HealthWomen Health

The temperature of a nursing mother is not a disease, but a symptom.

The human body temperature is a complex indicator of the state of the body. At a temperature of 36.6 ° C, with possible fluctuations of up to several tenths of a degree, normal blood circulation is maintained and an optimal environment for the functioning of internal organs is created. Therefore, the temperature within 36.5 ° C - 37.2 ° C is considered normal. This is an individual indicator that can fluctuate during the day. A rise in temperature indicates the presence of inflammatory processes and the manifestation of diseases.

A woman during lactation should be sensitive to her health, so the fever in a nursing mother is an alarming symptom. Do not immediately stop feeding, because with the mother's milk the child receives such antibodies necessary in the early period of development. But, if the temperature during lactation has increased, it is necessary to find out the reasons, undoubtedly, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

The most common cause of fever and ill health can be a seasonal viral infection, which can not always be saved. In this case, the temperature of the nursing mother, as well as of all the other diseased, is accompanied by a cough, runny nose or painful sensations in the throat.

In addition, a very common cause of fever may be the development of lactostasis - the stagnation of milk in the chest. At the same time, painful sensations appear in the chest first, and then the temperature of the nursing mother rises. The causes of this can be various injuries, malnutrition, hyperlactation or squeezing of the mammary glands. Without treatment, lactostasis can lead to the development of a more serious disease - lactational mastitis, and sometimes even surgical intervention may be necessary. The temperature of the breast-feeding woman, in such cases, is above 38 ° C, and the investment does not come with the release of milk.

The main treatment for lactostasis is the complete release of breast from milk during and after feeding. After feeding, it is recommended to apply a cold compress of cottage cheese or beaten cabbage. If possible, it is better to consult a doctor and take the physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by him. With timely proper treatment, the temperature of the nursing mother should quickly stabilize. As preventive measures should be abandoned squashing clothes, try not to sleep on the chest, avoid temperature fluctuations and feed on the first request of the child. If, after a short period, the temperature of the breast-feeding woman has increased again, it is possible that the previous lactostasis has not been cured.

Knock down the temperature of lactating women should be cautious, preferably after consulting a doctor. The safest of the medicines are paracetamol and ibuprofen, but even their use is recommended in case of emergency. After all, all the medicines from the mother's blood penetrate into the milk and can damage the baby. In addition, the temperature should be brought down if it exceeds 38 ° C, since a slight increase in it is considered a protective reaction of the body. If the fever has risen during lactation and the cause of this is a viral infection, it is advisable to knock it down with a plentiful drink of drinks made from natural products. For example, raspberry tea can help
Or a drink made of honey or lemon. You can knock down the temperature by wiping the body with vinegar or applying cool compresses on the forehead. You should not get too carried away with folk remedies, so during breastfeeding, they can have a negative side effect both on the mother's body and on the baby.

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