
To the hair did not start ... Stray hair - the problem of many girls

Fluffy hair causes a lot of trouble to their landladies. They are difficult to lay even in the most simple hairstyle, and just a few minutes after leaving the house the head of hear again becomes like a dandelion. What is the cause of hair loss? How to deal with this? To understand these questions will help the information below.

Why do hair fall?

The main reason for the appearance of this problem is the loss of moisture or its incorrect circulation in the body of the hair. In addition, experts identify several factors that negatively affect the structure of the hair :

  • Malnutrition;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Insufficient fluid intake per day (minimum - 1.5 liters);
  • Lack of vitamins, micro- and macro elements;
  • The use of aggressive chemical agents (hair coloring, chemical perm, use of strong fixation varnishes);
  • Straightening hair with hot appliances (styler, ironing, hair dryer);
  • Use of plastic hairbrushes;
  • Bad ecology (hard tap water, emissions into the atmosphere).

It is worth noting that the hair is heavily worn when wearing headgear made of synthetic fabric.

When the warm season comes, the hair dries up due to exposure to sunlight. Therefore it is recommended during this period not in the sun without a headdress.

Several rules for washing your hair, drying and styling your hair

If possible, use purified water. Suitable as bottled, and filtered tap water. The main thing is that there should be as few chemical compounds as possible in the liquid.

For washing the head, moisturizing shampoos, balms, rinses, which include silicone, are used. However, such drugs are not suitable for owners of oily scalp.

After applying the silicone-containing product, the hair must be thoroughly washed, otherwise the silicone will create the effect of dirty hair.

To prevent hair from getting wet, after washing, they need to be allowed to dry themselves, without using a hairdryer or ironing. If the hair requires styling, then before they are applied to the protective non-removable product, and only after that apply the styler.

To create a hairstyle as a fixative, experts advise using wax, as it smoothes disobedient strands and permanently fixes them in one position. The varnish should be discarded, since its chemical composition destroys the structure of the hair.

Collapsing hair: everyday care

Split, brittle, dry hair is frayed and electrified, so they need extra care. For this special cosmetics is suitable, not only strengthening the structure of the hair, but also nourishing the scalp.

However, professional tools often have an overestimate value, and not always their composition does not have a negative impact on the skin and hair of the head. The best preparations for the care of shaking hair are masks of home preparation. They not only improve the condition of the hair, but also moisturize the scalp.

Use home masks should be at least two times a week.

"Lazy" mask with burdock oil

This product is suitable for daily use. Collapsing hair after the first application becomes smooth and obedient. To prepare the mask you need a small spray, water and burdock oil. The components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, then sprayed evenly onto problematic strands using a spray gun. At the end of the procedure, the hair is combed with a comb or a massage comb.

Oil nourishes the scalp, slightly heavier, but at the same time smoothes the strands, preventing them from budding.

Mayonnaise-egg mask

Do hair very puff up? Fat mayonnaise can cope with this problem. To prepare a mask, you will need:

  • Two tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon of linseed oil;
  • Two chicken yolks.

Ingredients carefully mix, warm up in a water bath or steam. After the mask warms up a little, it needs to be applied to the hair along the entire length. Then the head should be covered with polyethylene, wrapped with a towel. The product is kept on the hair for 2 hours and washed off with water. Repeat the procedure can be after 1-2 weeks. The mask is not suitable for a fatty type of scalp.

Mask from herbal decoction and glycerin

Collapsing hair with constant use of this product is smoothed and obedient. List of ingredients for cooking masks:

  • Fifteen drops of glycerin;
  • One chicken yolk;
  • Ampoule of ascorbic acid;
  • Chamomile broth - 100 ml.

The broth should be preheated, then mixed with glycerin, ascorbic acid and yolk. Stir the mixture thoroughly, apply to strands. On the head put on a shower cap, and wrap the bath towel.

The mask is aged for 30-40 minutes and completely washed off with water. The procedure can be repeated after 2-3 days.

Masks from oils

Home remedies based on oils are used both on the tips of the hair, and on the entire length. It is worth considering the fact that they can heavily weight your hair, because they are applied immediately before washing your head. Essential oils are used in combination with basic, vegetable oils.

Effective means - this burdock oil, combined with ethereal lemon and chamomile oil.

List of ingredients:

  • Butter of burdock - 2 tablespoons;
  • Chamomile and lemon oil - 10 drops each.

The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. The mask is applied to the hair, starting from the roots, ending with the tips. Particular attention is paid to the scalp and more fragile strands. The head should be wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. The product is kept on the hair for up to 1 hour, then washed off with shampoo. Repeat the procedure no sooner than 2 weeks.

Lemon hair rinse

What can I do to keep my hair from falling? After each washing of the head, rinse them in water mixed with lemon juice. Instead of pure water, you can use herbal decoction, made from chamomile, oak bark or elecampane.

In 500 ml. Water or broth is added the juice of one large lemon. In the juice there should be no pits or flesh of the fruit. Wet, clean hair is rinsed with the finished solution, then an indelible balm is applied on them. A rinse aid with lemon juice is used every other day.

Gelatine mask

Home remedies with gelatin at constant use on action are comparable with lamination of hair. There are many options for making masks, but the most effective for eliminating brittleness and dry hair are:

  • Gelatin and decoction of nettle with chamomile;
  • Gelatin and vinegar with the addition of essential oils.

To make a mask with herbs, mix 250 ml. A warm broth with 1 tablespoon of gelatin, mix thoroughly. In the mixture add three tablespoons of shampoo, stir again and let it brew for half an hour. When the mask is ready, apply it to the hair, avoiding getting on the roots and scalp. Leave for no more than 40 minutes and rinse under running water.

For the second mask, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons gelatin in 300 ml. Warm water. Then, add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 5 drops of essential oil of sage and mix. Stir the mixture for 30-40 minutes, then apply to the hair along the entire length, except for the roots. To maintain the mask should not more than 20 minutes, the product is washed off with the use of shampoo.

Gelatin masks can not be applied to the roots of hair and scalp, as this makes it difficult to remove the product from the hair follicle. During cooking masks only warm boiled water is used. The agent must be thoroughly mixed before application to avoid the formation of lumps.

Effects on hair from the inside

So that the hair does not crumble, they are smooth, shiny and obedient, it is necessary to look after them not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body will help to fill a special diet.

The daily diet should include fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, as well as dairy, sour-milk products. Refusal of smoking, alcohol and harmful food will help restore normal hair growth.

With intensive sports, the body needs replenishment, and it begins to take useful substances from its own reserves. This leads to a deterioration in the hair condition. To prevent disruption of nourishment of the scalp and hair, vitamin-mineral complexes should be additionally used and eat properly.

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