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Hunting for quail

Hunting for the quail is well known among lovers of this large bird of the family of chicken. However, today its stock due to the thoughtless chemicalization of agriculture has significantly decreased, and the quail's trill is less likely to be heard in its original habitat.

Hunting for quail is considered the most common, which can also be called universal: this bird runs more than flies. Her favorite habitats are the dry meadow open meadows next to the rivers and jets. Especially a lot of accumulation is near the crops of buckwheat, millet, clover and other small grains.

Successful hunting of quail involves the presence of a dog who, due to his strong instincts and pulling on a wide search, delivers the killed game directly to the feet of the hunter.

In the afternoon, when the sun is high in the zenith, this bird runs in tall grass and weeds trying to keep a shadow, so at this time of the day you need to rest.

In general, it is considered a nocturnal bird: it is at this time of day that it runs out for feeding.

Many believe that hunting for quail is possible with any dog, but this is an incorrect assumption. Only the thoroughbred can find a bird, bring its owner to it, and then submit the killed prey. It is best for this pointers, German, Irish and English long-haired setters, although the latter are difficult to "work" in the hot south.

However, even without a four-footed friend, hunting for quails is successful. Only it is necessary for this purpose to choose places where corn, sorghum, millet grows nearby, etc. To search for the bird it is necessary slowly, saving forces and searching all possible places for shelter - bushes, heaps of straw, sometimes even clods of the earth.

The only significant embarrassment is the difficulty of finding a killed quail. But even here there is one true remedy: you need to accurately mark the place where the prey fell and go to it without taking your eyes off this area.

The best hunt for quails is early morning, when the heat has not yet begun, and in cloudy weather - and at all the whole day.

The shooting of the quail is quite simple, after all, under whatever angle the frightened bird has flown up, it will go further only under the straight lines low enough above the ground. Therefore, even with a slight pre-emption difficult to miss.

Hunters know that to shoot quail is better to take a gun of the 16th caliber and a fraction of the eighth or ninth number. Dressing should be easy: for camouflage cotton trousers and a shirt of protective color perfectly match , and as a headdress - cap with a visor or a straw hat.

The period of the quail's flight is the end of August or the beginning of September. At this time, they are in huge quantities can be observed in the European part of our country.

Each hunter approaches his favorite occupation individually, each has his own methods and preferences. But no matter how different were the opinions on how to hunt, in one all are one: it is much better if the bird itself flies to the catcher.

And than to attract prey to yourself, if not manm, which imitates timbre, height, amplitude, rhythm of quail's trill. Today there are a lot of them, down to the latest technical developments - electronic.

Even professionals acknowledge that hunting for a quail with a mank, especially an electronic one, allows you to bring home much more booty, since even a novice can easily bring home this device: the main thing is to choose the right place and time, adjust to the desired mode and press the button.

No less productive is hunting for partridges with mank, to the sounds of which this bird is lured out of the coppice or forest into an open space where it gathers in a brood. And then the hunter remains only not to miss the good moment.

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