
The main reasons for the formation of the ancient Russian state

Kievan Rus represented one of the largest and most powerful states of the Middle Ages. The formation and development of the ancient Russian state evolved under the influence of certain geopolitical and spatial factors. Firstly, the land on which the formation of the new country was taking place was located at the junction of two different worlds: Muslim and Christian, sedentary and nomadic. The main features of the formation of the ancient Russian state are that in the course of its development, Kievan Rus acquired features of both Western and Eastern statehood, since it was located on the border between Asia and Europe. Secondly, the need of different tribes to rally in the face of a common enemy has allowed people of different levels of development and different cultural values to unite . By the way, the Slavic statehood begins to emerge long before the formation of Kievan Rus, in the far sixth century AD, from the unification of tribal and tribal communities into one common and stronger community.

Currently, many historians and sociologists continue to debate on the origin of Russian statehood. From the point of view of many of them, the reasons for the formation of the ancient Russian state are as follows:

- Economic development. The joint activity of people encouraged them to search for new forms of existence. Ancient Russia was an agricultural country. The unification of efforts of peoples who lived separately separately allowed not only to feed their population, but also to produce goods for export. Part of the urban population of the country was made up by artisans and merchants, who also conducts active trade with foreigners. Each pre-existing individual tribe could barely provide itself with decent food.

- Division of labor. Before the unification, each tribe was compelled to provide for itself completely. In a single state, there was gradually a division of people into separate castes or groups, in which each performed the assigned role. So, farmers cultivated the grain and vegetable crops necessary for food, the merchants traded, the squad defended the civilian population and the territory of the country from the enemy raids.

- Interest of people in the formation of a single state. Since its inception, the state has acted as an intermediary in resolving conflicts. Initially, the role of arbiter in such cases belonged to the prince or to the volunteer. Elders of the clan during the separate residence of the tribes were of little use for such a role and could hardly be judged impartially. The settlement of disputes between separate clans through military action was too burdensome. With the formation of the state, laws are gradually emerging, protecting people in certain circumstances, punishing those responsible, the judiciary is emerging . In addition, the reasons for the formation of the ancient Russian state lie in the people's striving for protection in the face of an external enemy. In a single country, the role of defenders was carried out by specially trained people in the military, which means that the chances of winning were much greater.

Also, the causes of the formation of the ancient Russian state are traced in the gradual stratification of communities, the formation of inequality in terms of property, the emergence of classes. The very formation of Russia is associated with the period of the reign of Oleg in Novgorod. For the first time the concept of the ancient Russian state is found in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and it is connected with the campaign of Prince Oleg to Kiev in 882. The accession of Kiev to Novgorod was another, but not the final, stage of the unification of the Russian lands. However, it is this event that is considered to be the key in the formation of a single country

It is possible that all the reasons for the formation of the ancient Russian state to modern researchers of history are unknown. The only very reliable source, telling about the pre-Christian times of Rus, is "The Tale of Bygone Years". It is impossible to exclude the assumption that its data are unreliable or not fully reliable.

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