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Puritanka is who?

The term was derived from the word "Puritanism", which in turn was derived from the Latin word for purity. The phenomenon originated and became widespread in England in the XVI-XVII centuries and initially affected the religious, political and social spheres of life of that society. We will not consider in detail the meaning of the term in these aspects due to the prescription of the years and its logical irrelevance. It is more interesting to learn about how its value was transformed in the millstones of centuries, and who today is considered to be puritanical. After all, it is women who are most often called that. So, puritanka is who? Let's try to figure it out.

Puritanka is a conservative woman

A lady with this status is mostly familiar to us from ancient works or art productions, where she was invariably served as a keeper of the hearth, strict moral principles and religious convictions. In those days, women with such a worldview and philosophy of life was abundant. Not the least role in the formation of the Puritan way of life was played by the church and conservative upbringing. Conservatism is the most persistent association that occurs when one looks at a Puritan woman. He is present in everything: in the style of clothes, manner of behavior, the way of submitting oneself in society, in views on life, on family, relationships, love, the role of women in society and so on.

Puritanka - the meaning of the word

Of course, puritanka in its pure form is a rare phenomenon. Puritanka is a lady who never and under no circumstances changes her established principles and views under the pressure of the public or the demands of the times. Rather, it can change them, but only towards more tightening and conservatism. Puritanka is a woman who professes strict moral principles, asceticism in all its manifestations, rejecting everything new, not tolerating frivolity, coquetry, flirting, flirtation. She will not only never show initiative in relationships or even with men, but also suppress such attempts on their part. Because it seems to her that such actions initially have a sexual implication, which is unacceptable for her because of her convictions. What else is different about the Puritanka? The meaning of this definition is also associated with the words "hypocrisy" and "stiffness". Hanseism is inherent in the Puritans when they reject premarital and extramarital affairs, preach chastity and caustic condemn dissent in this matter. Not surprisingly, many of them often remain old maidens who have not known physical intimacy with a man. Puritans are required to keep their innocence before they marry, only with marriage is the situation worse. It's one thing when a woman is decent, morally clean and true, and another - when it is cultivated.

In our time, men who wished to marry such a companion, there is little. Puritanka is one that is strict towards itself, towards others, possessing a reserved and low-emotional character. It's hard to judge from her how she feels and what she's going through. Public expression of emotions in Puritans is also not respected, because it is considered bad form and frivolity. Therefore, they are so stiff, and in everything: in behavior, in the manner of conversation, in relations with others, in the chosen style of clothing. By the way, often puritans prefer dresses in the classical style - in their opinion, only he is able to emphasize their individuality.

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