Sports and FitnessAthletics

How to increase endurance: training program, long distance running

How to increase your stamina when doing physical exercises? A large number of people are interested in this question. And we'll discuss it with you now - consider the existing programs, pay attention to medical drugs that increase endurance, and their effect on the athlete's body.

As a universal tool for solving this problem, consider running. After all, this is a simple method that does not require the presence of special simulators.

general information

Running, of course, is universal, but it requires a special approach, for which it is not enough just to take a good start. It is also necessary to be able to hold on to the tempo long enough. For this, in addition to physical training, you will also need willpower, as well as tactics (or techniques) of movement. Conditionally distinguish special and general endurance. They are necessary for such purposes:

  1. General endurance. Allows you to fix the existing result and be ready for possible physical loads.
  2. Special endurance. It is necessary for those who are engaged in the body's ability to overcome long-term stresses. Its development involved athletes who want to organize long-distance races. After all, it allows you to better tolerate hypoxic conditions and cope with aerobic exercise.

Sports running requires considerable endurance. Let's look at how to get it.

General recommendations for achieving the best result

So, in order to achieve the optimal result, you need:

  1. To practice on the terrain with a slight rise (up to 4%). In addition, you need to choose a pace so that during it you can, without gasping to talk. Answering how to increase the endurance of your body, it is also necessary to note that as an initial speed one can choose one that in 20 seconds to overcome the distance of 30 steps and aim that the trainings must last at least 20 minutes.
  2. Complicate your sports running as the number of classes increases. So, it will be useful to move around the hilly terrain (a rise of not less than 8%). Of course, it is necessary to spend on it not all the time, but only half. The movement speed should be at the level of the previous point.
  3. Do not forget to restore your musculature. This can be done both during the hitching, and during warm-up at the very beginning. Especially it will be useful to those who suffered an injury, and for a long time did not load their body. To restore the muscles it is enough to jog. If training at first is difficult, then it can be used periodically throughout the entire workout.

And now let's study exercises that increase endurance, and are based on running.

The slower, the better

The desire to achieve results often rises above human caution. And in vain! After all, this can lead, at least, to the strength, and sometimes even to microtrauma or fracture.

The idea of the first exercise is that a person needs to perform it in cycles. For those whose athletic form is deplorable, the following variant is suitable:

  1. It is necessary to run thirty seconds;
  2. Walk at a quiet pace for 4.5 minutes;
  3. Repeat eight times.

This exercise is sufficient to perform three times a week. As the race days, you can choose Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Over time, it is necessary to increase the load and reduce rest.

For six months of training on this technique, those who do not miss classes and adequately assess their strength, can boast a result of two hours of running at a calm pace. But it's better to work here not by time, but by distance. It can be increased every two weeks.

Fast jogging

So, we continue to consider exercises that increase endurance. The essence of the next lesson is that you need to run a certain distance for a short time. And more than once, but a certain amount. And it's necessary to run as fast as a person wants.

As an example, you can bring a distance of 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds. You need to start with 4-5 approaches in one workout. If you can not comply with the standards, still run and try to achieve the goal. Once all approaches are successfully implemented, you can increase their number. Although it is not recommended to run more than 10 times in one workout. It can be practiced the same way as the previous one - three times a week.

Now you know how to increase your stamina, if you want to learn how to quickly run long distances. But this method is suitable for people who can not run at least three kilometers at all? If it is not under force - well, then read item number 1.

Slow and long running

The following exercise will suit those who are interested in how to increase endurance and not be exhausted by fatigue. The main reason for it is that it is necessary to concentrate on an easy run. By the way, in addition to its direct purpose, the exercise helps to avoid traumatic situations.

This program for running is focused on human efforts. By this method, it is necessary to escape not by 90% of our forces, as most people do, but by 80%. If 8 kilometers you are able to overcome in 25 minutes, then try to do it in half an hour. That is, you can use a factor of 1.25 for time.

Documented training

This program for running involves the presence of physical exertion until exhaustion. And this should be no more than three times a week (you can use all the same Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

It is necessary to make a work plan, where the speed and distance of each workout will be indicated. In this conditional Monday - it's running a long distance, but at a slow pace. In the middle, the physical load is intermittent. And on Friday you need to arrange a tempo workout. By the way, due to the alternation, the risk of injury is reduced. But whether in this case fit for endurance training - each person decides for himself.

A separate conversation is their repetition. The author of this technique recommends starting with 12 repetitions of 400 meters (or 6 to 800). And, if desired, this distance can be increased, but no more than up to 20 kilometers.


The following endurance training uses a percussion method. This approach shows good results when speed, speed and power are needed. Also elements of plyometrics can be seen in parkour. Here, explosive and rapid movements are used to develop muscle strength and speed. Important here are jumping.

There is no specific methodology, but you can start with this: first, run with quick small steps of 15-20 meters. You need to raise your knees quite high (but not too much). After that, you need to rest and repeat 6-8 more times. As an additional warm-up, you can add different jumps (on two legs, on the left, on the right). To avoid injury, it is more desirable to work on the ground or asphalt.

Long tempo workouts

Continuing to consider how to increase the physical endurance of your body, let's pay attention to one more method. For comparison, we will touch upon standard approaches. They require that a person run with a slightly lower speed than the one with which you can easily overcome 10 kilometers. Here it is proposed to increase this figure to 60 minutes.

At first it is recommended to be engaged only once a week. This should continue for two months. In order to avoid injuries, it is recommended to start with a standard approach - from 20 minutes. Each week should be added for 5 minutes. If this does not work out - well, try in the previous mode, until you can pull in the new regulations increase. After two months of classes, give yourself a good rest for a week. Over time, you can increase the frequency of classes. So it will be possible to hold two races a week - until there are free days.

Fast and long running

This is the opposite of approach # 3. The essence of this method is that when only 25% of the established distance remains, start to gain speed. And it needs to be done gradually. Ultimately, many will feel that they are like a squeezed lemon, do not worry - this is normal. But you do not have to drive yourself like a racehorse.

Medicine goes to the rescue

Let's talk about drugs that increase stamina. First of all, I want to put a warning that their use does not pass without a trace. So think three times, and also consult a doctor before taking anything. They can have such an effect:

  • Mobilizing;
  • metabolic;
  • mixed.

Preparations of the first group are undesirable, because prolonged use of them leads to the progression of various disorders in the body. The second type can be taken longer, but they tend to have a rather slow speed of action. Drugs with a mixed effect occupy an intermediate position.

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