
Maalox: instructions for use

The medicine "Maalox" is an antacid drug, which is produced in the form of a white liquid with a pleasant smell of mint. The main active ingredients are magnesium aldehydrate and hydroxide, among the auxiliary components are concentrated hydrochloric acid, citric acid monohydrate, essential peppermint oil, sodium saccharin, hydrogen peroxide, sorbitol, purified water and others.

"Maalox" preparation is a balanced combination of magnesium and aluminum hydroxides providing a high protective effect and neutralizing ability. The drug is used as an adsorbent, enveloping and antacid agent in cases of increased acidity of gastric juice. It can soothe the pain in the stomach for several hours.

Medication "Maalox": instruction (indications for use)

This drug is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic gastritis, acute gastroduodenitis, chronic gastroduodenitis with increased or normal secretory function in the acute stage, hernia of the esophagus in the diaphragm, reflux-esophagitis. Maalox is also used for duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers, as well as for heartburn caused by improper diet, abuse of alcohol, drugs, nicotine or coffee.

The preparation "Maalox": the instruction (the way of application and dosage)

The medicine is taken an hour or an hour and a half after eating, or specifically when there is pain. The drug "Maalox" in the dosage form of the suspension is taken one package per day. One packet is 15 ml. Before taking the medicine, the suspension should be homogenized (for this you need to carefully stretch the sachet between the fingers). The contents of the sachet must be squeezed into the mouth or spoon.

If there is a need for treatment with the drug of children, be sure to consult a doctor, since in such cases only a specialist can accurately and correctly determine the dosage.

If necessary, the dose of the drug may be increased, and two hours after the admission, you can take another dose of the medicine "Maalox." The maximum daily dose is six packs.

The drug "Maalox": the instruction (side effects, contraindications)

If the patient complies with the dosage and takes the drug according to the indications, side effects are unlikely to occur, however, one should be prepared for nausea, vomiting, constipation and taste changes. In cases where the preparation "Maalox" is taken continuously and in high doses, hypophosphatemia, hypercalciuria, hypocalcemia, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, hyperalumia, hypermagnesia, nephrocalcinosis, encephalopathy, renal dysfunction and other disorders may occur.

In patients with concomitant renal failure, thirst, lowered arterial pressure, hyporeflexia may occur.

To avoid the above-described effects, you should avoid taking the drug in cases where it is contraindicated. So, the "Maalox" means should not be used for chronic kidney failure, Alzheimer's disease, hypophosphatemia, pregnancy, as well as hypersensitivity to at least one component of the drug. Children under 12 years of age and lactating women are prescribed medication with extreme caution.

Medicinal product "Maalox": instruction (additional information)

The drug can be taken concomitantly with other medicines, but experts recommend doing this at intervals of 2 hours, since the drug "Maalox" can reduce the absorption of a number of drugs.

Store the suspension in a dark cool place for no more than three years from the date of production. Of pharmacy items is dispensed without a prescription.

Attention! This information in this article is given for familiarization with the drug and its effect. It should not influence the decision to admit or to cancel the prescribed treatment. Consult a physician and read the manufacturer's annotation carefully.

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