
Method 20-20-20 and other ways to protect the eyes from the effects of the computer

How much time does a modern man spend at a computer? Most of the professions include full-time work. As a result, about 60% of PC users suffer from signs of computer visual syndrome. Consider its symptoms, method 20-20-20 and other ways of protecting the eyes.

Computer Visual Syndrome: Main Symptoms

In the event that a person spends a long time behind the screen and there are the following signs, you can talk about the development of computer visual syndrome. The main features are:

  • Redness of the eye proteins;
  • The presence of a feeling of pain and pain;
  • Dryness and tearfulness;
  • Increased sensitivity to wind, light, etc.;
  • The appearance of the need to squint to see the object;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • The appearance of a shroud, doubling and blurring of the contours of images.

Method 20-20-20 and other ways to protect against the effects of computer

If there are any symptoms, you should pay attention to them. During the working day, be sure to think about how to protect the eyes from the monitor and relieve tension. Let's highlight several effective ways.

  • Method 20-20-20. This method consists in the following. After working at the computer for twenty minutes, you need to take a break for 20 seconds. But at this time it is recommended to do the following. The view is translated into those items that are located at a distance of 20 steps, blinking at the same time twenty times. Regular exercise will help reduce eye strain, relieve pain in the back and head.
  • Visual gymnastics. In the course of the day, it is also recommended to perform the exercises shown in the figure. Time for this much will not be required. Exercises allow the eyes to relax, remove excess tension. The effect will be approximately the same as in the case when you use method 20-20-20.

Blueberries to strengthen the eyes

Naturally, some exercises to remove negative symptoms are not enough. It is necessary to eat, rest and take complex vitamins. In addition, there are products, the daily use of which will help restore visual acuity. For example, this is blueberry.

To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to add fresh berries in morning porridge and any desserts. Blueberries do not lose their useful properties when frozen. This will allow you to constantly receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The process of restoration and maintenance of visual functions should be carried out in a complex way and daily include special exercises, the right choice of foods and rest.

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