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Jacques Fresco: resource-oriented economy

The concepts of the development of terrestrial civilization, popular today, are entering a state of crisis. Many who are not satisfied with the current state of affairs begin to search for alternatives. One of them was a resource-oriented economy. What it is? What principles are proposed to build a society?

About the founder

Formulated, designed and actively engaged in the promotion of this view of life, a man called Jacques Fresco. He is an architect by education and for a long time engaged in creating "buildings of the future". At the same time, he had to visit many situations, which led to reflection on a number of topics. Over time, the understanding has come that society is not moving forward optimally. There was a desire to pay attention to this. Over time, the ideas on this subject he combined under the name "sociocybernetics". As the ideas develop, numerous supporters join with him, the most famous of which became Roxana Meadows, and all the developments were combined in the framework of the "Venus" project. As proof of popularity, the following argument can be cited: in the Russian Federation, the community of devotees of this development path in the social network VKontakte has more than 177,000 people at the time of writing the article.

Resource-oriented economy

This name is understood as the organization of a system in which goods and services are available without the use of commodity-money exchange, whose attributes are money and barter. But this is possible only if natural resources are recognized as the common heritage of the entire population of the planet. A resource-oriented economy is a system that believes that the planet is rife with resources and opportunities that will allow you to create everything you need. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the monetarist practice, which is now used throughout the planet. After all, any system, regardless of what philosophy it professes, depends on resources. Therefore, for development, it is necessary to take care that they are sufficient for any projects.


Resources are used as a basis in this case. Due to fair methods of their distribution, their distribution among the population of the planet is planned to be most effective. The society possesses advanced technologies that will help to provide everyone with food, clothing, shelter and necessary medical services. Also, the resource-oriented economy envisages the development of an appropriate education system that will interest people with science and invention from a young age, and also take care of the availability of a large baggage of knowledge that will adequately assess the challenges. It is also important to work on the creation of renewable energy sources, which include geothermal, wind, solar and other power plants. Thus, decades or perhaps even years separate us from practical realization.


To understand what a resource-oriented economy is, let's imagine the following situation. So, the whole world lost money. But arable land, factories, factories, scientific laboratories and other will remain at our disposal. We will have everything we need to meet our needs and opportunities. People do not need mountains of money. We need free access to the necessary things. And it must be granted. And here in cases when resources and, more importantly, education becomes available without a price tag, then human potential will not be deterred. It may be difficult for contemporaries to understand, but even the richest man of our time can not secure the average prosperity of such a future. Remember - even medieval kings can not boast of the standard of living that a person with an income of 30,000 rubles has. And what has been said before does not look so impossible, if you pay attention to the past.

The Venus Project

It serves as an accumulating center for the idea of a resource-oriented economy. And it exists not only declaratively, on paper, but also in reality. Thus, within its framework, a research and development center was established, which occupies 10 hectares of the city of Venus in the state of Florida in the USA. On this territory, individual developments are being realized (usually architectural and robomechatronic type). A special pride of the research center is a group of miniature mobile robots that can assemble commensurate homes. They are the prototype of the technology of the future, which will serve human needs. In addition, the center produces information literature and creates films of the appropriate subject. If you want to read this topic in more detail, you can advise "All the best that you can not buy for money" and "Paradise or oblivion." Of course, there are only general theses here, but more detailed and detailed information can be found in other materials that have been translated into Russian by the local territorial community.

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