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The monument of the laboratory mouse is one of the most original ornaments of Novosibirsk

Monuments are usually put to great people or in honor of special events. But sculptures in honor of animals are not established so often and still surprise the public. Did you know, for example, that there is a monument of a laboratory mouse in Russia?

Jubilee of laboratory mice

Which animals most often help scientists make new discoveries? Speech, of course, is about laboratory mice that, as a special subspecies, celebrated their centenary in 2009. However, if we look at history, it is easy to see that these animals were used in science before. It is known for sure that experiments on mice were conducted already in the nineteenth century. Why is the 1909th year the beginning of the "mouse" history? It's simple: to obtain reliable data, experiments should be conducted on genetically identical individuals. It is believed that the first conclusion of such mice by inbreeding (crossing of individuals in close relationship) for scientific purposes was occupied by Clarence Cook Lit. The scientist received the first line of animals suitable for experiments, in 1909. Since then, this method is used to grow animals that help to make scientific discoveries.

The monument to be

Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a place where scientists from a wide range of industries and directions work. One of the most significant objects of the complex is the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS. In this institution, most discoveries are made through the use of laboratory animals. There is even a separate SPF-Vivarium (a separate building in which scientists cultivate and grow laboratory mice and other experimental subjects). It was in front of this building that it was decided to erect a monument of a laboratory mouse. The first draft of the monument was ready in 2005, it was an animal sitting on a huge human hand. However, due to difficulties with the final approval of the chosen layout and financing problems, the sculpture was never created.

Monument of the laboratory mouse: description and history of creation

The new sculpture was decided to be installed by the anniversary of the city, namely to the 120th anniversary. The development of the sketch for the future creation was entrusted to the artist Andrei Kharkevich, who in a record short time prepared about ten different sketches. There was also a monument of a laboratory mouse knitting a string of DNA among them. This image is not chosen by chance, it is a golden mean between a realistic kind of animal and a cartoonish way. The mouse sits on a granite pedestal and holds in its paws the spokes knitted by a DNA molecule. The animal is clothed in a lab coat and glasses. Such an image of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, including local scientific authorities, was met with ecstasy. This mouse symbolizes both the scientist and his relatives participating in the experiments, which can be interpreted as perpetuating the union of people and animals for the benefit of the development of science. The artist emphasizes that he was trying to portray the moment of discovery. In his opinion, emotions on the "face" of the mouse are read at first glance, it seems, another second and she will say: "Eureka!" The sculpture is made of bronze by the famous master - Maxim Petrov. A monument was erected in Tyumen, the pedestal is made of granite. All works were completed on time, and on July 1, 2013, the grand opening of the monument was held.

Interesting facts and superstitions connected with the monument

Today the mouse, an astringent DNA molecule, is the central sculpture in the whole sculptural composition that beautifies the territory of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS. Today, the scientific alley is completely devoted to animals that help people in research. On benches and urns one can also see images of a rabbit, a rat, a frog, a dog, a pig, a hamster and even a fruit fly. All these animals participated in various studies, helped people find medicines from once-fatal diseases and receive important information about the structure and functioning of organs and tissues of living organisms. The monument of a laboratory mouse is not just a garden decoration, but a reminder of the contribution of these mammals to science and expression of gratitude. The new sculpture is popular with the residents of the city, and students even ask her for help in taking exams. It is believed that you need to stand next to the mouse or hold on to the DNA molecule, and then the five is guaranteed on any standings. Everyone likes the new ornament of the Academgorodok, and undoubtedly one of the most unusual sights of the city is the monument of the laboratory mouse. Novosibirsk is a city large enough and rich in beautiful sculptures and unusual places, but if you decide to visit it, be sure to include in your tourist route a visit to the scientific alley near the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS.

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