
Leiomyoma of the uterus: the main signs and methods of treating the disease.

In today's world, many women face a problem when it is not possible to conceive a child. Leiomyoma of the uterus is considered one of the main reasons preventing happy motherhood.

Myoma of the uterus is a disease in which a rounded benign tumor forms in the muscle tissue. Previously, the disease affected mainly women of the age category over forty years. However, in recent years, there are more and more young patients who have not yet given birth. The uterine leiomyoma differs in that it practically always develops with complete absence of symptomatic manifestations. That is why, in most cases, the presence of a tumor is diagnosed accidentally, which causes a woman to be in shock.

The cause of the disease lies in the violation of the hormonal background, but you can identify other sources. For example, the development of infection, with damage to the tissues of the uterine wall. In medical practice, there are cases of pregnancy with myomas. As a rule, fetal development is absolutely normal, and no complications are observed. However, the nodal leiomyoma of the uterus can go into the symptomatic, then the woman experiences painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Often, a specialist recommends observing bed rest and prescribing a course of analgesics. If the disease begins to progress rapidly, then conservative myomectomy is used.

It should be understood that the presence of a tumor causes a high risk of spontaneous abortion or the likelihood of a premature birth process. That is why such patients are given special control and regular examination by a doctor. Leiomyoma of the uterus can be the reason for making a decision about conducting cesarean section. Labor is performed surgically, if the neoplasm is located below the fetus, which is an obstacle to its passage into the birth canal.

With the active development of this disease, there may be some symptoms. These include pain in the lower abdomen, and if the tumor grows significantly, the activity of other internal organs, such as the urinary system or rectum, may be disrupted, causing constipation or pain when urinating.

The method of treatment is chosen depending on the degree of progression of the disease. Most doctors try to try conservative treatment so that they do not have to resort to surgical intervention. Then the patient is prescribed phytotherapy, a whole range of medicines, and also symptomatic treatment is applied . After the operation to remove the tumor node should be warned of an unplanned pregnancy, because the body needs the strength to complete recovery.

The choice of a method of treatment is also affected by the localization of the tumor node. If the tumor is found in the left part of the uterus, then the passage of conservative treatment with the use of medications will be meaningless. And no advice of traditional medicine in this case can not affect the further development of the disease. Only surgical intervention will help get rid of the hated problem. Although procedures of this kind of doctors are very often, it can not be said that it is absolutely safe. It is on the left side of the uterus that blood vessels pass, which are very easy to touch. A qualified doctor warns the patient in advance of all possible complications.

And remember that uterine leiomyoma is a disease that requires immediate treatment. After all, if you do not fight the disease, the tumor will increase and lead not only to the menstrual cycle, but also to possible infertility in the future.

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