
Knitting: 4 unexpected health benefits

Few people guess that such a simple kind of activity, like knitting, can have a huge number of benefits, including those relating to your health. However, the matter here is not even just knitting - any activity that allows you to fully immerse in it, can have similar effects, such as meditation. The benefits of knitting have been proven by far more than one study, so you should pay attention to it, especially if you have problems with something that is listed below in the article.

It alleviates symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression

In America, there is a campaign "Take off the stress stitch". It was launched in honor of Dr. Herbert Benson, a pioneer in the field of mind and body medicine. This campaign aims to prove that knitting is a way to deal with stress, and it has been doing this successfully for two decades. Already thousands of people, keen on knitting and embroidering, noted that these activities perfectly relieve stress, and also give people the opportunity of creative realization. For example, this is what the father of a pre-termed daughter about knitting, which he did for five weeks, while his child was in the intensive care unit: "Knitting hats gave me a sense of meaning, a specific goal at a time when I felt completely helpless. It's a hobby that I'm attached to, and it continues to help me cope with stress at work, provides me with a sense of order on restless days, and also gives my brain the time it takes to solve pressing problems. " Moreover, a study in 2009 showed that knitting can benefit patients suffering from eating and digestive disorders, reducing their concerns about food and their own weight.

Prevents the reduction of brain functions

A 2011 study showed that those elderly people who engaged in any kind of arts reduced the likelihood of their brain functions deteriorating or cognitive impairment decreasing by more than fifty percent compared to those who did not do anything similar. A scientific article published in 2011 considered neurological reasons for creative activities and hobbies, such as knitting, to have a positive impact on health and well-being. It was found that the fascination with such activities stimulates the mind, slows down the decline in cognitive functions of the brain, and also reduces the consequences of diseases associated with stress.

Prevents arthritis and tendonitis

Alton Barron, an orthopedic surgeon and president of the New York Society of Surgery, states that knitting can prevent the development of arthritis and tendonitis. Dr. Barron says that knitting can be a great exercise for the fingers, hands and forearms. The movement of the finger joints causes the fluid inside to also move inside and out of the surrounding cartilage cartilage, allowing the joints to always be well hydrated and minimizes the risk of arthritis.

Returns you to the present

There are no studies or statistically significant evidence for this item, however, as it has been said many times before, the wonderful thing about the activities that you enjoy is that they allow you to be completely immersed at the moment. Suddenly, all your thoughts disappear, your mind calms down, and you just focus on what you are doing at the moment. That's why many people without any research report that knitting and similar activities help them cope with stress and anxiety. Thus, any activities that allow you to turn completely to the present moment of time can show similar effects. Sports - this is a great example, as well as almost any action that gives you joy and stimulate you. Creativity is useful for several reasons, and one of them is that it allows you to distract yourself and concentrate to such an extent that all your reasons for concern literally evaporate. This creative flow is the main key to success.

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