HealthWomen Health

How to calculate the date of birth of a child, or how many weeks women give birth

Determine the exact date of birth is almost never anyone, because the birth of a baby depends on many different factors. Although obstetricians and gynecologists know how many weeks women give birth. It is this information that helps doctors set the approximate date of birth of the future child.

According to experts, 80 percent of women have childbirth after 266 days or 38 weeks after fertilization of the egg with sperm. However, wondering how many weeks women give birth, future mothers still can not determine the exact date. This difficulty is due to the fact that most of the fair sex does not have information about when the conception occurred. Therefore, midwives take for the prospective day of fertilization the first day of the last menstruation.

If guided by such calculations, then, answering the question about how many weeks women give birth, gynecologists give an approximate figure of 280 days or forty weeks.

It is worth noting that in medicine this term is often called gestational or menstrual. After all, as we know, ovulation occurs approximately on the fourteenth day after the end of menstruation. And in the event that the date of conception is taken exactly this date, it turns out exactly 38 weeks. This term in gynecology is called fertilization or ovulation.

Thus, having learned about how many weeks women give birth, future mothers can psychologically, physically and mentally prepare for the upcoming birth.

In addition to the approximate date of birth of the baby, pregnant women often are also interested in how many weeks the stomach begins to grow.

According to experts, the term of rounding of the abdomen in women depends on such factors as:

  • The physique of the future woman in labor (in large girls, the stomach is less noticeable than in the lean ones);
  • What is the pregnancy account for the account?
  • Growth rate and size of the fetus;
  • Heredity of a woman;
  • The location of the future baby in the uterine cavity, etc.

However, it is commonly believed that the average term for the appearance of the abdomen in pregnant women varies between 16 and 18 weeks. It is during this period that the uterus begins to feel in the lower abdomen, and every week it rises higher and higher.

It is worth noting that there are exceptions to all the rules. And there are such women, whose tummy begins to round off already in the first month of pregnancy.

In addition, very often girls are interested in how much to give birth to the first child. After all, everyone knows that over the years the number of eggs in a woman is significantly reduced, respectively, the probability of becoming pregnant at the age of over forty is approaching zero. That is why many obstetricians recommend that girls think about motherhood at the age of 20 to 25 years. During this period, the woman's organism was perfectly prepared for the conception and birth of the future generation. It is in these young years that the strongest and healthy kids are born, who almost never have serious deviations and diseases.

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