
How to make jeans worn by yourself?

Jeans first hit the shelves of Soviet shops back in the 70s of last century. And even then among the stylish young people it was customary to modify the classic blue trousers by improvised methods. Jeans boiled, dyed, bleached and cut. More than half a century has passed, but nothing has changed. If you are interested in how to make jeans worn and tattered, then read our article.

Which jeans are in fashion?

Pants of deep blue color are still in trend. However, this model is more suitable for older people. But young they may seem boring and unoriginal. In stores for young style, jeans of a very unusual kind are more common. Some models look like they have been worn for several years. Others are whitewashed in a special way, and still others are torn.

Our moms and grandmothers tend to be horrified by modern fashion trends. But young people know that it is worn and tattered jeans, which are difficult to determine their true age, and are a real trend for several seasons. Moreover, such trousers can be combined even with a classic jacket or a strict shirt. The result is a very stylish image.

How to make jeans worn?

Option number 1

If you want to get the illusion of a faded paint and a very light abrasion, then prepare the following:

  • Board, cardboard or plywood of small size;
  • white;
  • Brush or sponge;
  • Small capacity;
  • water.

Mix whiteness with water in equal proportions. Next, put a board or cardboard inside the pants, so as not to spoil the back of the jeans. With cautious movements, apply the whitening solution to the areas that you want to lighten with a sponge. We recommend you to make a vertical strip along the entire length of the trousers, this will allow you to visually draw the figure. Repeat for the second leg the same actions. Now you can rinse your jeans. Undiluted whiteness, draw a thin strip on the pants to get a smooth transition of color. After washing your updated jeans will please a stylish look.

Option number 2

If you are interested in how to make jeans worn with minimal time, then here's a way for you. Obtain the following tools:

  • pumice;
  • Sandpaper with a fine abrasive surface;
  • Board or cardboard.

Wet jeans to make the fabric slightly damp. Now put the cardboard or board inside the pants. Pumice stone or sandpaper to process the places where you want to get art abrasion. Do not rub the knee area, as the fabric will quickly break. Also do not overdo it, because it's very easy to get a hole. After the procedure, wash your jeans.

Option number 3

Perhaps, this option will be the most difficult. However, as a result, you get a very stylish thing, similar to those that are present on the windows of branded boutiques. So, how to make jeans worn by this more laborious way?

You will need a fat tailor's needle and a lot of patience. Gently pulling, remove the transverse thread with a needle. As a result, only longitudinal fibers should remain on the shabby place.

How to make ragged jeans at home?

Stylish girls and guys adore torn jeans, in the slits of which a naked body is sexually viewed. However, it is also necessary to break the jeans correctly. You do not want to look sloppy, do you? Then be patient, as well as scissors (preferably manicure), a blade and sandpaper.

  1. Chalk out the places of future cuts. It's better to paint at the moment when the jeans are on you to clearly present the future masterpiece.
  2. With a blade, cut the fabric over the applied lines.
  3. Using scissors, carefully enlarge the hole, cutting off excess material.
  4. With sandpaper, treat the edges of the slices in order to give them a shabby appearance.
  5. The test of a washing machine will put an end to the transformation of jeans.

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