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On the Exhaustion of the Production Resources of Workers' Villages It is said For a long time, But Such a Feeling That This "boil" Is Provided The Possibility of Dissolving

We live in a small working village of the Kuraginsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory created during the development of one of the iron ore deposits, the prospect was, housing was built, work is there, social benefits developed, living conditions and leisure at the highest level - the people came and settled, it was a city- Allowing to live with dignity ... Salary is not huge, but it is sufficient for today ... And now it is the only enterprise that provides residents of the village with the prospect of truth in only five years of work.

But the development of reserves is only one of the problems, there is another if you take a circle of 150 km. Then there is not one stable or working large enterprise that will provide employment for the population and in the district it is not the only working village with the same problems.

The number of settlements in the 7000 population of which 2500 pensioners, 2000 children and 2500 working population ...

Our village is autonomous. Because of the remoteness from other settlements it is provided with all necessary infrastructure ... there is a kindergarten, a school, a hospital, a music and sports school, a Palace of Culture with many circles for the development of children ... live and enjoy, but soon the stocks will end and somehow you need to Will survive ...

The depletion of the productive resources of the workers' settlements has been said for a long time, but the feeling is that this "boil" is given the opportunity to dissolve independently ... And people are starting to leave the enforced places of the larger cities, creating new problems, and why?

In cities it is necessary to build and build, the city is easier to destroy, the city is more difficult to keep in order, the city is more criminal, epidemics and hunger come faster to the city, ecology is worse many times, the city is a city .... Why can not it be solved at the state level the question of preserving small working communities, because they only need production, where people could earn a living ...

Why should the government not develop a state program to adapt production capacity in Russia, taking into account the location of these settlements.

Direct people who can offer an idea, taking into account all the pluses and minuses of the economic and geographical situation, to organize another production, and do it? And we are ready to support you !!!

People ready to work - there are, excellent conditions for life - there ... Why not do this? .... What are we waiting for? Why destroy, if you can save ...

This is a very serious problem for many people living in Russia.

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