Self improvementPsychology

Obsessive people: how to get rid of them tactfully?

In the life of each met different types of people in behavior, communication and outlook. As they say, people are all different. There are cheerful, "easy" in communication, and there are also obsessive people. This category, from communication and presence of which is extremely difficult to get rid of, but possible. So, let's consider options for how to get rid of an obsessive person. How do such people behave?

How do the obsessive people show themselves?

These "stick" is really very easy to identify. Obsessive people are extremely fond of attracting the entire attention of the audience, society to themselves. And most often they do it with the help of meeting in a conversation, increasing intonation in conversation, translating the topic of conversation into their person. If we are not talking about a conversation with an obsessive person, but about his presence in your life, then everything is running at all! Obsessive people like to come when they are not called, and the most interesting is that it is very difficult to get them out of the door, because they absolutely do not understand the hints, and even if they tell them directly that you are tired of their company, they can safely stay away at a party .

As for the obsession of a young man or girlfriend, their behavior includes excessively frequent calls, long meaningless conversations, unexpected visits, prolonged until late, obsession with advice and tastes, excessive presence in personal space.

To this type of person you need to find a special approach, to make it clear to him about his excessive presence and obsessive behavior, because obsessive people very poorly understand the hints.

How tactful is it to hint to a person about his obsession?

To begin with, it is necessary in a conversation to hint at the fact that the interlocutor crosses certain boundaries and becomes intrusive in his own interests and views on the world. This can be done in this way:

  • You can smoothly change the subject of the conversation and do it every time, as soon as the obsessive companion starts to show itself.
  • Pay attention to something interesting that is in sight, and try to talk about it or switch the conversation to a general topic where there is no opportunity to express personal opinion or advise.

If during a conversation it is not verbally possible to hint at obsession of the interlocutor, then it is possible to take measures to tactfully make it clear that a person is intrusive.

At once it is not necessary to behave like a boor and say that a person is bored or tired of his long presence.

You can first look through such methods:

  • Immediately indicate the time of his or his departure (for example, "at 9 I have a dream because I get up very early," or "I have an appointment for 9, so we'll part one hour before her, so I can prepare" ). For some time before leaving you need to remind yourself that you will soon have to part. You can resort to the trick and call a mobile phone and say that you urgently need to leave.
  • In the presence there should always be a stock of polite excuses in case you need to "supposedly" suddenly retire on business.
  • You can resort to cunning, when another person comes up and with a light fun on the pretext that urgently needed help or a meeting is appointed, leads away from the company of an obsessive person. True, this does not always work.
  • In the event that the hint of his obsession does not reach the person at all, tell him politely and with an apology ("I'm sorry, but I need to leave, we fell for a while, but it's time ...").

How tactful is it to hint to a young man that he is intrusive?

Some young people in a relationship go too far with their frequent presence in their partner's personal space. And such a moment, too, should not be missed or tolerated, because this can later affect relations and lead to their destruction.

The side, which interferes with the obsession of the second half in some moments (violation of personal space, frequent calls, SMS and control, the imposition of their tastes and behavior), it is necessary in a calm and calm tone to talk from afar about tastes and desires and reduce it to the fact that Everyone should have their own personal space, trust and a bit of free time, that excessive presence and control hinder and alarm.

If the second half has not extracted the necessary conclusions from this conversation, then you can have a similar repeated conversation and beat everything so that the obsessive young man or girl is replaced by the one to whom this obsession interferes (to exchange roles). In any case, calm conversations with the indication that obsession interferes with showing how exactly, will help something to correct in the behavior of the annoying person.

How to get rid of an obsessive friend?

If there is an obsessive companion in the circle of communication, then the situation is not simple. Usually such girls hardly understand hints of their obsession and it is difficult to convey this to them. But there are effective methods!

  • Switch attention to another person who may be interested in an obsessive companion.
  • To begin to introduce yourself is just as intrusive as she is, while choosing exactly such moments when it is absolutely inconvenient and there is no time for you to take a visit or stand and talk. After several times this behavior, she will avoid your company, thereby relieving her obsession, that she herself and not suspecting.
  • In conversations where an obsessive companion is actively trying to get into personal life with his questions and advice, you need to ignore or evade a couple of times from an answer or question. Taking the form of a "deaf little fool," you can make it clear that you do not want to answer questions or tell such personal things.
  • If the hints are not understood, start asking and advising as actively as she is. Call and write and ask all the time about things she would not want to talk about (but you need to observe and study it a little to reveal topics that are not very pleasant for her).
  • Calmly and straightforwardly to say that a girlfriend is too much going into personal life (but this is an extreme case, when the obsessive behavior of a person goes through all the limits of patience, as it can lead to resentment and quarrel).

How to get rid of very intrusive people

There are also such "copies". In the case when there are very obsessive people in the society and their behavior affects health and the nervous system, it is necessary to get rid of them sharply and definitively. Just stop all communication with them, avoid their company. After all, too obsessive people do not understand either hints or straight words, only a sharp action will come to them, namely the cessation of relations.

How is it more gentle to break off a relationship with an obsessive person?

Before you stop communicating with an obsessive friend, of course, you can try to convey to him why, what exactly and how affected the gap in communication. Let the compulsive friend feel at least a little of himself in your place. But, most likely, it will be a waste of time.

Be sure to advise him a new friend, who is at least a little patience for communicating with an obsessive person.

What if I can not gently break my relationship with a very intrusive person?

If the above methods were not understood by a person, then you need to start ignoring it without answering phone calls and SMS, not opening the door to the house or saying directly that you are tired, tired or you are in a hurry.

From a person who is too obtrusive, one can get rid of more quickly, only by stating directly that his communication tires and he is being imposed. Another approach they do not understand, because they are too intrusive, so they need to be removed from their society.

The result

How to get rid of obsessive people?

  1. If a person is not very intrusive, it is possible to do this by hinting in a conversation about his behavior.
  2. If a person does not understand the hint, start behaving like him (ringing and coming without invitation and staying away for a long time, tiring with his conversation, even if the interlocutor can not and does not want to enter the conversation). As they say, the wedge is a wedge!
  3. With a very obtrusive person, all of the above methods are powerless, so you need to get rid of such people sharply and completely (do not pick up the phone, do not open the door or say directly that his society is tired).

Helpful Tips

The more effective are the options where you and your intrusive obsessive friend change places and pester them just like he does you. Then the obsessive person becomes the place of the one he gets, and gradually begins to understand that his behavior is obsessive.

Before you start to abruptly get rid of the society of such a person, you first need to study it a little, so as not to offend him very much, but at the same time let him specifically understand that he is tired and has driven you to extreme measures!

But, unfortunately, there are obsessive people who do not understand this either. Such people need to say "truth-womb" directly in the eyes. But first make sure that this does not harm your health or yours! After all, it may be that an obsessive person who was told directly about his excessive importunity becomes insulted, and, since he is mentally weak, he begins to harm himself or, on the contrary, get angry and pester the offender even more!

Well, even better, as soon as it becomes clear that a person is intrusive, immediately alienate him from his person, even in the early stages of communication!

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