Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Loud music and reaction to it by drivers and surrounding people

So, the topic is quite interesting, because cars have become an integral part of our lives, and almost every citizen who drives his car listens to his favorite music from various carriers or radio. The question is, at what volume can you listen to music so that it does not interfere with the driving of the car.

Perhaps it's not a secret that listening to music at high volume reduces the person's attention to what is happening around, hence, this can lead to a traffic accident. To such a conclusion came a professorship from Canada, studying this subject. He said that when listening to music at a very high volume of time for physical, as well as mental activity is spent 20 percent more. Also, according to Edmund King, you can understand that the high volume of music - not only an inconvenience to others, but also a deadly danger!

Naturally, in order not to be unfounded, Canadian scientists conducted a number of experiments and studies on volunteers. They asked their experimental "rabbits" to perform various actions, accompanied by music with gradually increasing loudness. We started at fifty-three decibels (normal noise in the office), stopped at ninety-five decibels (a rumble comparable to the work of an oil rig). Such experiments have shown that with increasing sound levels the attention of the subjects falls directly in proportion. At the approach of gamma to the mark of ninety-five decibels - the reaction fell by twenty percent in emergency cases requiring immediate resolution.

In addition, according to scientists, the possibility of accidents also increases due to the fact that the driver prefers aggressive music to calm compositions.

Conrad King, a psychologist and consultant to the British Royal Automobile Club RAC, put forward his opinion, which says that you should pay attention to the choice of music you listen at the wheel, as the speed, rhythm and genre of the track being played directly affect the possibility of a road traffic accident . King's quote: "... it's about blows per minute." This is explained in the following way: music exceeding sixty beats per minute, whether it be jazz, funk, rock, electronic music, hip-hop, blues, classics, rap or something else, causes the listener to have a high heart rate, increase blood pressure, - aggressive driving and increased risk of an accident.

To note, in Greece, road inspectors give chauffeurs a record of folklore music, believing that it helps to prevent at least a small number of traffic accidents.

Also, the British organization GEM Motoring Assist states that listening to some songs and musical compositions adversely affects the traffic situation. This association of motorists, in turn, conducted a series of experiments with a related topic. As a result, experience has shown that when listening to slow and quiet songs, the driver drove the car as well as without music. But as soon as the song changed to a faster one, the driver began to pay less attention to the surrounding situation on the road; Inexperienced young drivers so generally included transfers at the wrong time, constantly confused and behaved differently than the situation requires.

Conclusion: loud, fast and aggressive music makes the driver more inattentive, more abrupt, causes nervous state, desire to go faster, overtaking all around. Also, statistics show that music with a fast pace is heard louder than with a calm one.

I want to believe that after reading this article, many motorists will make the right conclusions for themselves and pay attention to the choice of music for cars. Whatever you are a driver: an experienced, novice, a woman, an elderly person, first of all you are a person, and you are influenced by music just like the people who were experimented with.

Imagine how many accidents, accidents, and just ordinary minor accidents that happen hundreds of thousands every day around the world could have been prevented if these people were a little more careful and careful, making music a few decibels smaller. Of course, music is not the main cause of accidents, it's only a part of the set of causes, through which faults occur. But removing one small detail, you can affect the whole situation.

Accurately, friends, listen to your favorite music at an acceptable volume with a moderate rhythm and be careful when driving a car. Good luck on the roads.

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