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Phantasmagoria is human fear, cut by art

The mystery, mystery, mystery, strangeness - all this lies in the semantics of the word phantasmagoria. Subconsciously, this is felt by everyone when using this combination of letters in their speech, but not everyone is fully aware of the multifacetedness of its meaning.

If you look at the etymological dictionary, you can see that the phantasmagoria is a word borrowed from the Greek language. The first part of it - phantasma is literally translated as "ghost". As for the second basis - agoreuo, it can be translated as "talking". Thus, the literal translation of the original version means a story about a ghost or a ghost story, as some linguists believe. If we turn to the large encyclopaedic dictionary, the meaning of the term is reduced to a delusional, bizarre vision.

Phantasmagoria and art

The whole charm of this word and phenomenon is, perhaps, in its universality. Phantasmagoria is applicable to almost any kind of art. Music, as its most saturated with psychology, is susceptible to this phenomenon especially. Nevertheless, phantasmagoric elements can be found in countless numbers in literature, cinema, painting or sculpture. Especially a lot of such elements in architecture, sculpture and literature, close to the Gothic style. Our century of civilization added to this list also computer games, in many of which phantasmagoria came in as an integral part.

Phantasmagoria in the literature

For verbal creativity, the use of phantasmagoria is quite common. Among the representatives of Russian literature, NV Gogol, M. Bulgakov, Saltykov-Shchedrin and many others actively used this phenomenon. The motif of an inverted, strange world, in which the boundaries of the natural and unnatural are blurred, was, in this case, fundamental. Phantasmagoria in literature, Certainly, it was used widely and scale.

We must not forget about the works of the great Edgar Poe, where mysticism and reality are woven into close, almost inseparable knots. Another inimitable example of using phantasmagoria can be called "Dracula" by Bram Stoker.

A bit about the white rabbit

There is not a single person in the whole world who does not hear about Alice in Wonderland by L. Carroll. The characters of this book have long and firmly entrenched in the minds of mankind, and indeed the author of the work is perhaps the first and most striking example of a writer who turned to phantasmagoria.

Lewis Carroll's phantasmagoria is fascinating, mysterious, sometimes absurdly colorful. In its pages, in the literal sense, magic passes into the world of reality, becomes the very reality. That is why his characters and heroes have long been a familiar person.

In addition to the "Alice" banner, from the pen of Carroll came a collection of poems "Phantasmagoria", which included the poem of the same name.

In general, the phantasmagoria of the prepared soul is used most often in literature, when the incredibility of being, a huge world full of hyperbolizations and puns, becomes an integral part of human existence.

Phantasmagoria and cinematography

Touching on the theme of literary phantasmagoria and, of course, the work of Lewis Carroll, we can not say about the film, which was intended to release the leader of the musical group "Marilyn Manson". Immediately it should be noted that this, albeit not accomplished, work of art was significantly different from the original. Despite the apparently obvious dedication to the writer, the invented phantasmagoria, invented by the author of the film (the film was to be called "Phantasmagoria: Lewis Carroll's visions") is a completely new, strange, in some way even alarming reading of the famous "Alice in Wonderland".

Work on the tape was started, but on large screens the work for unknown reasons did not work out.

Computer games industry

Phantasmagoria is , First of all, an incredible image, and nothing gives a more powerful sense of the image than computer games. More or less thought out plot, good graphics and high-quality musical accompaniment allow to plunge into the world of riddles and secrets. Such kind of work has always been and will be in demand among adventure and mystery lovers.

"Phantasmagoria" is a game that His appearance owes the famous Robert Williams, who became the ideological mastermind and one of the creators of the masterpiece. Despite the fact that horror can not boast of powerful graphics, in an atmosphere of inexpressible horror, he simply has no equal.

Of course, this is far from the only example of using phantasmagoric elements in creating video games. The same sensational "Silent Hill" or "Amnesia" uses this phenomenon in full.

Painting and phantasmagoria

If we take into account the fact that phantasmagoria is, first of all, going beyond the usual, a certain amount of insanity, mental insanity, then the greatest admirer of this phenomenon, no doubt, can be called Hieronymus Bosch. It is difficult to find works more phantasmagoric, strange, surprising and frightening at the same time.

Of course, this example is far from the only one. Phantasmagoria - this is Dali, and Rodney Matthews, and, undoubtedly, Goya, for which this direction was the final one.

The phenomenon of phantasmagoria is rather difficult to correlate with this or that time period, a specific epoch. Of course, in the era of classicism, the appeal to such a figurative system was uncharacteristic, but baroque architecture and painting can present countless examples of phantasmagoria.

Appeal to this kind of art, above all, an attempt to transmit, transmit vulnerability, the fragility of human nature, its place in the context of the immensity of the soul, consciousness, peace. This is an attempt to focus on how scary and at the same time beautiful can be the world, missed through the prism of human perception.

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