
Lobelia erinus: description, varieties, photos, features of planting and care

The article is devoted to one of the popular plants, which are often grown in gardens and on spacious balconies. Lobelia has a large assortment of varieties and a beautiful appearance. At the moment, there are about 300 different variants. Among the inhabitants of Russia the most popular are less than 20 of them. But this turned out to be quite sufficient, so that people could easily decorate their homes and get to know this plant more closely.

What kind of preferences: first steps

Before you can recognize the types of plant varieties, it is best to decide what kind of lobelia is needed: annual or perennial. The latter can easily survive even the harshest conditions of life, it can withstand frost. Unfortunately, an annual plant is not able to "boast" such abilities, but it is the most widespread among the inhabitants of the planet. This is due to the fact that the varieties with the minimum life span look interesting, and they also abundantly blossom. Long-term same lobelia does not indulge in such delights.

Annual plant

Of all the annual lobelias, only one species is most common: the Erinus. It still has the name "ebb". Also common under the name of lobelia long-petioled. The plant received thin stems, the leaves have small denticles. Due to the huge number of shoots, adult lobelia is already a ball of dense form, consisting of flowers. The last small size (2 cm), but there are many. On one bush there are about a hundred flowers. It is about her that the article in the article goes further. Consider in detail possible varieties and how to care for the plant.

Basic Erinus Forms

Five forms are known, which have their own characteristics. The largest is the Ernelus ampulla lobelia. She in adult age is able to grow a whip length of up to 35 cm due to the fact that they hang down towards the floor, a magnificent cascade is formed. A small species is called dwarf lobelia. The bushes are small and rarely exceed 12 cm.

Less popular plant forms

The following species are also known: compact, upright and spreading. The height of the first is 15 cm. The compact lobelia erinus is a dense bush. His shoots are erect. A spreading is a bush with stems up to 30 cm. Its height is no more than 15 cm. The stems are sprawling. Straight standing lobelia - a bush column-shaped type, its height - 25 cm.

Lush flowers of lobelia erinus

The bush varieties of lobelia Erinus are a huge number, so consider only the most impressive and famous among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation:

  • "Miss Clibran." It is a small bush size, the size of which rarely exceeds 15 cm. In diameter, the species can reach 30 cm in diameter. A clear difference from other species of lobelia can be called flowers that have a peephole of white tone. The petals are the same blue-violet shade.
  • "Emperor Willy." The bush, though small (10 cm), but magnificent. The flowers have a bright blue color. It grows quite well, especially if you use open ground.
  • Lobelia Erinus is a "crystal palace". The bush is dense and rarely when lush. The height is no more than 20 cm. The flowers are violet-blue, their huge number is blossoming.
  • The White Palace. Representatives of this variety are also not distinguished by their splendor, their height is 12 cm. The flowers are white in color.
  • Cambridge Blue. The shrub is compact in size, the stems are low (10 cm). Flowers bloom of a cold blue color.

Ampelic plant varieties

Lobelia erinus has a lot of different species. Sorts are also ampel. There are a lot of them, so consider only the main and most common.

  • "The Red Cascade." The shoots of this flower are flowing, the bush is magnificent. The length of the plant does not exceed 35 cm. Logically, the flowers of this lobelia should be red, although in fact it is not. The shade is closer to the lilac tone.
  • "Sapphire". The plant has drooping shoots. Their height is 35 cm. Flowers have specks on the petals located below everything. Their shade is bright blue.
  • The Blue Fountain. Due to the large number of hanging shoots, the plant has a cumbersome and magnificent cascade. Flowers are soft blue. There are white eyes. Scourge in length does not exceed a mark of 35 cm.

Features in the nature of the flower

In order to grow a flower in favorable conditions for him, you need to know about the peculiarities of his character. For example, lobelia Erinus likes light and moisture, is resistant to low temperature effects.

Growing a plant, it is necessary to install it in the place where a sufficient amount of sunlight gets. Also need to ensure regular and timely watering. It is the latter factor that is considered to be the most important nuance for healthy and successful plant growth. In the summer, when the air becomes dry and the temperature of the surrounding space is too high, with insufficient watering of the lobel, the erinus will simply begin to grow weakly and cease to give flowers.

For optimal livelihoods, it is necessary to choose the right soil. It should not have too much fertilizer. It is desirable that it is loose and nutritious. Fresh manure can not be used, this feeding will not bring the expected results. If there is a desire to apply it, then it is best to do this before planting the plant in the ground. The fact is that if you use fresh manure, lobelia will grow rapidly, but stop giving flowers.

Reproduction of a flower

Reproduction of lobelia is carried out with the help of seeds. All the subtleties are precisely in their planting. Cultivation takes place in a standard seedling method. If lobelia has gone to grow, then it can already be transplanted.

Seeds must be sown at the end of February. Due to the fact that during this period of the year the light day is still small, the shoots will need to be specially highlighted with special equipment. That dishes, in which seeds are put in perspective, should be as wide and low as possible. Earth does not need to be sprinkled, it should be sown over the surface. If desired, you can mix the seeds with sand. Instead, it is also permitted to use peat. In the event that on the street there is a snow cover, you can sprinkle the earth with a thin layer of ice crystals. The seeds should be sown from above. After this, you need to spray the manganese using a spray gun. This is done so that the seedlings do not become infected with any disease. Watering is carried out either with the help of a pot, or by spraying. The method is chosen by the owner.

It is necessary to create a greenhouse effect, he loves lobelia erinus. Cultivation then will occur as quickly as possible. To do this, you can use a film or glass. They should be rubbed and turned over every day. Seeds often rise in the second week. It is worth noting that at first they grow slowly, so you do not have to worry.

After the sprouts appeared, you need to remove the cover every day and leave small plants to "breathe". Time should be gradually increased from 30 minutes to 2 hours. After reaching the maximum interval, the glass or film must be removed completely. Due to this, seedlings of lobelia will easily become accustomed to the peculiarities of local air.

Transplantation to another container (diving) occurs after the seedlings are visible. You need to use loose soil. Attention! Seedlings will be very weak, so picking is best done with tweezers made of plastic. Watering should also be done with caution, otherwise they may break down. After transplantation, lobelia (photo below) grows at a tremendous rate. The soil should be planted as soon as the length began to increase.

Features of care

It is not difficult to care for a plant, the main thing is to follow certain rules:

  • The planting material must be selected carefully. Collect the seeds should be in autumn. It is necessary to make sure that the plant from which they are taken is not sick.
  • Planting is necessary in a place where the maximum amount of natural light. If there is no such possibility, then you can let penumbra. In the event that the water sometimes stagnates, a good solution is to install a drainage system.
  • Ideally, it is better to use cultivated soil. Organics in it should be the optimal amount, with mineral top dressings should also be cautious. If there are too many such substances, the plant will begin to grow actively, the appearance of flowers is excluded.
  • Watering is necessary only when the soil has dried up. Especially on the "power" system should pay attention in the summer. It is at this time of year too hot. Feeding should be done no more than 2 times a year (end of spring and summer). Use those substances that have impurities of nitrogen or ash. This will allow the plant to more easily and quickly throw out shoots for the appearance of flowers.
  • If a person noticed that lobelia is almost not prosperous, and with the disappearance of problems there are no, then you need to carry out the process of cutting. Cut the ends of the stems. To be afraid for the plant it is not necessary, as from this bushes will be more active and much longer to give flowers.

As you know, lobelia (photo is in the article) is unpretentious, it is easy and easy to take care of. Therefore, you can safely land it on your windowsill and balcony, enjoying bright colors all summer.

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