
Name of organization: examples. How to name the LLC?

When a novice entrepreneur applies to the tax office for the registration of an LLC, he necessarily encounters the need to assign a name to his company. A common situation is when a businessman does not think about the importance of this task, and as a result dozens of "Stroy-services" and "Aphrodite" appear in the city.

Why is it so important to properly name a company?

To answer this question, it is not necessary to remember the hackneyed phrase from the cartoon about the captain of the "Bede". Many underestimate the importance of the name of the company, although this is one of the main components of a competent marketing approach. The name of the organization is part of the brand, the future element of the logo, the face of the company.

It is necessary to think about the name at the stage of forming a business project. After all, when referring to this word, customers should have the right associations associated with a particular firm.

How to name a company to be successful

When choosing the correct name, one should be guided not only by uniqueness. Important criteria are also shortness, convenience in pronunciation, uniqueness and other features necessary to convert a simple word into a trademark. Marketers identify many rules that help select the right options and sweep out the wrong ones. About everything in order.

How to forbid to call a company

There are standards for the name of LLC, established at the legislative level. Before embarking on a brainstorming session, it is better to familiarize yourself with these norms in order to immediately dispel the hopeless options. So, how to name LLC and not break the law?

1. The legal name of the organization should not be repeated already registered trademark. By ignorance or intentionally an entrepreneur can break the law. And then you will have to answer in all severity.

2. The name should not only differ by 100% from the patented trademark, but in no way remind it. If the creators of a well-known brand suspect an infringement of copyrights, they, like in the previous case, are entitled to a claim. Especially unpleasant it will be at a time when the entrepreneur already has time to develop his business, invest a lot of money in the advertising campaign and logo, will spend on souvenir products and so on. All this will have to be disposed of, and it's not worth talking about the spoiled reputation.

3. The name of the organization should not contain the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation, state bodies and international companies. In addition, there should be no mention of such words as the minister or the legislative, who allegedly hint at approval of the product by the state. In a tax such a brand will not be approved.

4. It is forbidden to use obscene language, swear words, insults. If the entrepreneur plans to enter the international level, then it is worth taking care of the euphonious name in all languages.

5. The name should not create a misconception about the scope of the firm.

What is naming

To make the name not just a beautiful word or a sign, you need to do a great job. A successful name should become part of the brand and generate revenue.

The process of inventing a trademark in marketing was called naming. What it is? Naming is in several stages, which subsequently lead to the desired word - the actual name.

Stages of naming

1. Analysis of the organization. Close attention at this stage is focused on the concept of a business idea, the scope of activities, products or services offered. What is the peculiarity of the organization, what is the expected price category of the company's products?

2. Studying the target audience. The name should be designed for a certain range of consumers, which combines sex, age, social status, income level, marital status and so on. Depending on the chosen audience, one can assume what values this category of consumers has, what kind of vocabulary they can use.

3. Attention to competitors. It is necessary to study the brands of similar companies, find out what marketing moves they use to promote the business, how consumers react to them.

4. On the basis of the previous three stages, the requirements for the future name are formed. You can determine in advance how many letters should include the name, which words are preferable, and which ones should not be used.

5. Brainstorming. At this stage, options are offered based on the requirements formulated. Of these, the most successful are selected - euphonious, portable and unique.

6. Testing on the target audience. The survey should show what impressions left the selected options, which of them increases the credibility of the firm, which name is easier to pronounce and remember.

7. Legal review. Whether the option chosen meets the requirements of the law.

Examples of successful naming

Professional naming distinguishes the following types of organization names:

  • Abbreviations, acronyms. The most successful are the names consisting of the first letters of the surnames or parts of words. One such example is Kodak. It is important that the title is short and harmonious.
  • Neologisms. These are names that do not exist in nature. There is nothing more interesting than to invent the name of the organization on its own. Examples: Pepsi, Nestle. One of the minuses of the neologism will be the fact that it is not associated with anything, and therefore, it will be difficult to remember at first.
  • Transcription, transliteration. Some foreign words sound interesting in the Russian manner. So in due time there was a brand "Wimm-Bill-Dan", the creator of which liked the word "Wimbledon".
  • Use the proper names or the names of the founders - this is a great way to create a unique name for the organization. Examples: Nemiroff, Ford, Hilton. This method is good only if the entrepreneur has an unusual name. The surname can be used any, if it is interesting to beat it in the name. Disneyland is a great example.

There are several dozen techniques for creating a unique name for the company. From the point of view of marketers and firms professionally engaged in naming, it is much easier for future parents to choose a name for the child.

How to check the name for uniqueness

Before a mistake is indicated in the tax inspection, you can not lose time and get acquainted with the full list of restrictions in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

There are also lists of patented names and registered trademarks on the website of the tax service, in the database of Rospatent and on some services. These include Znakoved.

How to protect yourself from competitors

A successful name can be attacked by competitors. In what way will this be expressed? Fans of profit at the expense of someone else's fame will start to create companies with related names. For example, by creating a website called Fasebook, you could count on at least a thousand visits a day.

Then how to name LLC and avoid encroaching on a good name? Simple enough. So, for example, the creators of the well-known social network from the above example already worried about possible spelling errors of users and patented several trademarks with similar names. In addition, the rights to the words book, like, wall and others were immediately claimed. Cautious, is not it?

An entrepreneur who cares about his company's image can turn to specialists to create a unique, catchy name. But with a competent approach and the availability of free time, you can invent a name yourself. You can draw interesting ideas and ideas in solitude or in the company of co-founders or colleagues. The most important condition is not to neglect the rules of naming. Good luck!

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