythmias can have a reflex nature. Sometimes they occur in people with vegetative and CNS diseases, endocrine disorders. However, their main cause is often the damage to the sinus node, myocardium and the conduction system of the heart.

Types of arrhythmias, their duration and nature of the course depend on the underlying diseases that they accompany, and which are accompanied by various deviations in the anatomical structure of the organ, in its structure or in the metabolic processes taking place in it.

First of all, there is a deviation in the heart rhythm, which is associated with the activity of the sinus node (more precisely, with its fluctuations). This is a sinus arrhythmia. With serious heart disease, it is rare. Sinus tachycardia (acceleration of the rhythm) and bradycardia (its slowing down) can be diagnosed for many years and people are quite healthy.

Extrasystoles - this rhythm disturbance is due to the fact that additional hearths of excitation appear in the cardiac muscle. Impulses coming from them, and cause extrasystoles, during which the organ is forced to contract prematurely. It manifests itself in the form of a feeling of sinking of the heart, interruptions.

Paroxysmal tachycardia - it manifests itself in the form of a sharp acceleration of the heart rate (with a minute can count more than 200 beats). Most often it turns out that such attacks were caused by problems with the thyroid gland, the central nervous system.

Atrial fibrillation - with this type of disorder there is not a complete contraction of the atria, but only single fibers. At the same time, the ventricles contract chaotically. Often it accompanies heart diseases, ischemic disease, thyrotoxicosis.

Treat all kinds of arrhythmias in many ways. Which one to choose, only the doctor can adequately answer. After all, in some cases, it is enough to take soothing drugs, while in others it will require the use of special equipment or even surgical intervention.

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