Sports and FitnessWeight loss

How to lose weight in 3 months at 10, 15, 20 kg at home?

Spring is the time when you want to put on something easier, open. And then it's summer, with swimsuits showing the whole body. However, long winter evenings, as well as festive feasts sometimes leave an undesirable result in the form of extra pounds. But how to lose weight in 3 months to give your body a decent look to summer?

In search of truth

First of all, it is necessary to face the truth. First you need to measure your current weight, determining in the end how many extra pounds are gained. Next, it is good to remember what period this weight came. And then it is already clear: you can lose weight in 3 months, or will it take more time?

There is a very simple method for determining the optimal weight for a particular compound. If a person has a bone of normal size or thin (with features in the area of the wrist, ankles, visually fragile knee cups), then you need to take the value of its growth in centimeters and subtract 110. The number obtained will be its optimal weight for the given composition. With a large complexion from the value it is necessary to omit 105-100. Such calculations are very approximate. As a rule, girls of a fragile constitution, determining their optimal weight by this formula, get an exaggerated value. In this case, it is better to consider this as the maximum kg for a given compound.

Choice of methodology

Having determined what to strive for, you should choose a technique. The issue of weight loss should be approached in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to choose a rational system of nutrition and draw up a schedule of training. Methods, how to lose weight for 3 months for 10 kg, countless.

If the goal is precisely this figure, then it remains to make a simple calculation. 10 kg should be divided into 3, it turns out about 3-3.5 kg. This is the weight that must be dropped per month. It turns out, it's not so difficult. Dividing 3 by 4, after all about as many weeks in a month, it turns out that in 7 days you need to lose less than a kilogram. This is easy to achieve if you bring your food to a rational, 4-time and drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day. Also it is necessary to allocate at least three times a week for an hour for physical exercises. It can be jogging, walking at a fast pace, aerobic complex, swimming or weight training. Now it is clear how to lose weight in 3 months for 10 kg. Ideal option - it's rational nutrition and regular training.

The right diet is the key to success

Many believe that weight reduction is possible only with special diets and trips exclusively to the gym. This is a very common myth. To bring the weight back to normal is quite realistic on its own. So, how to lose weight in 3 months for 10 kg at home? The basis for the correct elimination of excess weight is a healthy diet. The diet should be distributed as follows:

- a quarter of the daily norm for the number and nutrition of foods should be included in breakfast;

- Lunch is about a third of the total amount of food per day and is the main meal;

- less than a quarter falls for dinner;

- the rest should be distributed between snacks.

As a result, you get 3 main meals and 1-2 extra meals, which are considered as one full meal. To recommendations on how to lose weight for 3 months for 10 kg at home, you can attribute the performance of physical exercises. It is desirable to choose a complex for all muscle groups and exercise 3-4 times a week. This method can lead the body not only to the desired weight, but also to fit, which is important when losing weight.

Restriction is a way to lose weight

How to lose weight for 3 months at 15 kg at home? Here it is necessary to pay attention not only to rational nutrition, but also to the introduction of restrictions in food. It is necessary to reduce the fat content of consumed foods, to focus on protein foods of both plant and animal origin. Also, you need to abandon the sweet confectionery, replacing them with fruits. From tea, coffee and other beverages, sugar must be excluded.

Trainings should be given special attention, since the body often loses its elasticity by reducing muscle mass.

Sporting Technique

How to lose weight for 3 months at 15 kg at home and do not suffer, for example, from a sagging stomach? The technique is simple.

Training is best done in a day, giving the first 20 minutes of warming up. You can jump on a rope, walk, jog, etc.

Then you need to go to the power exercises. It can be complex with dumbbells, barbells or own weight. A universal exercise for tightening the main muscle groups is the bar. Increased attention should be paid to the press - a thin waist has not been canceled.

Complete the training followed by stretching exercises. They strengthen the muscles and ligaments, preventing further injuries, and also make the body flexible. Do not forget about the water.

If the problem is more serious

Those who suffer from excess weight, are interested in how to lose weight in 3 months by 20 kg. Of course, such overweight is not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort. The reasons for its recruitment can be varied. Most often this happens as a result of hormonal disorders or diseases. In this case, you should initially consult a doctor and, possibly, take the necessary examinations.

If the weight is gained as a result of the love of delicious, then the task is simplified. To begin with, you need to give up what led to extra pounds. By bringing food to a healthy system, it is necessary to exclude flour, sweet, smoked, canned, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Next, you need to limit the consumption of coffee, black tea, rice, fatty meats, salines, honey, nuts.

The main principle of nutrition - mainly protein, vegetable food, rich in fiber. Adhering to these recommendations, sometimes it is not difficult to lose weight. And most importantly, it does not have negative health consequences.

How to lose weight for 3 months for 15-20 kg: exercise, recommendations for choosing a sports program

If you are overweight, you can not immediately go for weight training. First you need to let the heart adapt. Exercises in the first month must be selected exclusively aerobic. For example, to start better with walking at an average and fast pace. Such training should be conducted up to 5 times a week. It can be walking on fresh air. Also, swimming is good, which, in addition to aerobic exercise, unloads the spine and has a hydromassage effect.

After the weight is reduced by about 5-7 kg, you can connect weight training. But still it is necessary to focus on your own feelings. If the heart is hard, you should choose a moderate load. If breathing easily comes to normal, then the body is under control.

Strength training can be done 3-4 times a week. They activate muscle tissue, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism. Gradually, the weight will return to normal, and most importantly, the skin will also be tightened over time. So, we told how to lose weight for 3 months effectively and correctly.

Water - the pledge of a beautiful figure and health

With a weight loss process, do not forget about regular drinking. Clean water helps to improve metabolism, contributes to detoxification and appeasement of hunger. The required volume per day, usually 2 liters, excluding soups, tea, coffee, etc. In hot weather, you may need more fluid. Drinking the set amount is very important, especially during the training period. After all, with the later the body loses a lot of water, which must necessarily be restored.


Now it's clear how to lose weight in 3 months. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and drinking regimen is the basis on which you can reduce and stabilize your weight without losing health, but with the acquisition of a tight body and a good mood.

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