
How to treat a jellyfish burn?

Going to the long-awaited vacation to the sea, many tourists forget about the dangers lurking on the beach. Resting on the sea, it is important not only to be able to stay well on the water. Remember the dangers of marine life. For example, it is very unpleasant to burn a jellyfish. First aid must be provided immediately!

What are dangerous jellyfish?

Some tourists consider jellyfish to be safe, based on their jelly-like appearance. However, this is not always the case. Some jellyfish have special stinging cells containing poison. They need them for self-defense from attacking the inhabitants of the sea or for obtaining food. With easy contact with the owner of the poison, the cells activate, they throw out the liquid that has a neuro-paralytic effect. Poisonous threads leave strong burns on the skin of a person. And it is necessary to be afraid not only jellyfish in the sea, but also thrown ashore. They retain the ability to inject the poison for another three hours.

What are the consequences of a meeting with a jellyfish?

Burning jellyfish can cause not only pain and redness of the epidermis. Meeting with the marine dweller may be much worse.

  • Allergic reaction. After a burn on the skin, you may experience extensive redness, pain, and severe pinching. Such reactions are especially frequent on the Black Sea coast after meetings with aurelia.
  • Rash. A red rash appears in the place of the burn in the form of small bubbles filled with liquid.
  • Blisters. May appear after a meeting with a large jellyfish. Such a burn causes fusion of small bubbles. And painful blisters are formed.

  • Sometimes a jellyfish burn can cause an anaphylactic shock. If the victim has a loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, laryngeal edema or shortness of breath - urgently call an ambulance. In this case, only a puncture of corticosteroids will help.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Observed after close contact with a large jellyfish.

First aid to the injured jellyfish

If you are stung by a jellyfish, the first thing to do is to get out of the water. The fact that a bite can provoke limb numbness, a severe allergic reaction or even a heart attack. In any case, you must stand firmly on your feet on land. Next, you need to remove the remains of the tentacles of the jellyfish. Do not do it with your bare hands, you can burn your fingers. Carefully scrape off the remains of the tentacles can be the blunt side of the knife, manicure file, razor. Reduce the pain and neutralize the poison will help a solution of soda, salt or just seawater. Then, apply a compress to the jellyfish burn with apple cider vinegar or ammonia. This will remove excess toxins from the wound. You can apply cold to a sore spot, this will also reduce pain. After performing all the actions described above, take any antihistamine drug (Suprastin, Fenistil and so on). Do not drink alcohol, but drink more liquid (water, juices, fruit drinks and compotes).

Burning jellyfish: treatment with improvised means

After the first medical aid, the burn must be treated. There are many ways to do this. Let us first consider the means of salvation.

  1. Pasta from baking soda. It is necessary to mix a spoonful of soda, a spoonful of shallow salt and add a little water. Should get a gruel. Put it on the affected area and wait until it dries completely. Then gently scrape it off (do not need to rinse with water). Soda and salt will help accelerate healing and remove toxins from the wound.
  2. Pasta from flour. The spoon of flour is mixed with a pinch of salt and water. The resulting mixture is put on a burn, fixed with a bandage for about two hours. Such treatment quickly removes the poison from the wound and heals it.
  3. Carrot. Compress from grated carrots is very effective. You need to wear it an hour several times a day.

Pharmaceutical ointments for the treatment of jellyfish burns

Modern pharmacies offer a variety of creams and ointments, quickly treating the consequences of meetings with jellyfish. Such forms of treatment are especially good for children, the elderly and those with chronic diseases, allergies. How to choose the right product in the pharmacy? Focus on the degree of burn, the composition of the ointment and, of course, on your wallet.

  • "Panthenol" is suitable for the treatment of a mild burn. It contains vitamins E, A and lanolin. This accelerates wound healing.
  • "Bepanten" contains vitamin B5. Helps to eliminate pain, burning, helps the epidermis regenerate faster.
  • "Dermovate" is able to narrow the capillaries, which leads to a reduction in redness and itching. Quickly removes inflammation. If the cream is applied immediately after a meeting with a jellyfish, then the bubbles do not even appear on the skin.
  • "Afloderm" removes itching and inflammation. Treats any burns (including chemical, solar). Prevents the appearance of bubbles on the site of the lesion.
  • "Belogent" is a strong remedy combining antibiotic and hormone. He heals a jellyfish burn, removing inflammation. Prevents the penetration of infections in the wound.
  • "Trimistin" eliminates itching, redness and inflammation. Also has antihistamine action.

What are the popular ways to treat a jellyfish bite?

There are many people's ways of treating any disease. But you should treat them seriously and do not rush to do everything in a row. For example, urinotherapy does not help cure a burn. Salts in the urine do not excrete toxins and do not contribute to the healing of wounds. So, you got a jellyfish burn. What should I do following folk medicine? To you will help:

  • Tomatoes. Cut the fruit, place it on a sore spot and fix it with a bandage. The poison of jellyfish is an alkaline medium, on the basis of this, it is necessary to use agents that contain acid.
  • Lemon juice. Dampen the juice with gauze and attach to the burn. Then it will be nice to squeeze the contents of the vitamin E capsule onto the skin and gently lubricate it.
  • Goose fat. He heals a jellyfish burn, the photo of which you can see in this article. It restores the epidermis and heals the wound. But it should be remembered that you can apply any oils and fats only after providing first aid for a burn! Lubricating the skin with grease, apply a dry gauze bandage on top.

  • Starch. Spread a spoonful of starch with cow's milk until a thick paste. Apply the product to the burn for about half an hour. Remove the residue carefully.

When do I need pills and injections to treat a jellyfish burn?

If the jellyfish meeting with which occurred at sea was too poisonous and dangerous, if the area of skin lesions is large or there is a strong reaction to the burn, ointments and folk remedies will not help. It is necessary to connect "heavy artillery". Naturally, no one canceled the first aid and ointments, but antihistamines are also required. The burn after jellyfish is treated with various tablets, syrups. Among them:

  • "Fenistil" - blocks the reaction of the body to the stimulus. Take capsules (or drops) in conjunction with the external gel three times a day for a week.
  • "Suprastin" - one of the most well-known antihistamines, acting quickly.
  • "Eden" is a syrup suitable for elderly people and people with cardiovascular diseases.
  • "No-shpa" - an injection in combination with an antihistamine is used to prevent seizures, anaphylactic shock.
  • "Medopred" is used for anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

Corticosteroid can be administered only by a doctor! Most often, such an injection is necessary after a meeting with a dangerous purple jellyfish.

A burn from a jellyfish: what can not be treated?

Some actions can only intensify unpleasant feelings after a meeting with a resident of the sea. Do not grease the burn with fat before first aid. This will increase the temperature of the skin at the burn site and clog the cells. Oily lotions should be put aside. Do not disinfect the burn with alcohol solutions (and drinks), zebra or iodine. The skin is already too irritated. Do not scrub and do not massage the sore spot, so you can smash the poison further down the body.

Dangerous jellyfish

The best prevention of a burn is avoiding any jellyfish in the sea. However, most of them (especially on the Black Sea coast) are safe. How to learn a dangerous jellyfish?

  • Cyanea is a huge jellyfish, in diameter reaching two meters. Its color is bright (usually purple or blue). Due to the large size of the jellyfish, burns usually have a large area.
  • Cornerot is distinguished by a transparent body with purple or blue veins.
  • The crosspiece has a transparent body with a distinguishable pattern in the form of a cross in the upper part.
  • The sea wasp is a particularly dangerous jellyfish found on the coast of Australia. There is so much poison in her body that she can kill 50 people. From other jellyfish differs in a square body.

After meeting with any poisonous jellyfish you need to see a doctor. And remember: a jellyfish burn can not manifest immediately, and unpleasant consequences will overtake you in a double size, if you do not provide first aid.

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