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The real names of the participants: "House 2" reveals the secrets

"House 2" is a teleproject, which is very popular. Psychologists still can not understand and understand the phenomenon of the show. On air, it's already 12 years old, and the ratings are still on top. Maybe? It's all about interesting people in the meadow. Surely the fans who watch the famous TV show from the very beginning, often asked themselves: "What are the real names of the participants?". "House 2" is a place where everything secret becomes obvious.

Why do participants hide real names?

For many viewers, it remains a mystery why the project participants hide their real names and names. It's all quite simple: they need interesting pseudonyms for the audience to quickly remember the family members.

What was the list of participants? "House 2" - a project that selected boys and girls with special care. It was a problem to get into telecine: tough castings, demanding producers did not give chances to those individuals who were monotonous. The show attracted and loved participants of unusual, creative, interesting.

At the moment, the concept of the project has changed slightly. Media organizations, models, and sportsmen are increasingly attending TV programming. They are nice to look at, you can learn a lot.

Star Members

So, what are the real names of the participants? "House 2" is a media project. It is important for organizers to make everything look beautiful from TV screens. Some original family names sometimes cause laughter, you immediately understand why they invented this or that nickname.

There are real stars of tele-building, for example, the girl Sun. In fact, a brittle brunette named Olga Nikolaeva. The bright participant immediately fell in love with the audience. Her strong character, creative inclinations, the ability to be not like everyone else, attracted millions of people to the TV screens. There were several beautiful love stories. Alexander Nelidov was able to reveal the femininity in the participant, to show Olga what she really is. But the story did not end with a happy ending, the bright couple broke up.

The second man who won the girl's heart is May Abrikosov (Roman Tertishny). Unusual appearance, romanticism of the guy forced many hearts of beauties to beat faster. But the young man preferred to unravel the phenomenon of the Sun. In the end, he did not succeed, the pair broke up.

Alexander Don Materazzo (Sasha Kuryshko) continues the bright list of participants. "House 2" is the ideal place for a guy with a sporty build that has broken hearts to many girls. There was an attempt to conquer the star blonde (now the leader of the telestructure), Olga Buzov. But this nut was a man too tough.

Another lady with an explosive character, which left a bright mark on the project - Diana Ignatyuk (Milonkova). A girl with an ideal appearance was a truly nasty and complex character. Not a single guy could not pacify her.

What are the real names of the participants? "House 2" recently reveals secrets. You can do this endlessly. For 12 years, the project has brought up a lot of households, which were remembered by the audience under false names.

Who left the telecast?

Many former participants of "House 2" are still top-notch. They continue to be invited to appear in commercials, to re-visit telecasting or to take part in other projects.

So, Vlad Kadoni (Victor Golunov) became co-host of the project "House 2". He took part in the "Battle of Psychics" and took a rather high place there.

Victoria Bonya (Vika Bodya) acts as the host on many channels, music shows. Very successfully married and currently resides in Monaco.

Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov) constantly visits Olympus "House 2" as an expert. He conducts his own program on one of the TV channels of the country.

A lot of participants after the project got an excellent start for the development of their own business.

Participants who stayed on the TV project

Real names and surnames of the participants of "House 2", which are currently on the telestroy, are known to many viewers. For example, a brave officer, Andrei Cherkasov, has the surname Samodurovsky on the passport. Agree, the invented pseudonym sounds much more effective.

Gleb Klubnichka (Zhemchugov) has already got a wife and even has a one-year-old son. But his love stories on the project did not develop in the best way. And now, after many years, the guy again decided to try his hand at giving the meadow a new emotion and show creative numbers.

Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky (Yaroslav Shurupov) is still a freak, over which many laugh. But the audience is quite interesting to watch.

So, what are the real names of the participants? "House 2" gradually reveals secrets. To make this a big riddle, the producers of the show do not aspire. And why? After all, everything secret becomes clear with time.

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