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Passage of the Black Mountain (Hearthstone) on the usual level of complexity

Hearthstone - this is one of the most popular to date card games, which eclipsed even the legendary Magic: The Gathering. Here you need to create your own card decks, consisting of creatures of different powers, various spells, and so on. You can both fight with friends and people on the Internet, and go through a story campaign. One of the most difficult sites is the "Black Mountain". And in this article will be considered the complete passage of the "Black Mountain". Hearthstone is a fascinating project, and even such an element will give you a lot of pleasant impressions. But only in the event that you can make a competent deck and properly dispose of it. In total at this stage you will have to fight with 17 bosses to successfully complete the passage of the "Black Mountain". Hearthstone is not the easiest game to learn, so this guide will come in handy.


From the way you collect your deck, your passage of "Black Mountain" will depend. Hearthstone is a game that makes you think, and the first boss will let you know. He acts quite interesting - at the beginning of each turn Koren pulls out of his deck two random creatures, and from yours - one, thus creating an advantage. Your chance is to create a deck exclusively from the strongest creatures, and also dilute them with spells that will help you cope with superior opponent forces.

Judge Grimstone

If the first boss can be dealt with quite easily with the correct formation of the deck, then on the second you can stop the passage of the "Black Mountain". Hearthstone does not spare his players, so the Darkenstone at the start has four mana crystals at once, and before each turn he has a guard with a minimal attack and defense, which distracts the damage to himself. Here you already have to rely more on magic, as well as on luck, without which it will not be easy.

Emperor Thaurissan

What did the Black Mountain pass for you? The Hearthstone deck must always be selected individually for each boss - for example, the third boss is one of the strongest in the campaign, since next to him is his wife with a unit of health. As soon as she dies, the boss becomes many times stronger and can kill you with one blow. Therefore, the key card here is one that can swap stats of damage and protection to his wife.


The passage of the "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" on the usual level of complexity already causes difficulties, at higher levels everything turns into a real nightmare, so until you have collected very strong cards and learned how to use them, it is not recommended to move to a new level of complexity. You will not be able to defeat even Garra, because on normal difficulty he has 45 health units and starts immediately with seven creatures who, at death, inflict three points of damage on everyone for each dead creature of this type.


How does the passage of the "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" follow? The heroic mode confronts you with a dark baron who not only has incredible vitality and armor, but also deals you ten damage per turn, when you do not spend all mana, but try to save it. Therefore, you will have to use less powerful cards that you could spend in one turn, that is, to crush the quantity, not the quality - and in this you will most of all help the hero Warlock.


Passing the "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" basic deck is possible, but it seems very difficult - as mentioned above, you better build the deck yourself. And at the same time understand the characteristics of the opponent's deck - for example, Executus, when the health falls below 20 units, calls to the table of the fire giant, so you will need to kill it immediately, not allowing a situation in which the boss will receive a lot of damage, but will not die.


As you have already understood, the passage of the "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" on the heroic regime is not the easiest task. And each time before you arise more and more sophisticated bosses. For example, Omokk at the beginning of each turn destroys the player's random creature from the table. You can cope with this by summoning a large number of small creatures - and, naturally, with magical support, because otherwise small creatures will not be enough to defeat the boss.


Drakissat - this is the next general, with whom you will encounter the passage of "Black Mountain: Hearthstone. Heroic. " The basic difficulty level will make it easier to pass, but in any case this boss will be quite difficult for everyone. The difficulty of the boss is that all creatures are equated at a price to one unit of mana - even the most powerful ones. But you can only play one card from hand to hand, which greatly reduces your ability.


As for this boss, you can have problems with him due to the fact that he can use different skills every turn - they are all focused on the call, and not all the creatures he calls are strong. But what is the only dragon that Rend can call for every four moves - he has 8 attacks and 8 defenses, so he is strong enough. You need abilities that will help you to cope with a large number of creatures from the enemy.


This boss is dangerous because he has on the field appear eggs with protection 3, which after a while hatch into pretty strong dragons. You can cope with them by collecting a fairly fast deck, that is, it should include cards that you can instantly play, and not accumulate mana on them each time. So you can get rid of the eggs before they turn into full-fledged dragons, thus depriving the boss of his main weapon.


Confrontation with this boss also in no case can not be delayed, because every turn he gets a bonus unit of mana, which under the circumstances will give him an impressive advantage after a dozen moves. What kind of circumstances? The fact is that in battle with him you will receive instead of one card three for each move - but the same will be received by the boss. So you need to be able to remove cards from the opponent's hand, and also play a large number of your cards in one turn.


This boss has a very unpleasant habit - he constantly throws in your hands negative for you and positive for him cards from his own deck. Therefore, your task is to quickly gain control over the field, and also use those creatures that can also benefit from negative spells, such as Twilight dragons.

Victor Nefariy

The strength of this boss lies in the fact that he has a variety of powerful creatures, which he will throw you from the very beginning, because already by the second move he will have as many as ten units of mana. So you again need to rely on destroying the cards from the opponent's hand, and also on what you can stretch out until you have a decent amount of mana to summon powerful creatures.


This protective system causes quite unusual robots, each of which has its own properties. Three of the four robots are not very pleasant, and they just need to somehow survive, but here's one of them - it's your salvation. After all, he makes the cost of all spells lower by three mana. So, you need to rely on spells, the most important of which should be freezing - you just need it to come to you before the sixth move.


Many gamers believe that this boss is the most difficult in the entire campaign, and this has its justifications. Firstly, it can quite often call very good fighters with three units of attack and defense. Secondly, he can increase both attack and defense by two, and he can do this not only to these bonus minions, but to all his creatures in principle. And thirdly, he can change the defense and attack to any creature, so you have to try very hard to deal with it. Therefore, concentrate on those cards that will be able to remove creatures from the table from the enemy and quickly restore the stock of cards in your hand.


This boss is also quite complex, but his complexity is one-dimensional - he has a special weapon, which acts as a half-half-half-million. And every card you play will give this creature an additional unit of attack. In general, you will have to struggle with this weapon with all your might, gradually undermining it and sacrificing your weak creatures so that after the destruction of the bonus it is much easier to deal with the boss himself.


Well, the last boss, which ends the passage of the "Black Mountain: Hearthstone" - Nefarian. This boss is very cunning - as soon as you destroy all his armor, he will call in his place another heroine who will have a good health reserve and cause serious damage, increasing at the same time during each turn. Coping with this will not be easy, so it is better not to bring to such a call. Simply copy cards, think through effective combinations, and when there is an opportunity - use them so that you immediately remove both armor and health (for this you can pre-sharpen the armor).

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