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How to recognize fights and what to do when they appear?

Starting around the middle of pregnancy, most women think about how to recognize contractions. Someone is afraid of premature birth, especially if such cases were with relatives or acquaintances or with past pregnancies, and some women are preparing to become mothers for the first time, so they worry that they will miss the moment when the labor began. For those who live in an area where emergency medical care is rather difficult, the question of how to recognize contractions before delivery is especially important. After all, if you do not catch this moment on time, chances are that the baby will be born without waiting for the doctors, and happiness if the birth will pass without difficulty, but, unfortunately, in recent years they rarely flow without any problems.

Another category of women who need to know clearly how to recognize contractions are those to whom a planned cesarean section is indicated for serious indications. In this case, in any doubt, you can not delay, because you need to stop the contractions and conduct an emergency cesarean section, and only qualified personnel can do this.

So how do you determine the timing of the onset of labor? Most parturient women compare labor to menstrual pains. The stomach then becomes stone to the touch, then relaxes. A similar woman can experience, starting from the middle of pregnancy, but such fights, called training, are short and irregular. In addition, they are usually much weaker than these.

How to recognize real bouts and distinguish them from training? In fact, it's enough to take a few simple steps. First, you need to lie down or go to the shower. After a woman relaxes, it becomes usually clear, a false alarm or not. Secondly, you need to use a special service to calculate the time between fights and the duration of each fight or The usual stopwatch for the same purpose: it is necessary to determine how regularly spasms occur and whether the time interval between them decreases. In addition, the intensity of these matches will be constantly increasing. Pain can go from the lower back to the lower abdomen. There may also be a discharge of amniotic fluid, and then the question of how to recognize the contractions does not arise, after all, after the waters are discharged, as a rule, a full-blooded activity begins. Even if it is sluggish, the maximum duration of the anhydrous period is only 12 hours, so you can not delay.

If there is no doubt about the truth of the bouts, you should immediately contact the doctors and go to the hospital or hospital. It is very rare that the childbirth passes swiftly, and a child is born in one and a half to two hours after the onset of labor. Despite the fact that the probability of this is small, it is better not to try fate after all. As a last resort after consultation of the obstetrician-gynecologist it will be possible to refuse hospitalization and stay a little at home.

The birth of a child is an absolutely natural process, so do not be afraid of childbirth and related pain. The main thing in this case for a woman is to know how to recognize contractions, and to be able to apply for medical help on time.

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