Arts & EntertainmentFilms

The film "Anna and the King": actors and roles, the plot

The film "Anna and the King", the actors and roles of which constitute the subject of this review, is one of the most famous among the paintings of the historical genre. The undoubted advantage of the picture is the fact that it reflects the general political situation of the mid-19th century. In addition, the tape is based on autobiographical data, which gives it even more credibility.

The facts of history in the film

The film "Anna and the King", whose actors played real actors, tells about the difficult conditions in which the state of Siam (Thailand) turned out because of the colonial policy of Western European countries in the region. In the period under consideration, many countries sought to expand their holdings and spread their influence to the Asian regions.

This was opposed in every possible way by the ruler of the state, in which the action of the film "Anna and the King" takes place, the actors and roles of which were selected in exact accordance with each other. Mongkut headed the state for seventeen years and during this time has succeeded in diplomatic matters on preserving the independence of his country.

The socio-political context in the composition

To achieve this goal, the ruler for a long time played on the interests and contradictions of European states, thus delaying the time when his country inevitably had to fall under the dependence of the colonial powers. He concluded treaties with a number of Western European states, which for a time retained the independence of Siam in the international arena. All this diplomatic activity of the ruler is magnificently shown in the film "Anna and the King", the actors of which excellently conveyed the outstanding personalities of their characters.

The plot of the picture

The movie's composition is surprisingly similar to the novel "Jane Eyre", which, perhaps, provided such popularity. A young teacher who adheres to progressive views, comes to Siam to educate the children and wives of the ruler who wished his family to receive a European education. By the way, such a decision was not accidental: before the accession to the throne Mongkut lived and was brought up in a Buddhist monastery, where he studied not only the traditional Asian culture, but also showed a deep and serious interest in the history and culture of Europe.

The film "Anna and the King", the actors of which perfectly conveyed the psychology of the actors, tells how hard it was for a teacher in a foreign country with other people's customs and traditions. However, it shows firmness and dignity, and in dealing with the king seeks the right to respect. Mongkut was struck by the strength of the will of this fragile woman and quickly imbued with sympathy for her, which turned out to be mutual. Nevertheless, they parted at the end, realizing that in the situation of both they would not be able to find common happiness.

Images of heroes

Actors of the film "Anna and the King" (D. Foster, C. Yunfat) magnificently conveyed the psychology and characters of the characters. The young teacher has a strong temper, she is able to defend her opinion even before the omnipotent Asian ruler. At the same time, this woman is intelligent, delicate, tactful and educated, knows how to put people to her people, which is why she deserves respect not only of the all-powerful Mongkut, but also of all her students. It is significant that it is her concubine ruler who trusts his heartfelt mystery, and his daughter before the death says goodbye to the heroine.

The film "Anna and the King", the actors of which largely ensured the success of the picture, demonstrated the high skill of living in the role, it turned out magnificent. The performer of the role of the ruler of Siam very expressively conveyed the complex dramatic character of his hero. Intelligent, resolute, but adamant, he at the same time knows how to appreciate strong personalities and respects courage in others. So, he immediately felt sympathy for the main character, because she also turned out to be an outstanding person. But, brought up in the eastern traditions, he sometimes commits such acts, which remain incomprehensible to a European woman.

For example, he allowed the execution of his slave, despite the fact that at heart he did not want her to die. But for the prestige of his power he remained adamant, and the sentence was carried out. However, the heroes still find a common language and, despite the difference in social status and belonging to different cultural worlds, they eventually imbue each other with sympathy and deep respect.

Characters of the second plan

The picture pays much attention to recreating the atmosphere and decor of the royal court, among whose members, first of all, the children and wives of the ruler. All of them do not immediately understand the European methods of upbringing and education, but the young teacher with her responsiveness and authority soon won universal respect.

Separately mention the concubine of King Taptim (in excellent performance B. Lin), who with a risk to life decided to flee the palace after her fiancé. Realizing that only Anna can understand her, she trusts it to her. Subsequently, the teacher tried to intercede for her in front of the king, but unsuccessfully. Another character worthy of attention is the little son of the ruler, Prince Chowfa (role played by LK Siu), whom the teacher tried to captivate with modern progressive ideas about freedom, equality and universal human rights. A sensitive and intelligent boy is receptive to new ideas, which is notable among the other students. Attention is also drawn to the acting game of T. Felton, who played the little son of the heroine. Highlights his game and R. Dook Kim, who played the role of General Alak.

The meaning of the picture in the cinema

Nominee for the Oscar in 1999 for the best costumes was the film "Anna and the King." Anna and the King, whose roles were played by Foster and Yunfat, became a landmark in the film industry, not only thanks to an interesting story, a great performers' game, but in large part due to the fact that he acquainted the European viewer with Thai customs, traditions, culture, history. But in Thailand the film is banned due to inaccuracies in creating the image of King Mongkut, who is very revered in this state. Nevertheless, the picture has now become cult and is often shown on television.

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