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Rabies vaccine for dogs: names, instructions, expiration date

It is possible to allocate about 10 kinds of inoculations, which must necessarily be made to a domestic pet. In the first place among them is a vaccine against rabies for dogs. This is one of the few medical interventions that is under the control of the government.

In what cases is it necessary to vaccinate without fail?

A rabies vaccine for dogs is necessary in order to warn a person or an animal against a dangerous disease. The dog can fully survive without it, if it lives in a separate aviary and does not contact other pets.

There are several cases in which it is necessary to carry out the vaccination without fail:

  • If the animal escaped from the house and for a long time contacted other individuals;
  • If necessary, visit with a pet another country;
  • If the owner often takes it with him to places with a large concentration of dogs, for example, on exhibitions, competitions or joint walks.

It is recommended for your own peace of mind to inoculate the dog in time to protect the animal from the virus.


Currently, there are many vaccines against rabies for dogs. "Rabikan" in this list takes a leading position. This is a high-quality domestic drug, which is equally suitable for both cats and dogs. Seven days after the introduction of the vaccine, the animal develops immunity, resulting in a reduced risk of acquiring a dangerous disease. There is only one contraindication - during the period of illness it is strictly forbidden to make a vaccine against dog rabies.

The instructions for use are quite simple. To administer the medicine, you need to do the following:

  • To process a site for a prick with an alcoholic solution (70%);
  • Draw a syringe dose of 1 or 2 cm 3 , depending on the age of the pet;
  • Inject under the skin.

It is recommended to do this procedure only to animals that are more than 2 months old. The period of its validity is one year, after which it is possible to repeat the administration of the drug. There are no side effects of this medication.


The vaccine against rabies for dogs "Nobivac" is produced by a Dutch manufacturer. Today it is one of the most effective. It is presented in the form of a dry powder, which must first be dissolved in the ampoule by a diluent. The vaccination is carried out as follows:

  1. When the dog reaches the age of 8 weeks, the first injection should be made. One ampoule is equal to one dose, which should be typed in a syringe and inserted under the skin of the dog.
  2. The same procedure should be repeated in three months and in one year.
  3. After each injection, let the pet lie down for 15 minutes.

After a three-time vaccination, the animal will be protected from a dangerous disease for three years. If suddenly a furry favorite starts to sneeze, do not panic, this is a normal reaction of the body to this drug.


When it comes to vaccine against rabies for dogs, the name of the medicine "Defensor-3" can not be ignored. This is one of the best means to protect an animal from one of the most dangerous diseases.

This requires a simple procedure.

  • Acquire at the pharmacy the smallest dose, equal to 1 ml. It is sold in an ampoule and is a clear solution of a pink hue.
  • As soon as the puppy turns three months old, make the first injection.
  • Repeat the procedure after one year.

After inoculation, give the animal a drink. It is necessary to monitor the state of his health throughout the day. From the effects of this drug may appear an allergic reaction - severe itching. If it does not stop for several hours, it is additionally necessary to give the dog an antiseptic.

About the validity period

Currently, there is a huge amount of a wide variety of preparations for grafting animals. The composition of the components of any vaccine against rabies for dogs is noticeably different. The duration of each drug is approximately the same. Basically it is 12 months. After this period, the effect of the vaccine is reduced, and immunity weakens. It is necessary to make a new vaccine for the pupil. You can meet a limited number of medicines, the validity of which reaches three years.

The effect of the drug on the animal's organism

From an early age, one must vaccinate one's animal using the rabies vaccine for dogs. Instructions for each of them are approximately the same: you must enter a certain dose of medicine under the skin of the pet. The impact on the body of each of them is also similar.

The scheme of the drug is as follows:

  • The first 20 minutes are the most difficult for the pet. In this period, allergic reactions may occur. To facilitate his condition, it is recommended to give the animal antiseptic preparation simultaneously with the vaccine.
  • Exactly 21 days the medication will act on the body, developing protection in it. During this period it is better to provide the pet with a home treatment and give maximum attention. Limit his communication with other animals completely. Immunity all this time will be weakened, so the risk of acquiring the disease increases dramatically.
  • After this time, the body appears to protect, which blocks the penetration of the virus.

Older dogs react to the vaccine much worse than young puppies. It is recommended to prepare their body for the action of the drug. Consult with the veterinarian, a week before the vaccination, enter in the diet of additional vitamins, give more fluid, try to reduce the physical load of the pet.

When should I see a doctor?

The rabies vaccine for dogs is a drug that exerts a certain influence on the body and additionally loads it. Do not be afraid if the pet for a certain period of time will lose appetite, there will be diarrhea or slightly increase body temperature. Within three days after vaccination, the dog will feel sluggish and tired. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. However, you need to remember about some cases when you need urgent help from a specialist:

  • Symptoms do not go away three days after the introduction of the vaccine;
  • Red or swollen the site of the injection or the dog showed pain in this area; To understand it is not difficult - she will start whining, trying to lick it or comb it;
  • The color of the tongue or ears has changed;
  • There were problems with breathing (coughing, shortness of breath, sneezing, etc.);
  • The appearance of seizures, a strong increase in body temperature, abundant salivation.

All these side effects indicate that the procedure was not performed correctly or the medication was not suitable for the pet's organism.

Preparation for vaccination

To the effect of vaccination on the body was effective, and the side effects manifested as little as possible, it is recommended to pre-prepare the dog's body for subsequent intervention. A week before the vaccination, it is necessary to limit its communication with other dogs, drink abundantly and include useful foods in the diet. On the day of the injection it is not necessary to feed the animal with heavy food. Preliminary should assess the state of health.

It is recommended to vaccinate in a veterinary clinic. Specialists will make necessary analyzes in advance and independently determine which medication will be better for a furry patient's body. The procedure will be conducted safely, qualitatively and sterile. During a certain period the animal will be under the control of medical personnel. If any side effects occur, the specialists will immediately take measures to eliminate them.

Doing a vaccine against rabies for dogs is itself dangerous. If all the necessary conditions are not observed, it is possible to damage the health of the pet. At present, there are a huge number of institutions offering this service at a low price.

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