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Ruptured ovarian cyst. Symptoms, causes, treatment.

A rupture of the ovarian cyst is a serious problem that requires compulsory and urgent surgical intervention. However, even after it it is possible to have children. But to begin with it is necessary to understand: what is a cyst and why it arises.

The cyst is a tumor formation. The most common case is the follicular cyst. It is extremely rare that it can degenerate into cancer, but usually, an ovarian cyst ruptures earlier. Sometimes even the exact moment of this trouble the woman can not determine. The fact is that in the ovary, practically, there are no nerve endings and only the rupture of the ovarian cyst, the symptoms of which somehow manifest themselves can give an occasion for a visit to the doctor.

It is for these reasons that all gynecologists are advised not to wait for the rupture of the ovarian cyst, the treatment of which should be carried out urgently, and go for preventive examinations at least once a year. Although, of course, even such a period of time can lead to sad consequences.

Often, the cyst appears in girls and women from the onset of sexual maturity and to menopause. But there are other occurrences of tumor formation: early and late. All options are successfully treated with timely access to a doctor. Identify the ovarian cyst can be with palpation (examination) or in the diagnosis of an ultrasound machine. It is better if it is transvaginal.

Usually, these neoplasms dissolve through 2-3 menstrual cycles, however, to speed up the process, anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs are prescribed (this is the most frequent reason). If the formation did not decrease and did not disappear after 3 months, then laparoscopy or cyst removal is performed. With a sharp increase in education, during sudden movements, lifting weights, an incautious sexual intercourse, a rupture of the ovarian cyst occurs. However, this is almost imperceptible.

If the ovarian cyst ruptures , the symptoms will be as follows: stitching pain in the abdomen (local or general), lowering blood pressure (usually with internal bleeding), nausea, rarely vomiting, disturbance of gas and feces.

Depending on the nature of the cyst and its location, surgical intervention is performed. A rupture of the ovarian cyst may be accompanied by internal bleeding, which requires emergency hospitalization. If the cyst was, for example, follicular, without torsion and necrotic tissue formation, spikes did not occur, and the circulation of the ovary itself was not disturbed, then laparoscopy was performed. This is the removal of the body of the cyst, the ovarian leaflets are sewn. If the ovary is broken and it is impossible to save it, then a laparotomy is performed. However sad it may sound, but during this operation, the ovary is removed completely and sometimes even a part or whole fallopian tube.

But even after laparotomy, it is possible to become pregnant. Everything depends on the correctness of rehabilitation and the operation performed. The fact is that the operating doctor always, if possible, tries to leave a maximum of healthy ovarian tissue. And even if it is possible to leave only a small piece, it is left. Especially if the operation is done to a girl who did not give birth to children or to those who plan pregnancy. After all, while the alternative to the ovary is only oral intake of hormonal drugs and artificial insemination (AI and IVF).

As we have already explained, the rupture of the ovarian cyst, whose treatment is sometimes treated with severe rehabilitation and a lot of tears, is easier to prevent. For this, it is necessary to follow the violations of the menstrual cycle, contact the gynecologist and be sure to undergo a preventive checkup 1-2 times a year. And most importantly - do not ignore the advice and appointment of a doctor. This can be worth your life as well as the opportunity to have children.

Be healthy!

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