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Small kennel: description, habitat and useful properties

The aquatic environment is full of vegetation: numerous algae, coastal grasses and shrubs adorn almost any pond. However, only a few of them can boast of the fact that they give life to beautiful inflorescences. That's why the small pile is considered such an amazing and unique plant.

general information

Small bottle (Latin Nuphar pulila) is a perennial freshwater plant. It belongs to the family of water-lily and represents a separate species. Inhabits both in rivers with a small current, and in stagnant water. According to research scientists, this is one of the most ancient plants on the planet - its first representatives inhabited the water expanses another 30 million years ago.

The little egg begins to germinate from the rhizome attached to the bottom. From it to the surface stretches a thin trunk. Its length depends on the depth of the reservoir, in some cases it can reach 150-170 cm. The stem develops only in the warm season, and with the arrival of the first frost, only the rhizome remains alive.

It is noteworthy that the small egg plant has both underwater and superficial leaves. The first actively develop in the spring, at the moment of germination of the cuttings to the surface. They are engaged in photosynthesis, as long as the first shoots do not appear above the water.

From above the plant is represented by large, heart-shaped leaves, which lie on the water surface with thin plates. Their length varies between 15-20 cm, and sometimes even more. On average, one small egg drops about 10 stems to the surface, and some of them start blooming with beautiful yellow petals by the beginning of summer.

Amazing Yellow Flowers

Naturally, the main "treasure" of this plant is its flower. It is represented by a small yellow bud, consisting of 6 petals. The diameter of the flowers rarely exceeds 3 cm. And it is this feature that distinguishes this species from its nearest congenital - the egg capsules of yellow.

As the development of the flower turns into an onion-shaped fruit of green color. Within it, within two to three weeks, the seeds ripen. After this, the fruit is divided into several parts and falls into the water. Initially, they do not sink, because they contain air bubbles. Thanks to this, wind or current carries seeds throughout the reservoir, thereby covering more and more new territories.

Distribution and habitat

The little bird is a very common plant. It can be found in the reservoirs of Europe, Russia, Central Asia and North America. It prefers zones with a temperate climate and not too long winters. It does not tolerate salty water, and is also deadly afraid of any pollution of the environment.

In particular, it is due to the deterioration of the ecology in some regions that the small egg-cap is protected. The Red Book prohibits the extraction and destruction of these plants in the Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin and Amur Oblast and in the Jewish Autonomous Region. The same rules apply to all water bodies of the Republic of Belarus.

It should also be noted that today the small eggpot is often grown artificially. This is due to the fact that her juicy leaves and bright flowers can become an ornament of any water body. Especially if it is harmoniously planted with other representatives of the family of water-lily.

Healing properties of the plant

People have long started to study the healing properties that a small egg-cart has. Photo of this plant is in many books devoted to folk medicine. It is also no less popular among pharmacists who are developing new types of drugs.

And all because the egg capsule contains a large amount of d-nufaropumylin and alkaloids. Most often tincture from this plant is used to treat the intestines, gout, enuresis and stomach cramps. In addition, it is able to reduce the rate of development of cancer.

In Chinese medicine, the egg capsule is known as a fine anesthetic, capable of removing pain in the head, back and teeth. Also, her flowers are used to create ointments. For the most part, their medicinal properties are directed to fight the rash and accelerate the healing of wounds.

However, it should be remembered that the small pot is a poisonous plant. It can not be used for treatment, not knowing all the subtleties of cooking medicinal broths. After all, even a small overdose can lead to sad consequences, which will greatly harm the body.

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