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Petit Brabanson. Griffons and birds Brabansons: reviews of owners and breeders

Both griffons and birds of Brabansons refer to decorative dogs. Both these breeds have the same roots, in fact, they are closely related species. Small obedient creatures with a funny face quickly won the love of many people. About their individual characteristics, character and standards, we now tell in more detail.

History of the origin of the breed

Already from the name of these two breeds it becomes clear that the griffon and the birds are born from Belgium. More precisely, they are part of a group of small Belgian dogs. Their ancestors enjoyed special popularity in the 17th century among local peasants. They were larger than the modern griffons, but they had the same tattered red hair. And smooth-haired individuals eventually gave rise to a small brabanson, better known as the Brabanson birds. Comments on both, and about another representative of this breed can be heard in the majority of its positive. Now experts and cynologists are inclined to the opinion that in the blood of these dogs a lot of ponameshano. So, it was not without affen-pinscher, due to what the animals we are considering and have such a "monkey" snub-nosed muzzle. You can see in the dog and features King Charles Spaniel, Pekingese and even Yorkshire terrier. Such a mixture occurred during the formation of a new breed in order to consolidate certain specific features.

Even at the very beginning of the formation of the birds of the Brabansons as a separate species of dogs, they were used to guard the ancillary premises - a stable, sheds, warehouses - from raids by rodents. Agility combined with the persistence and resourcefulness of these dogs was also used in the case of protection of dwellings. Thanks to the lively character and cute appearance of small smooth-haired griffons (the second name is the Brabanson bird), later they were kept as decorative pets. As a separate breed of Brussels Griffon was introduced only in 1880 at a local dog show. And the first male producer was Garzon Bridge Waterloo, whose mother was a Yorkshire terrier bitch.

As a result of mixing several breed lines, we have a modern image of the Brabanson birds, which we know today. Short snub nose he owes to Pekingese, wool - pugs, and short growth - yorkies and toy terriers (this breed, as a rule, does not grow at the withers above 25 cm).

The appearance of smooth-haired small griffon in Russia

The official breed standard was adopted in 1904. And the first Braboneson birds were imported to Russia much later - in 1993, he arrived from the United States. This event gave rise to the creation of the first Russian breeding kennel ("Nevsky Hobbit" in St. Petersburg). Later the breed appeared in the capital, from where it began to spread throughout Russia.

What are they, Brabanson birds? Character and habits

This little dog won the sympathy of millions of people, not only in miniature sizes, but also in their behavior. Despite the fact that the weight of your pet does not exceed 6 kg, be prepared for manifestations of a truly strong, strong-willed character. With this quality griffon is able to surprise many. First and foremost, the Brabanson birds keep themselves very intelligent - in the family, in the society of strangers, and in acquaintance with other dogs. At the same time arrogance is alien to them, the dog will simply try to maintain the deserved authority. The most dignified way they will treat their masters. The breed in question is characterized by remarkable courage and ability to become the main topic for conversation. Sympathetic birds Brabansons have a very developed facial expression, and their view is much like a human. You can easily guess what your pet is feeling at this moment, just by looking at his posture and expression of face. There will be reflected the true canine joy, and thoughtful reflections, and sadness.


There are 2 types of modern griffons: smooth-haired and wire-haired individuals. Belgian and Brussels are of the second type, and the Brabanson is the only smooth-haired variety of this breed. In some European countries, each of the listed breeds is considered a separate, independent species, but still they are allowed to cross between them. According to the accepted standard, the poultry -brabanson dog must have a square format, that is, its height at the withers is equal to the length of the body. Estimating the physique, it should be noted that it is not devoid of elegance with a strong backbone. The head of the smooth-haired griffon is large, round, and the jaws protrude in a peculiar way forward. A fairly short hairy covering (about two centimeters) is characterized by a sufficient density of adherence and luster.

Admissible colors: red (with the mask on the muzzle should be black), black, black and red, black with a tan. Light hair in most cases will be considered a blemish, and dogs will not be allowed to reproduce. But regardless of whether the red or black birds are brabanson in front of you, its muzzle will be devoid of a mustache and characteristic "beard" inherent in the woolly varieties. Pads on the paws should have a dark color and not be "loose" (widely spaced). Previously, the tail of these dogs was cut by two-thirds, leaving a small tip, but modern exhibition requirements allow participation and animals with an unkempt tail. Adult individuals reach 16-25 cm at the withers, and their weight should be within 3-6 kilograms.

Petit Brabanson: Care of the wool

The short coat of these pretty little dogs does not take long to put it in order. A small bobbonson is required to brush his hair every day with a soft brush and bathe as it gets dirty. Only special zooshampoos can be used while human dogs are not suitable for dogs because of the strong difference in skin pH. Soap, too, will affect the covers of the pet not in the best way, so we do not consider it as a means for bathing an animal. Since the mustache and beard of this dog are absent, trimming is not needed. But widely placed bulging eyes should be cleaned from time to time with the help of a special veterinary fluid.

Care of the auricles

Ears with regularity 1 time in 7 days, wipe with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Be careful while doing this, do not try to climb deep into your ear to avoid accidental injury to the tympanic membrane. If you notice that the ear canister of the dog gets drier faster than usual, crusts appear on it, a dark scurf with a bad smell, show the pet to the vet. This may be the first signs of the disease, and the sooner you notice the symptoms, the sooner you stop its effects.


Like any other dog, the smooth-haired griffon is recommended to trim offgrown claws from time to time. For these purposes, purchase a special claw in the pet store. Before removing the excess, look at the location of the vessel in the claw at the lumen, so as not to injure the animal. If you still carelessly shaved it, attach a tampon moistened with any hemostatic solution (hydrogen peroxide, for example) to the wound. In addition, equate the hair between the pads on the paws with a manicure scissors.

Dog needs

Petit brabansons have a stable psyche, which facilitates their training and increases the pup's ability to learn. This breed is not inclined to aggression. Little dogs are very "poured" into the family and are attached to people. For them, the master becomes a god. Animals are very difficult to tolerate any stressful situation, whether it is bad treatment, separation, illness, change of ownership or relocation. It is good that the compact size of such a pet allows him, in most cases, to take with him everywhere. But all the same it is not necessary to forget, that it is a dog, instead of a subject of an interior. Of course, your Brabanson bird can learn to walk in the tray like a cat while in a city apartment, but do not deprive the animal of a daily promenade and walks in the fresh air. Especially dogs of this breed like to communicate with their own kind, and in the company of the owner's friends do not feel constrained. Along with this, they tend to be wary of the world around them, which at times looks touching. They perfectly get along with children and other pets, and their quiet barking will not serve as an occasion for complaints of neighbors. Petit Brabanson is easy to train and does not lose the ability to learn with age. On the contrary, they love to bring joy to their owner!

At the exhibition with griffon

It must be said that the griffons and birds of the Brabanson are given the best reviews, both as pets and as exhibition pride. Surely you will want to show off in public, hardly in your life will appear such a cute snub-nosed favorite. How should a dog look like a Brabanson bird, we already told. More complete advice you can get by contacting a nursery or an expert on the breed. We list the features that representatives of this species are considered to be flaws or defects. These include:

  • Propensity to aggression or, on the contrary, cowardice;
  • Light, unpigmented nose;
  • The dog can see the tip of the tongue with the mouth closed;
  • Curvature of the lower jaw;
  • Color, different from the one proposed in the standard;
  • Presence of white spots on the coat;
  • Physical and mental disabilities.


So, what is a good breed of Brabanson? Summing up all of the above, it is easy to understand that the small Griffon, first of all, is an active, cheerful and intelligent companion dog. It will not give its owners a special hassle. Such animals are very convenient to keep in the apartment. They are extremely good-natured and brave at the same time. If, due to some circumstances, you can not get a large dog, pay attention to such lovely creatures as griffons and birds of Brabansons. Reviews about these pets are extremely positive! And if there are children in the family, I will delight them at the sight of a comical animal, which, despite small size, keeps with a great sense of dignity, there will be no limit.

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