LawRegulatory Compliance

How to re-arrange the car for another person on favorable terms?

To manage any type of transport, you need the relevant documents that confirm the driver's qualification. In addition, it is desirable to have all the papers on the car. You can control the machine only if you are the owner, are inscribed in the insurance policy for this unit of transport or have a general power of attorney. And what if your car, but do you plan to give it to someone for temporary or permanent use? How to re-arrange the car for another person in accordance with the legislation of our country?

Choose the transaction option

Be prepared for the fact that the re-registration of documents on the machine will somehow require some time and your personal involvement. There is an option for heavily employed citizens - to write a power of attorney for a reliable person who will represent the interests of the owner in complex transactions: buying and selling, donating. As for the choice of the form of transferring the vehicle to other hands, it all depends on the specific situation. Remember that the owner is obliged to pay taxes, fines and compensate for damage caused by the vehicle. Therefore, decide on your own how to correctly reform the car. For example, if you purchased a car as a gift to one of your closest relatives, you can limit yourself to drawing up a general power of attorney. In this case, the person with whom the document is issued has the right to manage and a number of transactions described in the concluded agreement, but the liability for damages and payment of taxes is borne by the actual owner. If you are selling a car to someone close to you and want to reduce the deduction of taxes when making a deal, it makes sense to arrange a gift agreement.

The classic option of buying and selling

This transaction is appropriate when transferring a car into the ownership of someone close to them or to an outside buyer. If you doubt the integrity of the future owner of the vehicle or are simply afraid to do something wrong, it makes sense to apply to intermediaries - lawyers specializing in this field. The algorithm of action is simple - the owner removes the vehicle from the register and enters into a sales contract with the buyer. After the transfer of the property (vehicle) and money, the new owner receives all the necessary documents and re-puts the transport unit on the register. At first glance, everything seems very simple, but what about the material side of the question - how much does it cost to re-arrange the car? The purchase and sale transaction itself is conducted and registered free of charge (if you do not involve intermediaries), but nevertheless it is necessary to postpone from 2 to 3 thousand rubles for related costs in advance. You will need to pay the state duty and insurance.

How to give a car?

The legislation of our country allows the transfer of a car to another person on a no-charge basis without official registration. Theoretically, you can actually give the keys to someone close, to assure a general power of attorney from the notary and not take any other action. But still it is safer and more correct to ask the question: "How to re-arrange the car for another person?" And register the gift agreement. To do this, you make the contract itself, take the car off the register. After this, you can go to the Federal Registration Service and re-register the property for the property of interest. It will be required to pay the state fee, its size is small. It is appropriate to make a gift agreement between close relatives in case of actual sale. If you are sure that the buyer will reimburse you the cost of the vehicle, this is a real (and legal) way to avoid paying taxes on property that has been owned for more than three years.

General Power of Attorney

If you are not sure of your desire to part with the existing machine forever, but for some time to give it to another person is simply necessary, the general power of attorney will help out. This document can be issued from a notary. It will take for this a personal presence of the owner and the person taking the car. All documents for the car are also needed. The term of validity of the power of attorney is three years, at the request of the owner, the authorized person is allowed not only to drive the car and use it at his own discretion, but also to take off or register or sell and give. Will help this document and in situations, the code is not possible to formalize the contract for the sale of the car. If the registration of a transaction for some reason is required to be postponed, the first time you can do with general power of attorney. It is appropriate if the relationship between the seller and the buyer is trustworthy.

How to re-arrange the car for another person in the order of inheritance?

To begin with, it is necessary to inherit and resolve the dispute with other heirs. If only one person applies for a car belonging to the deceased, he applies to the GIBBD with a certificate of the right to inherit the transport unit, and after checking the documents the car is taken off the register. After that, the heir, being already a full-fledged owner, puts the car on the register again. Now you know how to re-arrange the car for another person in all possible ways, it remains only to choose the most suitable for your life situation.

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