
Oncomarker HE4: transcript. Signs of ovarian cancer in women

Every year, the number of cancer patients becomes more and more. This attack does not spare anyone. Scientists and doctors are still trying to understand the causes of cancer and find effective methods of treatment. Unfortunately, at the first stages of the development of the disease it is asymptomatic. Many patients, coming to doctors with complaints, find out that they have an extreme degree of ailment, with which it is too late to fight. Therefore, mortality due to cancer is great. Still, scientists managed to get close to solving the problem. Many types of cancer can be found in the early stages, just visiting doctors in time and donating blood for tests. Special laboratory methods allow isolating from the human blood "beacons" -colons marking the occurrence of the problem. This allows you to detect the disease in the early stages, which will increase the chances of recovery several times.

To date, one of the most dangerous female tumors is ovarian cancer. Mortality from it is the highest among the other malignant formations of the female genital organs. Do not panic. After all, you can determine the onset of the disease in the first stages of its development and minimize dangerous risks. A special blood test for the presence of HE4 oncomarker will protect you from danger.

Causes of ovarian cancer

To name the exact reasons contributing to the appearance of an ovarian tumor in women is not yet possible. There are a number of factors that provoke tumor development:

  • Changes in the hormonal background. Most often hormonal imbalance occurs in women during menopause. During this period, the number of female sex hormones in the body increases. As a result, it promotes oncological neoplasms, including on the ovaries. Hormonal jumps can also occur in girls and in young women. Therefore, individuals with irregular menstrual cycles need to pay special attention to health.
  • Bad habits. Every sane person knows that smoking, alcohol, harmful food are helpers of various kinds of diseases. No exception is ovarian cancer. For example, women who abused products, containing trans fats, carcinogens, dyes and other harmful additives, risk being observed on oncobrach.
  • Constant change of sexual partners, abortions. If you change men like gloves, not caring about your health, then you will get infected with sexually transmitted infections simply. In the future, this will lead to a decrease in local immunity and, as a consequence, the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. Unwanted pregnancy can be the result of promiscuity. Many women, without seeing another way out, have an abortion. This surgical intervention is a huge stress for the female body, which changes the hormonal background. The consequence is infertility, oncological diseases.
  • Operations on the ovaries that promote the formation of atypical epithelial cells of the body.
  • Genetics. Scientists have proven cases when the presence of certain genes in the DNA chain promotes the appearance of malignant tumors in humans.
  • An ovarian tumor in women sometimes develops as a consequence of another cancer.

Symptoms of the disease

At the first stages, it is almost impossible to determine the development of ovarian cancer. Symptoms appear when the disease deeply affects the organ. The main signs of ovarian cancer in women:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Frequent urge to urinate;
  • Pressing sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • Aching pain in the ovaries;
  • Problems with defecation;
  • Discomfort, pain during intercourse.

These manifestations of the disease can not be attributed to specific for ovarian cancer. Therefore, in order to avoid tragedy, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.


A routine examination on the gynecological chair will determine the changes in the structure of the ovaries. To confirm the primary diagnosis, the patient is directed to do a number of instrumental studies:

  • Ultrasound examination of genital organs;
  • Biopsy of tissues to determine the cancerous structure;
  • MRI is the method by which the localization and boundaries of the neoplasm are seen in detail;
  • X-ray and contrast solution also allow to see the location of the tumor.

Also for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer patients are referred to a special blood test, where they detect the presence of oncomarkers. According to their concentration, the presence of the disease is judged. To determine ovarian cancer, blood is given for the detection of two tumor markers - CA125 and HE4. The last type of marker began to be determined recently, but it most accurately indicates the development of the disease.

What is NOT4?

Oncomarkers are specific substances that begin to secrete an organism when a particular organ is affected by a tumor. Also, markers can be produced normally in a healthy person, but to increase their concentration, specialists detect cancer and observe its course.

HE4 - cancer marker for ovarian cancer in women, is produced in small amounts in a healthy body to maintain physiological functions. If the epithelium of the ovaries is affected by cancer, then the concentration of a specific protein rises.

Earlier, the CA-125 marker was used to confirm the diagnosis of "ovarian cancer", which was determined by a specific blood test. But this method was not reliable, since the concentration of this marker could increase in non-oncological diseases or in tumors of other organs. Raising the level of CA-125 in the serum can be at the 3rd or 4th stage of the disease. At the initial stages, it is practically impossible to determine the disease with this marker. Most often, the "beacon" level rises when clinical signs of ovarian cancer appear in women.

HE4 has a greater specificity (95%) and sensitivity (76%) compared with CA-125. Studies have been conducted that showed that in women with an elevated concentration of the HE4 marker in the blood, CA-125 remains normal. Therefore, to determine the cancer of the ovaries at an early stage, it is better to use the method that determines HE4.

In order for the results to have a greater percentage of accuracy, specialists define two oncomarkers (CA-125 and HE4) at once. Then apply a special mathematical algorithm, which is more likely to talk about the development of oncology processes in the ovaries. Specificity and sensitivity of this method increases at times (up to 96%).

Oncomarker HE4: the norm in women

To make the diagnosis, focusing only on the result of the analysis that determines HE4, is unacceptable. For diagnostics, only an integrated approach is used: examination, instrumental methods of detection and test for oncomarkers. When performing an analysis to determine the marker of ovarian cancer, it is always indicated whether the woman has come to menopause or not, since the range of values for women in the menopause is higher.

In women before the onset of menopause, the HE4 score should be less than 70 pmol / ml.

At the woman who has passed or has taken place a menopause, level 4 in norm at indications up to 140 pmol / ml.

Oncomarker HE4: transcript

Let's figure it out. If oncomarker HE4 is elevated, this indicates the occurrence of epithelial ovarian cancer. At once we will notice, that at other kinds of a cancer of ovaries (for example, mucinous) the quantity of HE4 in serum does not increase.

High concentration of HE4 does not always indicate ovarian cancer. Sometimes the level of this marker increases with renal failure, lung cancer, endometrium, kidney fibrosis.

Proper preparation for analysis also affects the level of the marker in the blood.

Preparation for analysis

To determine the HE4 oncomarker, blood is taken from the vein on an empty stomach. Therefore, before taking the test, 12 hours before the procedure can not eat fatty foods, alcohol, sweets, smoked products, you can not smoke. On the day of analysis, you can drink only small amounts of water.


Only the physician can put the correct diagnosis, relying on the data of several types of diagnostics. To avoid health problems, start a habit to undergo medical examination once a year. After all, knowing that you are healthy is priceless.

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